Academic year 2023/2024

LETTERE Degree Program Profile

Course structure diagram w/credits

Available tracks


Year 1 (2023/2024)
071MMGeography12 ECTS
174LLGreek Literature and Language Studies12 ECTS
153LLHistorical Linguistics12 ECTS
178LLLatin language and literature I12 ECTS
Group LAB - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
  Computing skills6 ECTS
 410AAInformatics for Human Science6 ECTS
 1248ZLaboratory of the Greek language6 ECTS
 164ZWLaboratory of the South Arabian epigraphy6 ECTS
 1247ZLaboratory of written Italian6 ECTS
 1250ZWorkshop of Papirology 6 ECTS
 1249ZWorkshop on Latin language6 ECTS
Group Lingua - Choice of 9 ECTS from:
 983LLEnglish language9 ECTS
 982LLFrench language9 ECTS
 988LLGerman language 9 ECTS
 984LLPolish language9 ECTS
 985LLPortuguese language9 ECTS
 986LLRussian language9 ECTS
 987LLSpanish language9 ECTS
Year 2 (2024/2025)
145LLClassical Philology12 ECTS
175LLGreek Language and Literature II12 ECTS
165LLItalian Literature I12 ECTS
179LLLatin Language and Literature II12 ECTS
Group Letterature - Choice of 9 ECTS from:
 974LLEnglish literature9 ECTS
 973LLFrench literature9 ECTS
 980LLGerman literature9 ECTS
 1356LHispanic-American literature9 ECTS
 975LLPolish literature9 ECTS
 976LLPortuguese literature9 ECTS
 977LLRomanian literature9 ECTS
 978LLRussian literature9 ECTS
 979LLSpanish literature9 ECTS
Year 3 (2025/2026)
182ZWFinal test6 ECTS
 Free credits12 ECTS
Group CL-OR - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 278LLEgyptology6 ECTS
 176LLGreek Language and Literature III6 ECTS
 298LLIndology6 ECTS
 181LLLatin Language and Literature III6 ECTS
Group FIL-ARCH - Choice of 12 ECTS from:
 050MMAesthetics6 ECTS
 631MMClassical texts of ancient philosophy6 ECTS
 340MMHistory of ancient philosophy6 ECTS
 059MMHistory of philosophy6 ECTS
  Institutions of Archaeology and History of Greek6 ECTS
  Institutions of Roman archeology and history of art6 ECTS
Group FIL-OR - Choice of 12 ECTS from:
 135LLArcheology and history of the Arabian Peninsula6 ECTS
 142LLArmenian Philology6 ECTS
 144LLCeltic philology6 ECTS
 631MMClassical texts of ancient philosophy6 ECTS
 146LLGermanic Philology6 ECTS
 191LLHistory of Italian language A6 ECTS
 147LLIranian Philology 6 ECTS
 259LLJewish language6 ECTS
 160LLJewish literature6 ECTS
 149LLMedieval and Humanistic Philology6 ECTS
 150LLRomance Philology6 ECTS
 151LLSemitic philology6 ECTS
Group STO - Choice of 12 ECTS from:
  Contemporary history12 ECTS
 261LLGreek history12 ECTS
 260LLHistory of the Ancient Near East12 ECTS
 446MMInstitutions of contemporary history6 ECTS
 208LLInstitutions of Greek history6 ECTS
 444MMInstitutions of medieval history6 ECTS
 445MMInstitutions of modern history6 ECTS
 253LLInstitutions of Roman history6 ECTS
  Medieval history12 ECTS
  Modern history12 ECTS
 262LLRoman history12 ECTS


