Academic year 2023/2024

ARCHEOLOGIA Degree Program Profile

Course structure diagram w/credits

Available tracks


Year 1 (2023/2024)
Group ACM CLASSICO 1 - Choice of 18 ECTS from:
 1036LArcheology and history of Greek and Roman art II12 ECTS
 1041LGreek and Roman architecture and urbanism6 ECTS
Group ACM CLASSICO 2 - Choice of 24 ECTS from:
 1423LAncient Topography6 ECTS
 431LLArchaeology and Museology6 ECTS
 1199LArchaeology of Ancient Greece and Ancient Sicily6 ECTS
 402LLArcheology of Production 6 ECTS
 404LLArcheology of Roman Provinces6 ECTS
 422LLEtruscan and Italic Archaeology6 ECTS
 1342LEuropean prehistory and protohistory12 ECTS
 1264LIconography and iconology and in the classical world6 ECTS
 1038LMedieval Archaeology II12 ECTS
 1341LNeolithic archeology6 ECTS
 1392LNumismatics6 ECTS
 414LLUnderwater Archaeology6 ECTS
Group EXT (lingue straniere) - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 295LLEnglish language course B6 ECTS
 311LLEnglish language course C6 ECTS
 283LLFrench language course B6 ECTS
 340LLFrench language course C6 ECTS
 297LLGerman language course B6 ECTS
 342LLGerman language laboratory C6 ECTS
 211ZWSpanish language course B6 ECTS
 341LLSpanish language laboratory C6 ECTS
Group FSG - CLASSICO - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 516EEAnthropology of the skeleton6 ECTS
 081DDArchaeozoology6 ECTS
 240CCChemical Methodologies for Cultural Heritage6 ECTS
 140DDGeoarchaeology6 ECTS
 083DDGeophysical Methods for Cultural Heritage6 ECTS
 245DDGeoresources for cultural heritage6 ECTS
 1407LPalaeoecology and Bioarchaeology6 ECTS
 163IIScience and technology of materials for Cultural Heritage6 ECTS
 260AATerritorial information systems6 ECTS
Group LAM CLASSICO - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 415LLByzantine Civilisation6 ECTS
 399LLCultural Anthropology of the Ancient World A6 ECTS
 274LLMinoan Archaeology6 ECTS
 273LLMycenaean Archaeology6 ECTS
Year 2 (2024/2025)
328ZWDegree Thesis 24 ECTS
 Free choice course12 ECTS
Group AFF CLASSICO - Choice of 18 ECTS from:
 1184LArcheology and History of the Ancient Near East6 ECTS
 613MMCartography6 ECTS
 745MMCultural antropology A6 ECTS
 1197LDesign features and shapes of the archaeological park6 ECTS
 1037Ldigital Archaeology6 ECTS
 317MMEarly Christian History6 ECTS
 1162LEgyptian archeology6 ECTS
 1393LEnvironmental archeology6 ECTS
 306LLGeneral Linguistics6 ECTS
 204LLGreek epigraphy A6 ECTS
 420LLGreek Epigraphy B6 ECTS
 206LLHistorical geography of the ancient world6 ECTS
 1261LHistory of artistic techniques6 ECTS
 161MMHistory of religions B6 ECTS
 260LLHistory of the Ancient Near Est12 ECTS
 685MMHistory of the Early Middle Ages6 ECTS
 178PPIndustrial Archaeology6 ECTS
 1269LInstitutions of Greek language and literature6 ECTS
 441LLInstitutions of medieval art history6 ECTS
 1265LInstitutions of modern art history6 ECTS
 087LLItalian Linguistics6 ECTS
 205LLLatin epigraphy A6 ECTS
 421LLLatin Epigraphy B6 ECTS
 375MMMedieval history6 ECTS
 614MMMethodologies and teaching technologies6 ECTS
 1040LMethodology of surveying and representation in archaeology6 ECTS
 1405LModern & Contemporary Archaeology6 ECTS
 833LLMuseum communication6 ECTS
 250EEPaleopathology6 ECTS
 1250ZPapyrology laboratory6 ECTS
 616MMPedagogy, special pedagogy and teaching of inclusion6 ECTS
 617MMPsychology6 ECTS
 1368LTheory and Methods of Archeology6 ECTS
Group LAB - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 1257ZCommunication Laboratory of Archaeological Heritage3 ECTS
 1843ZGeographic Information System3 ECTS
 1255ZLaboratory of Experimental Archaeology3 ECTS
  Satge of Prehistorical Archaeology3 ECTS
  Stage3 ECTS
 2138ZStage6 ECTS
  Stage/excavation2 ECTS
  Stage of Ancient Architecture3 ECTS
  Stage of Ancient Topography3 ECTS
  Stage of Archaeological Drawing3 ECTS
  Stage of Archaeology of Near East3 ECTS
  Stage of Etruscan Archaeology3 ECTS
  Stage of Medieval Archaeology3 ECTS
  Stage of Museology3 ECTS
  Stage of Paleopathology3 ECTS
  Stage of underwater Archaeology3 ECTS


