Academic year 2023/2024

INFORMATICA Degree Program Profile

Course structure diagram w/credits

Available tracks

Track AI - Artificial Intelligence

Year 1 (2023/2024)
643AAArtificial intelligence fundamentals6 ECTS
646AAComputational mathematics for learning and data analysis9 ECTS
649AAHuman language technologies9 ECTS
760AAIntelligent Systems for pattern recognition9 ECTS
654AAMachine learning9 ECTS
305AAParallel and Distributed Systems: paradigms and models9 ECTS
Group AI-1 affini da 6 cfu al primo anno - Choice of 12 ECTS from:
 758AA3D Geometric Modeling & Processing 6 ECTS
 759AAAlgorithmic Game Theory6 ECTS
 755AAComputational Health Laboratory 6 ECTS
 647AAComputational models for complex systems6 ECTS
 674AAComputational neuroscience6 ECTS
 791AAContinual Learning6 ECTS
 289AAInformation Retrieval6 ECTS
 756AAIntroduction to Quantum Computing 6 ECTS
 757AALaboratory on ICT Startup Building6 ECTS
 387AARobotics6 ECTS
 657AASemantic web6 ECTS
 659AASocial and ethical issues in information technology6 ECTS
Year 2 (2024/2025)
558ZWFree choice9 ECTS
658AASmart applications9 ECTS
927ZWThesis24 ECTS
Group AI-2 affini da 6 cfu al secondo anno - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 758AA3D Geometric Modeling & Processing 6 ECTS
 759AAAlgorithmic Game Theory6 ECTS
 755AAComputational Health Laboratory 6 ECTS
 647AAComputational models for complex systems6 ECTS
 674AAComputational neuroscience6 ECTS
 289AAInformation Retrieval6 ECTS
 756AAIntroduction to Quantum Computing 6 ECTS
 757AALaboratory on ICT Startup Building6 ECTS
 387AARobotics6 ECTS
 657AASemantic web6 ECTS
 659AASocial and ethical issues in information technology6 ECTS
Group AI-2 affini da 9 cfu al secondo anno - Choice of 9 ECTS from:
 531AAAlgorithm engineering9 ECTS
 309AAData Mining9 ECTS
 655AAMobile and cyber-physical systems9 ECTS

Track BDT - Big Data Technologies

Year 1 (2023/2024)
641AAAdvanced databases9 ECTS
531AAAlgorithm engineering9 ECTS
644AABioinformatics6 ECTS
646AAComputational mathematics for learning and data analysis9 ECTS
309AAData Mining9 ECTS
289AAInformation Retrieval6 ECTS
305AAParallel and Distributed Systems: paradigms and models9 ECTS
Group BDT-1 affini da 6 cfu al primo anno - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 758AA3D Geometric Modeling & Processing 6 ECTS
 759AAAlgorithmic Game Theory6 ECTS
 599AABig Data Analytics6 ECTS
 755AAComputational Health Laboratory 6 ECTS
 647AAComputational models for complex systems6 ECTS
 650AAICT infrastructures6 ECTS
 756AAIntroduction to Quantum Computing 6 ECTS
 757AALaboratory on ICT Startup Building6 ECTS
 261AAPeer to peer systems and blockchains6 ECTS
 656AAScientific and large data visualization6 ECTS
 659AASocial and ethical issues in information technology6 ECTS
Year 2 (2024/2025)
558ZWFree choice9 ECTS
927ZWThesis24 ECTS
Group BDT-2 affini da 6 cfu al secondo anno - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 758AA3D Geometric Modeling & Processing 6 ECTS
 759AAAlgorithmic Game Theory6 ECTS
 599AABig Data Analytics6 ECTS
 755AAComputational Health Laboratory 6 ECTS
 647AAComputational models for complex systems6 ECTS
 650AAICT infrastructures6 ECTS
 756AAIntroduction to Quantum Computing 6 ECTS
 757AALaboratory on ICT Startup Building6 ECTS
 261AAPeer to peer systems and blockchains6 ECTS
 656AAScientific and large data visualization6 ECTS
 659AASocial and ethical issues in information technology6 ECTS
Group BDT-2 affini da 9 cfu al secondo anno - Choice of 18 ECTS from:
 649AAHuman language technologies9 ECTS
 303AAICT risk assessment9 ECTS
 654AAMachine learning9 ECTS
 655AAMobile and cyber-physical systems9 ECTS