Year 1 (2023/2024)
071MMGeography12 ECTS
165LLItalian Literature I12 ECTS
178LLLatin language and literature I12 ECTS
Group LAB - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
  Computing skills6 ECTS
 410AAInformatics for Human Science6 ECTS
 1248ZLaboratory of the Greek language6 ECTS
 164ZWLaboratory of the South Arabian epigraphy6 ECTS
 1247ZLaboratory of written Italian6 ECTS
 1250ZWorkshop of Papirology 6 ECTS
 1249ZWorkshop on Latin language6 ECTS
Group LIN - Choice of 12 ECTS from:
 944LLGeneral linguistics12 ECTS
 153LLHistorical Linguistics12 ECTS
Group Lingua - Choice of 9 ECTS from:
 983LLEnglish language9 ECTS
 982LLFrench language9 ECTS
 988LLGerman language 9 ECTS
 984LLPolish language9 ECTS
 985LLPortuguese language9 ECTS
 986LLRussian language9 ECTS
 987LLSpanish language9 ECTS
Year 2 (2024/2025)
148LLItalian Philology6 ECTS
149LLMedieval and Humanistic Philology6 ECTS
150LLRomance Philology6 ECTS
Group ITAL - Choice of 12 ECTS from:
 191LLHistory of Italian language A6 ECTS
 192LLHistory of Italian language B6 ECTS
Group Letterature - Choice of 9 ECTS from:
 974LLEnglish literature9 ECTS
 973LLFrench literature9 ECTS
 980LLGerman literature9 ECTS
 1356LHispanic-American literature9 ECTS
 975LLPolish literature9 ECTS
 976LLPortuguese literature9 ECTS
 977LLRomanian literature9 ECTS
 978LLRussian literature9 ECTS
 979LLSpanish literature9 ECTS
Group Scelta guidata II anno - Choice of 18 ECTS from:
 050MMAesthetics6 ECTS
 631MMClassical texts of ancient philosophy6 ECTS
 981LLComparative literatures12 ECTS
 146LLGermanic Philology6 ECTS
 992LLHistory and techniques of literary criticism12 ECTS
 340MMHistory of ancient philosophy6 ECTS
 334MMHistory of modern philosophy6 ECTS
 990LLHistory of music6 ECTS
 059MMHistory of philosophy6 ECTS
  Institutions of contemporary art history6 ECTS
  Institutions of medieval art history in Italy and Europe6 ECTS
  Institutions of modern art history in Italy and Europe6 ECTS
 166LLItalian Literature II12 ECTS
 179LLLatin Language and Literature II12 ECTS
 1231LLithuanian language and culture6 ECTS
 1279LRomance philology II6 ECTS
 537LLSlavic Philology6 ECTS
 199LLTheory of literature12 ECTS
Year 3 (2025/2026)
164LLContemporary Italian Literature12 ECTS
182ZWFinal test6 ECTS
 Free credits12 ECTS
Group Scelta guidata III anno - Choice of 18 ECTS from:
 050MMAesthetics6 ECTS
 631MMClassical texts of ancient philosophy6 ECTS
 981LLComparative literatures12 ECTS
 146LLGermanic Philology6 ECTS
 992LLHistory and techniques of literary criticism12 ECTS
 340MMHistory of ancient philosophy6 ECTS
 334MMHistory of modern philosophy6 ECTS
 990LLHistory of music6 ECTS
 059MMHistory of philosophy6 ECTS
  Institutions of contemporary art history6 ECTS
  Institutions of medieval art history in Italy and Europe6 ECTS
  Institutions of modern art history in Italy and Europe6 ECTS
 166LLItalian Literature II12 ECTS
 179LLLatin Language and Literature II12 ECTS
 1279LRomance philology II6 ECTS
 537LLSlavic Philology6 ECTS
 199LLTheory of literature12 ECTS
Group STO - Choice of 12 ECTS from:
  Contemporary history12 ECTS
 261LLGreek history12 ECTS
 260LLHistory of the Ancient Near East12 ECTS
 446MMInstitutions of contemporary history6 ECTS
 208LLInstitutions of Greek history6 ECTS
 444MMInstitutions of medieval history6 ECTS
 445MMInstitutions of modern history6 ECTS
 253LLInstitutions of Roman history6 ECTS
  Medieval history12 ECTS
  Modern history12 ECTS
 262LLRoman history12 ECTS