Academic year 2023/2024

GIURISPRUDENZA Degree Program Profile

Course structure diagram w/credits

Track CURRICULUM Commissari/Capitanerie

Year 1 (2023/2024)
NN423Constitutional Law I9 ECTS
NN431History of law I6 ECTS
NN421History of Roman Law14 ECTS
NN429Philosophy of Law9 ECTS
PP851Political Economy9 ECTS
NN422Private law I9 ECTS
Group ACC 1 - Choice of 8 ECTS from:
 ZW620English language5 ECTS
 ZW625English language 2 ECTS
 1892ZEnglish Language 4 ECTS
 ZW622English Language 1 ECTS
Year 2 (2024/2025)
NN434Constitutional Law II9 ECTS
NN437Criminal Law I9 ECTS
NN432History of law II8 ECTS
ZW619Informatics4 ECTS
NN435international law 6 ECTS
NN433Private Law II8 ECTS
Group ACC 4 - Choice of 9 ECTS from:
 491NNComparative Legal Systems9 ECTS
 NN436Comparative Legal Systems9 ECTS
Group ACC 5 - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 979IIOrganization of aid & operational command and control systems6 ECTS
 PP864Statistics6 ECTS
Year 3 (2025/2026)
NN440Administrative Law12 ECTS
NN441European law 9 ECTS
NN438Private Law III8 ECTS
NN443The international law of armed conflict5 ECTS
Group ACC 2 - Choice of 14 ECTS from:
 NN439Civil procedure I14 ECTS
 488NNFundamentals of Civil Trial Law & Legal Battle Procedures for Maritime 14 ECTS
Group ACC 6 - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 595PPBusiness administration, transport6 ECTS
 NN442Tax law6 ECTS
Group ACC 7 - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 596PPCoast Guard Technical Services 6 ECTS
  Economics and management engineering6 ECTS
Year 4 (2026/2027)
NN445Justice Administration6 ECTS
Group ACC 10 - Choice of 14 ECTS from:
 NN446Criminal Procedural Law14 ECTS
 489NNCriminal Trial Law & Police Jurisdiction14 ECTS
Group ACC 3 - Choice of 12 ECTS from:
 NN448Labor law12 ECTS
 486NNLabor Law & worker safety12 ECTS
Group ACC 8 - Choice of 15 ECTS from:
  Commercial law15 ECTS
  Commercial law9 ECTS
 487NNMaritime law6 ECTS
Group ACC 9 - Choice of 12 ECTS from:
 478NNLaw of Local Government and Environmental Law12 ECTS
 879ZWLaw of Local Government and Environmental Law6 ECTS
  Maritime law6 ECTS
Year 5 (2027/2028)
 Choice course6 ECTS
NN450Criminal Law II (Military)6 ECTS
ZW626Final test21 ECTS
 Professional Ethics, Logic & Legal Reasoning & Forensics, Sociology & Information Technology Applied to Legal System6 ECTS
Group ACC 11 - Choice of 15 ECTS from:
  Elements of Finance and Public Accounting applied to Coast Guard9 ECTS
 426PPFinancial Management & Government Accounting9 ECTS
 307NNItalian Navy Organization6 ECTS
  Marine Ecology & protection of the environment and of marine resources6 ECTS
Group TIROCINIO - Choice of 4 ECTS from:
  Organization & Management of the Logistics Cycle 4 ECTS
  Statistical systems and risk analysis for Coast Guard4 ECTS