Academic year 2023/2024

FISICA Degree Program Profile

Course structure diagram w/credits


Year 1 (2023/2024)
367BBLaboratory 1 and introduction to computing15 ECTS
1717ZLanguage skills3 ECTS
718AALinear algebra12 ECTS
632AAMathematical Analysis 15 ECTS
028BBPhysics I15 ECTS
Year 2 (2024/2025)
035BBClassical mechanics12 ECTS
637AAComplements of mathematical analysis6 ECTS
056CCGeneral Chemistry6 ECTS
033BBLaboratory 212 ECTS
037BBMathematical Methods of Physics I6 ECTS
029BBPhysics 215 ECTS
Year 3 (2025/2026)
118ZWFinal test3 ECTS
248BBPhysics 39 ECTS
258BBQuantum mechanics15 ECTS
041BBStructure of matter6 ECTS
Group GR1 - Choice of 12 ECTS from:
 347BBAdvanced Laboratory 3 6 ECTS
 349BBAdvanced Quantum ?echanics6 ECTS
 288BBAstrophysics6 ECTS
 224CCChemical Physics with laboratory6 ECTS
 366BBComputing science with laboratory6 ECTS
 342BBConcepts in the history of Physics6 ECTS
 719AADifferential Geometry6 ECTS
 285BBDigital Technologies A6 ECTS
 187DDElements of geophysics6 ECTS
 180BBElements of History of physics6 ECTS
 289BBFluidodynamics6 ECTS
 286BB Group theory6 ECTS
 287BBGroup theory (A)3 ECTS
 341BBHistory of Physics6 ECTS
 250BB Introduction to subnuclear physics6 ECTS
 175BBMathematical Methods of Physics II6 ECTS
 672AA Partial differential equations6 ECTS
 163BBPhilosophy of physics3 ECTS
 350BBPhysics experiments design6 ECTS
 026BBPhysics of materials for photonics3 ECTS
 415BBphysics of sound6 ECTS
 181BBPhysics of the Atmosphere6 ECTS
 814IIPrinciples of mechanics for nuclear engineering6 ECTS
 815IIPrinciples of thermal science for nuclear engineering6 ECTS
Group GR2 - Choice of 12 ECTS from:
 042BBDigital Technologies12 ECTS
 034BBLaboratory 312 ECTS
Group Terzo anno: Metodi 2 e Informatica con laboratorio - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 366BBComputing science with laboratory6 ECTS
 175BBMathematical Methods of Physics II6 ECTS