Academic year 2023/2024

FARMACIA Degree Program Profile

Course structure diagram w/credits

Track Piano di studi Farmacia a.a. 2023/24

Year 1 (2023/2024)
454EEAnimal and plant biology9 ECTS
1645ZEnglish language5 ECTS
299CCGeneral and Inorganic Chemistry10 ECTS
311BBGeneral Physics and Elements of Mathematics6 ECTS
450EEHuman anatomy6 ECTS
335FFHygiene6 ECTS
003FAIT and medical statistics6 ECTS
336FFMicrobiology6 ECTS
Year 2 (2024/2025)
032CCAnalytical chemistry6 ECTS
337FFGeneral and clinical pathology 6 ECTS
459EEHuman Physiology9 ECTS
300CCOrganic Chemistry12 ECTS
455EEPharmacognosy and pharmaceutical botany9 ECTS
344CCQualitative Analysis of Drugs I6 ECTS
345CCQuantitative Drugs Analysis 6 ECTS
460EEScience of Nutrition6 ECTS
Year 3 (2025/2026)
294CCFood chemistry and dietary supplements6 ECTS
453EEGeneral and Molecular Biochemistry12 ECTS
457EEGeneral pharmacology 12 ECTS
298CCMedicinal Chemistry and Toxicology II9 ECTS
297CCMedicinal chemistry I9 ECTS
301CCPharmaceutical regulation and pharmacoeconomics 12 ECTS
Year 4 (2026/2027)
452EEApplied medical biochemistry9 ECTS
296CCDrugs analysis II12 ECTS
451EEMolecular basis of biotechnological drug activity6 ECTS
303CCPharmaceutical technology and Laboratory of galenic preparations12 ECTS
456EEPharmacology and Pharmacotherapy 2 12 ECTS
458EEPharmacovigilance and Pharmacoepidemiology6 ECTS
1647ZProfessional training9 ECTS
Year 5 (2027/2028)
302CCAdvanced pharmaceutical technology and medical devices6 ECTS
063ZWDissertation15 ECTS
1646ZProfessional training21 ECTS
461EEToxicology6 ECTS
Group GRUPPO SCELTA - Choice of 12 ECTS from:
 372CCAdvanced synthetic strategies in medicinal chemistry3 ECTS
 393EEApplied Pharmacology3 ECTS
 366CCBiopharmaceutics3 ECTS
 530EEBotanicals: from the Ethnobotany to the modern health product6 ECTS
 409CCChemical Laboratory Techniques for the Identification of New Bioactive Molecules3 ECTS
 531EEClinical Pharmacy3 ECTS
 407CCCompounding pharmacist and personalized therapy3 ECTS
 370CCComputational methods in medicinal chemistry3 ECTS
 408CCCosmetic products3 ECTS
 619PPEthics and Marketing in Pharmacy3 ECTS
 566EEEvidence-based medicine anda communication on drugs and vaccines3 ECTS
 536EEExperimental biological evaluation of therapeutics and diagnostics 3 ECTS
 406CCFormulation strategies of health products 3 ECTS
 533EEManagement of aromatic and medicinal plants at pharmacy3 ECTS
 532EEManagement of minor pathologies in pharmacy3 ECTS
 529EEMolecular basis of innovative gene and cell therapies3 ECTS
 535EENutraceuticals and applications in the prevention of pathological states3 ECTS
 368CCNutraceuticals and Quality Assurance3 ECTS
 367CCNutraceuticals: Chemistry and health properties3 ECTS
 622PPPharmacy management and taxation rules3 ECTS
 376FFPrinciples of internal medicine 3 ECTS
 365CCProfessional and managerial aspects of the pharmacist activity3 ECTS
 369CCThe new Pharmacy of the Services 3 ECTS
 620PPThe Pharmacy System3 ECTS
 355GGVeterinary drug3 ECTS