INGEGNERIA NUCLEARE Degree Programme Profile
Basic Information
Qualification awarded
Qualification Type/Level
EHEA Second cycle, EQF level 7
Number of Years/credits
2 years; 120 ECTS
Mode of Study
*All Degree Programmes are planned and organised for full-time students. It is possible, however (without special arrangements), to proceed through the course of study at one's own pace. This makes it possible, if necessary, to accommodate employment or other non-university activities or obligations.
Name of the Course Director and other contact information
President of the Degree Course Council:
Internationalization Coordinator (CAI):
Prof. Salvo Marcuccio
Language of Teaching
Admission Requirements
Formal Requirements
Italian First cycle qualification (Laurea) or an equivalent foreign qualification in the same or related subject area, with possible extra work if the required competences are lacking.
Possible assessment prior knowledge and competences
Assessment of competences acquired in First Cycle studies in related or un-related subject areas to determine admission by the Degree Programme Council with the possible assignment of extra work to be completed before admission.
Required knowledge and competences support programmes
Students whose curricula show lacuna may need to take extra first cycle course units before admission.
General Information
Programme Profile
The Degree Programme in Nuclear Engineering inherits the long tradition of studies carried out in this field at the University of Pisa, dated back to the 1950s, whose excellence has had national and international recognition. The studies are characterised by a specific attention to nuclear safety and innovation, as testified by the research activities carried out by the present course teachers. The promotion of safety culture, embedded in the professional background of any nuclear engineer, is a specific target of the course; this culture is a key issue in any industrial field relevant to the safety and protection of people and of the environment.
The studies in Nuclear Engineering in Pisa allow the students to be introduced in an international environment, owing to the several contacts that the course teachers have with national and international actors in the field and to their involvement in European and International Projects. This allows a rich educational offer, integrated with seminars, by ex-Alumni working in different Countries and by internationally renowned scientists, short courses and many opportunities for performing the degree thesis abroad at prestigious institutions. The participation of the University of Pisa in the European Nuclear Education Network (ENEN) through the Italian CIRTEN Consortium is a further important aspect in this regard.
The degree course has its own webpage ( and a Facebook page (Studiare Ingegneria Nucleare a Pisa - Nuclear Engineering Studies in Pisa) that are used to maintain the interaction with students and the public at large.
Key Learning Outcomes
The Graduates of the MSc's Programme in Nuclear Engineering will be able to demonstrate:
- Deep knowledge and understanding in the important matters internationally recognised as the pillars of nuclear engineering, as Nuclear Power Plant Technology and Reactor Engineering, Reactor Physics, Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics, Safety and Reliability of Nuclear Facilities, Reactor Engineering Materials, Radiology and Radiation Protection, Nuclear Fuel Cycle, Mechanical Design of Nuclear Plants;
- Familiarity with some of the most widespread computational tools for the design and the safety analysis of nuclear power plants;
- A specific safety-oriented attitude in carrying out their work.
Owing to this thorough background, many Nuclear Engineers from the University of Pisa received the certification of European Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering (EMSNE) released by the European Nuclear Education Network (ENEN) Association.
Occupational Profile/s of Graduates
The Graduates of the MSc's Programme in Nuclear Engineering can be employed in the nuclear and non-nuclear industry, in State Bodies, as well as in research and teaching institutions with the following profiles:
- Nuclear / Industrial Engineer with broad competences (design, construction, product innovation, risk assessment, safety analyst, management of large enterprises, etc.)
- Researcher / Teacher
- Officer / Public Servant
- Professional / Consultant
Access to further study
The Master's degree in NUCLEAR ENGINEERING allows the graduate to compete for entry into a Third Cycle programme/doctoral school.
Assessment methods, examination regulations, and grading
Assessment is normally by means of an oral or written examination; in some cases there are intermediate exams during the course; other elements (participation in discussion, written or oral reports, commentary of texts etc. ) are foreseen in specific course units and are described in the Course Unit Profiles.
The grading system for the course units consists of 30 possible points, plus 'lode' (cum laude) in case of excellence. Marks are given by the lecturer based on the performance as ascertained in a public examination by a board of at least two teachers. The main exam sessions are held in June/July; September; and January; students may resit exams**.
Actual grading curves differ in different degree programmes. The University of Pisa provides an ECTS Grading Table, which shows the actual distribution, of the examination and final grades among students for each degree programme, in order to facilitate the comparison with other grading systems. ---> Link to ECTS Grading Table
An overall mark is given on the occasion of the 'Final Exam', when a written research text is presented and discussed. The final overall mark is calculated based on the results of the marks obtained in the single course units and the final exam, and is based on 110 possible points, with the possible further mention of honours ("lode" or cum laude).
**The exam sessions are organised into sessions (the dates vary according to the Department and are published in the Department's academic calendar). In each session there are a certain number of 'appelli' [calls], or dates on which the examination for each course unit may be taken. The 'appelli' are fixed by the teacher. The students choose which of the appelli they wish to respond to. In most cases, it is obligatory to sign up before the specified date.
Requirements (regulations) to obtain the qualification
The final dissertation, to which 18 to 24 ECTS are allocated, must testify for an in depth analysis of one or more of the aspects involved in the studied matters, showing originality and capability to contribute with their own ideas to the nuclear technology development.