Academic year 2019/2020


Basic Information

Qualification awarded


Qualification Type/Level

EHEA Second cycle, EQF level 7

Number of Years/credits

2 years; 120 ECTS

Mode of Study


*All Degree Programmes are planned and organised for full-time students. It is possible, however (without special arrangements), to proceed through the course of study at one's own pace. This makes it possible, if necessary, to accommodate employment or other non-university activities or obligations.

Name of the Course Director and other contact information

President of the Degree Course Council:


Internationalization Coordinator (CAI):
Prof. Maurizio Vernassa

Language of Teaching


Admission Requirements

Formal Requirements

Italian First cycle qualification (Laurea) or foreign equivalent in the same or related subject area, with possible extra work if required competences are lacking.

Possible assessment prior knowledge and competences

Assessment of competences acquired in First Cycle studies in related or un-related subject areas to determine admission by Degree Programme Council with possible assignment of extra work to be done before admission.

Required knowledge and competences support programmes

Students whose curricula show lacuna may need to take extra first cycle course units before admission.

General Information

Programme Profile

The degree in business communication and human resource management explores several topics related to business communication and human resource management. The main focus is on both internal and external communication within corporate and governmental organizations. Managerial economics and business studies are the backbone of the whole degree. However, our graduates are also exposed to other aspects of modern organization science. Curricula include those elements of economics, history, philosophy, law, and political science that mostly relate to corporate organizations. As such, the degree builds on the skills that are mostly valuable to corporate actors.

Our students can chose among a broad array of courses and areas of specialization. They are encouraged to define their own areas of interest and, after the second year, they are guided to coherently choose their internship activities and final dissertation topics.

Our students are supposed to be proactive in several class activities. Lessons are often organized as seminars and tutorials that encompass real-world case studies. Finally, they also learn how to draft short papers, reports and craft simple web sites and other on-line resources.

Key Learning Outcomes

Our graduates are expected to acquire in-depth knowledge of the historical, political, legal, economic, social and cultural environment of the organizations. They master the basic prerequisites of organization science, labor economics and external relations. Moreover, they can apply program evaluation methods and tools in several industries and contexts. A special emphasis is given to new media and their research challenges.

Our graduates analyze the production cycle and the basic characteristics of the firm. Consequently, they apply adequate standards to work organization. They are also able to draft reports and press release, according to different communication needs. They employ ICT tools in a coherent and integrated way. Finally, they are able to carry on independent research projects and work in teams.

Occupational Profile/s of Graduates

Our graduates are very good matches for corporate actors, non-profit organizations, and the public sector. They are especially suited be employed as human resource and personnel manager. Within larger firms, they can also be responsible of internal marketing activities. Additional employment outcomes are within marketing department as business analysts and consultants.

Finally, our graduates are sometimes employed by policy institutes and think-tanks as political campaign managers.

Access to further study

The Laurea Magistrale degree in BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS AND HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT allows the graduate to compete for entry into a Third Cycle programme/doctoral school.

Assessment methods, examination regulations, and grading

Assessment is normally by means of an oral or written examination; in some cases there are intermediate exams during the course; other elements (participation in discussion, written or oral reports, commentary of texts etc. ) are foreseen in specific course units and are described in the Course Unit Profiles.
The grading system for the course units consists of 30 possible points, plus 'lode' (cum laude) in case of excellence. Marks are given by the lecturer based on the performance as ascertained in a public examination by a board of at least two teachers. The main exam sessions are held in June/July; September; and January; students may resit exams**. Actual grading curves differ in different degree programmes. The University of Pisa provides an ECTS Grading Table, which shows the actual distribution, of the examination and final grades among students for each degree programme, in order to facilitate the comparison with other grading systems. ---> Link to ECTS Grading Table
An overall mark is given on the occasion of the 'Final Exam', when a written research text is presented and discussed. The final overall mark is calculated based on the results of the marks obtained in the single course units and the final exam, and is based on 110 possible points, with the possible further mention of honours ("lode" or cum laude).

**The exam sessions are organised into sessions (the dates vary according to the Department and are published in the Department's academic calendar). In each session there are a certain number of 'appelli' [calls], or dates on which the examination for each course unit may be taken. The 'appelli' are fixed by the teacher. The students choose which of the appelli they wish to respond to. In most cases, it is obligatory to sign up before the specified date.

Requirements (regulations) to obtain the qualification

Our students’ final examination consists in the writing of an original dissertation. This is supposed to put into action the main skills acquired during the degree. Our candidates are supervised by a member of the faculty and are expected to defend their

Course structure diagram

Available courses, 2019/2020