Academic year 2023/2024

BIOLOGIA MARINA Degree Program Profile

Course structure diagram w/credits

Track PIANO DI STUDIO 1 Biologia Marina

Year 1 (2023/2024)
406EEBiodiversity and Ecosystem Function of Soft Bottoms6 ECTS
408EEExperimental ecology and biodiversity of rocky shores 6 ECTS
130PPIntroductory biostatistics6 ECTS
127EEMarine Biochemistry6 ECTS
371EEMarine biology 19 ECTS
144EEMarine zoology6 ECTS
073DDOceanography6 ECTS
284EEPopulation Genetics6 ECTS
Year 2 (2024/2025)
1940ZAdvanced Linguistic knowledge (English)3 ECTS
045FFApplied Hygiene6 ECTS
 Free choice9 ECTS
138EEPhysiology of the sea animals 6 ECTS
Group Gruppo - Tesi di laurea magistrale - Choice of 45 ECTS from:
 1005ZStage25 ECTS
 1941ZThesis A45 ECTS
 1942ZThesis B20 ECTS