Year 1 (2023/2024)
Group ACM MEDIEVALE 1 - Choice of 18 ECTS from:
 1270LHistory of Medieval Architecture in Italy and in Europe6 ECTS
 1038LMedieval Archaeology II12 ECTS
Group ACM MEDIEVALE 2 - Choice of 18 ECTS from:
 437LLAncient and Medieval Miniature6 ECTS
 1423LAncient Topography6 ECTS
 407LLArchaeology and History of Greek Art 6 ECTS
 408LLArchaeology and History of Roman Art 6 ECTS
 431LLArchaeology and Museology6 ECTS
 402LLArcheology of Production 6 ECTS
 404LLArcheology of Roman Provinces6 ECTS
 422LLEtruscan and Italic Archaeology6 ECTS
 1041LGreek and Roman architecture and urbanism6 ECTS
 1268LHistory of Medieval Art6 ECTS
 1392LNumismatics6 ECTS
 414LLUnderwater Archaeology6 ECTS
Group EXT (lingue straniere) - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 295LLEnglish language course B6 ECTS
 311LLEnglish language course C6 ECTS
 283LLFrench language course B6 ECTS
 340LLFrench language course C6 ECTS
 297LLGerman language course B6 ECTS
 342LLGerman language laboratory C6 ECTS
 211ZWSpanish language course B6 ECTS
 341LLSpanish language laboratory C6 ECTS
Group FSG - MEDIEVALE - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 516EEAnthropology of the skeleton6 ECTS
 081DDArchaeozoology6 ECTS
 240CCChemical Methodologies for Cultural Heritage6 ECTS
 140DDGeoarchaeology6 ECTS
 083DDGeophysical Methods for Cultural Heritage6 ECTS
 245DDGeoresources for cultural heritage6 ECTS
 1407LPalaeoecology and Bioarchaeology6 ECTS
 163IIScience and technology of materials for Cultural Heritage6 ECTS
 260AATerritorial information systems6 ECTS
Group LAM MEDIEVALE - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 1044LArabic language I6 ECTS
 415LLByzantine Civilisation6 ECTS
 149LLMedieval and humanistic philology 6 ECTS
 1408LSeminar of Byzantine History6 ECTS
Group STM MEDIEVALE - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 317MMEarly Christian History6 ECTS
 194MMEconomic and Social History of Middle Ages6 ECTS
 649MMExegesis of documentary sources of medieval history6 ECTS
 190MMHistory of medieval Europe6 ECTS
 161MMHistory of religions B6 ECTS
 685MMHistory of the Early Middle Ages6 ECTS
 683MMHistory of the Late Middle Ages6 ECTS
 684MMHistory of the Middle Ages6 ECTS
 196MMMedieval Institutional and political history6 ECTS
 154MMTrade and Navigation in Middle Ages6 ECTS
Year 2 (2024/2025)
328ZWDegree Thesis 24 ECTS
 Free choice course12 ECTS
Group AFF MEDIEVALE - Choice of 18 ECTS from:
 148MMArchival Science6 ECTS
 613MMCartography6 ECTS
 745MMCultural antropology A6 ECTS
 1197LDesign features and shapes of the archaeological park6 ECTS
 1037Ldigital Archaeology6 ECTS
 1393LEnvironmental archeology6 ECTS
 306LLGeneral Linguistics6 ECTS
 1261LHistory of artistic techniques6 ECTS
 1200LHistory of Islamic countries6 ECTS
 190MMHistory of medieval Europe6 ECTS
 685MMHistory of the Early Middle Ages6 ECTS
 683MMHistory of the Late Middle Ages6 ECTS
 684MMHistory of the Middle Ages6 ECTS
 178PPIndustrial Archaeology6 ECTS
 087LLItalian Linguistics6 ECTS
 153MMLatin Paleography 6 ECTS
 375MMMedieval history6 ECTS
 614MMMethodologies and teaching technologies6 ECTS
 1040LMethodology of surveying and representation in archaeology6 ECTS
 1405LModern & Contemporary Archaeology6 ECTS
 833LLMuseum communication6 ECTS
 250EEPaleopathology6 ECTS
 1250ZPapyrology laboratory6 ECTS
 616MMPedagogy, special pedagogy and teaching of inclusion6 ECTS
 617MMPsychology6 ECTS
 1368LTheory and Methods of Archeology6 ECTS
 154MMTrade and Navigation in Middle Ages6 ECTS
Group LAB - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 1257ZCommunication Laboratory of Archaeological Heritage3 ECTS
 1843ZGeographic Information System3 ECTS
 1255ZLaboratory of Experimental Archaeology3 ECTS
  Satge of Prehistorical Archaeology3 ECTS
  Stage3 ECTS
 2138ZStage6 ECTS
  Stage/excavation2 ECTS
  Stage of Ancient Architecture3 ECTS
  Stage of Ancient Topography3 ECTS
  Stage of Archaeological Drawing3 ECTS
  Stage of Archaeology of Near East3 ECTS
  Stage of Etruscan Archaeology3 ECTS
  Stage of Medieval Archaeology3 ECTS
  Stage of Museology3 ECTS
  Stage of Paleopathology3 ECTS
  Stage of underwater Archaeology3 ECTS


