Academic year 2023/2024

MATEMATICA Degree Program Profile

Course structure diagram w/credits

Available tracks

Track Computazionale

Year 1 (2023/2024)
015AAArithmetic9 ECTS
017AAFundaments of programming with laboratory9 ECTS
614AAGeometry 115 ECTS
1993ZIntroductory Computational Mathematics Lab6 ECTS
561AAMathematical analysis 115 ECTS
241BBPhysics I with laboratory9 ECTS
Year 2 (2024/2025)
037AAAlgebra 1 6 ECTS
039AAAlgorithms and data structure 6 ECTS
052AAElements of probability and statistics6 ECTS
511AAGeometry 212 ECTS
546AAMathematical analysis 212 ECTS
043AANumerical analysis with laboratory9 ECTS
013ZWScientific English6 ECTS
Year 3 (2025/2026)
058AAComputational laboratory6 ECTS
104ZWFinal test9 ECTS
530ZWFree choice of the student6 ECTS
072AAOperational research6 ECTS
063AAProgramming languages with laboratory9 ECTS
575AARational Mechanics6 ECTS
044AAScientific Computing6 ECTS

Track Fondamentale

Year 1 (2023/2024)
015AAArithmetic9 ECTS
017AAFundaments of programming with laboratory9 ECTS
614AAGeometry 115 ECTS
1993ZIntroductory Computational Mathematics Lab6 ECTS
561AAMathematical analysis 115 ECTS
241BBPhysics I with laboratory9 ECTS
Year 2 (2024/2025)
037AAAlgebra 1 6 ECTS
052AAElements of probability and statistics6 ECTS
530ZWFree choice of the student6 ECTS
511AAGeometry 212 ECTS
546AAMathematical analysis 212 ECTS
043AANumerical analysis with laboratory9 ECTS
013ZWScientific English6 ECTS
Year 3 (2025/2026)
062AAExperimental laboratory of computational mathematics6 ECTS
104ZWFinal test9 ECTS
530ZWFree choice of the student6 ECTS
242BBPhysics II9 ECTS
243BBPhysics III 6 ECTS
575AARational Mechanics6 ECTS
Group MCMA - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 074AADynamical systems6 ECTS
 051AAElements of celestial mechanics6 ECTS
 075AAMathematical statistics 6 ECTS
 067AANumerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations6 ECTS
 072AAOperational research6 ECTS
 070AAProbability6 ECTS
 044AAScientific Computing6 ECTS
Group MCTF - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 038AAAlgebra 26 ECTS
 077AAAlgebraic number theory 16 ECTS
 079AACoding theory and cryptography6 ECTS
 045AAComputer algebra6 ECTS
 055AADifferential geometry and topology6 ECTS
 065AAElementary mathematics from an advanced standpoint: arithmetic6 ECTS
 066AAElementary mathematics from an advanced standpoint: geometry6 ECTS
 080AAElementary number theory6 ECTS
 049AAElements of algebraic geometry6 ECTS
 054AAElements of algebraic topology6 ECTS
 047AAElements of calculus of variations6 ECTS
 046AAElements of complex analysis 6 ECTS
 050AAElements of Mathematical Logic6 ECTS
 053AAElements of Set Theory6 ECTS
 078AAField and Galois theories6 ECTS
 057AAGroups and representations6 ECTS
 076AAHistory of Mathematics 6 ECTS
 547AAMathematical analysis 3 6 ECTS
 064AAMathematical Logic6 ECTS
 545AAPartial differential equations6 ECTS
 794AASobolev spaces6 ECTS
 068AATopological methods in the global analysis6 ECTS