Year 1 (2023/2024)
516EEAnthropology of the skeleton6 ECTS
Group ACM PRE PROTOSTORICO 1 - Choice of 12 ECTS from:
 1342LEuropean prehistory and protohistory12 ECTS
Group ACM PRE PROTOSTORICO 2 - Choice of 12 ECTS from:
 1423LAncient Topography6 ECTS
 407LLArchaeology and History of Greek Art 6 ECTS
 408LLArchaeology and History of Roman Art 6 ECTS
 431LLArchaeology and Museology6 ECTS
 402LLArcheology of Production 6 ECTS
 405LLBronze and Iron Age Archaeology 6 ECTS
 417LLCultures of pre-Roman Italy6 ECTS
 422LLEtruscan and Italic Archaeology6 ECTS
 1341LNeolithic archeology6 ECTS
 414LLUnderwater Archaeology6 ECTS
Group AFF PRE PROTOSTORICO - Choice of 18 ECTS from:
 613MMCartography6 ECTS
 745MMCultural antropology A6 ECTS
 1197LDesign features and shapes of the archaeological park6 ECTS
 1037Ldigital Archaeology6 ECTS
 1162LEgyptian archeology6 ECTS
 1393LEnvironmental archeology6 ECTS
 840LLexperimental archeology6 ECTS
 306LLGeneral Linguistics6 ECTS
 1261LHistory of artistic techniques6 ECTS
 260LLHistory of the Ancient Near Est12 ECTS
 441LLInstitutions of medieval art history6 ECTS
 1265LInstitutions of modern art history6 ECTS
 087LLItalian Linguistics6 ECTS
 614MMMethodologies and teaching technologies6 ECTS
 1040LMethodology of surveying and representation in archaeology6 ECTS
 1405LModern & Contemporary Archaeology6 ECTS
 833LLMuseum communication6 ECTS
 250EEPaleopathology6 ECTS
 1250ZPapyrology laboratory6 ECTS
 616MMPedagogy, special pedagogy and teaching of inclusion6 ECTS
 617MMPsychology6 ECTS
 1368LTheory and Methods of Archeology6 ECTS
Group FSG - PREPROTOSTORICO - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 081DDArchaeozoology6 ECTS
 240CCChemical Methodologies for Cultural Heritage6 ECTS
 140DDGeoarchaeology6 ECTS
 083DDGeophysical Methods for Cultural Heritage6 ECTS
 245DDGeoresources for cultural heritage6 ECTS
 390EEHuman ecology6 ECTS
 1407LPalaeoecology and Bioarchaeology6 ECTS
 060DDPaleontology and Geology of Quaternary6 ECTS
 163IIScience and technology of materials for Cultural Heritage6 ECTS
 260AATerritorial information systems6 ECTS
Group LAM PREPROTOSTORICO 1 - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 273LLMycenaean Archaeology6 ECTS
Year 2 (2024/2025)
328ZWDegree Thesis 24 ECTS
 Free choice course12 ECTS
Group AAO PRE-PROTOSTORICO - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 435LLPrehistory and protohistory of the ancient Near East 6 ECTS
Group EXT (lingue straniere) - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 295LLEnglish language course B6 ECTS
 311LLEnglish language course C6 ECTS
 283LLFrench language course B6 ECTS
 340LLFrench language course C6 ECTS
 297LLGerman language course B6 ECTS
 342LLGerman language laboratory C6 ECTS
 211ZWSpanish language course B6 ECTS
 341LLSpanish language laboratory C6 ECTS
Group LAB - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 1257ZCommunication Laboratory of Archaeological Heritage3 ECTS
 1843ZGeographic Information System3 ECTS
 1255ZLaboratory of Experimental Archaeology3 ECTS
  Satge of Prehistorical Archaeology3 ECTS
  Stage3 ECTS
 2138ZStage6 ECTS
  Stage/excavation2 ECTS
  Stage of Ancient Architecture3 ECTS
  Stage of Ancient Topography3 ECTS
  Stage of Archaeological Drawing3 ECTS
  Stage of Archaeology of Near East3 ECTS
  Stage of Etruscan Archaeology3 ECTS
  Stage of Medieval Archaeology3 ECTS
  Stage of Museology3 ECTS
  Stage of Paleopathology3 ECTS
  Stage of underwater Archaeology3 ECTS
Group LAM PREPROTOSTORICO 2 - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 396LLCypriot Archeology6 ECTS
 274LLMinoan Archaeology6 ECTS