Track ICT - ICT Solutions Architect

Year 1 (2023/2024)
301AAAdvanced programming9 ECTS
290AAAdvanced software engineering9 ECTS
531AAAlgorithm engineering9 ECTS
650AAICT infrastructures6 ECTS
303AAICT risk assessment9 ECTS
655AAMobile and cyber-physical systems9 ECTS
261AAPeer to peer systems and blockchains6 ECTS
Group ICT-1 affini da 6 cfu al primo anno - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 759AAAlgorithmic Game Theory6 ECTS
 295AABusiness Process Modeling6 ECTS
 289AAInformation Retrieval6 ECTS
 756AAIntroduction to Quantum Computing 6 ECTS
 757AALaboratory on ICT Startup Building6 ECTS
 656AAScientific and large data visualization6 ECTS
 1073IWireless Networks of Embedded Systems6 ECTS
Year 2 (2024/2025)
558ZWFree choice9 ECTS
927ZWThesis24 ECTS
Group ICT-2 affini da 6 cfu al secondo anno - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 759AAAlgorithmic Game Theory6 ECTS
 295AABusiness Process Modeling6 ECTS
 289AAInformation Retrieval6 ECTS
 756AAIntroduction to Quantum Computing 6 ECTS
 757AALaboratory on ICT Startup Building6 ECTS
 656AAScientific and large data visualization6 ECTS
 1073IWireless Networks of Embedded Systems6 ECTS
Group ICT-2 affini da 9 cfu al secondo anno - Choice of 18 ECTS from:
 309AAData Mining9 ECTS
 760AAIntelligent Systems for pattern recognition9 ECTS
 714AALanguage-based technology for security 9 ECTS
 654AAMachine learning9 ECTS
 305AAParallel and Distributed Systems: paradigms and models9 ECTS
 660AASoftware validation and verification9 ECTS

Track SW - Software: Programming, Principles, and Technologies

Year 1 (2023/2024)
642AAAlgorithm design 9 ECTS
645AACompetitive programming and contests6 ECTS
653AALanguages, compilers and interpreters9 ECTS
375AAPrinciples for software composition9 ECTS
Group SW-1 affini da 6 cfu al primo anno - Choice of 12 ECTS from:
 759AAAlgorithmic Game Theory6 ECTS
 644AABioinformatics6 ECTS
 647AAComputational models for complex systems6 ECTS
 648AAFoundation of computing6 ECTS
 650AAICT infrastructures6 ECTS
 289AAInformation Retrieval6 ECTS
 756AAIntroduction to Quantum Computing 6 ECTS
 757AALaboratory on ICT Startup Building6 ECTS
Group SW-1 affini da 9 cfu al primo anno - Choice of 18 ECTS from:
 301AAAdvanced programming9 ECTS
 290AAAdvanced software engineering9 ECTS
 646AAComputational mathematics for learning and data analysis9 ECTS
 714AALanguage-based technology for security 9 ECTS
 654AAMachine learning9 ECTS
 655AAMobile and cyber-physical systems9 ECTS
 305AAParallel and Distributed Systems: paradigms and models9 ECTS
 658AASmart applications9 ECTS
Year 2 (2024/2025)
558ZWFree choice9 ECTS
652AALaboratory for innovative software6 ECTS
660AASoftware validation and verification9 ECTS
927ZWThesis24 ECTS
Group SW-2 affini da 9 cfu al secondo anno - Choice of 9 ECTS from:
 301AAAdvanced programming9 ECTS
 290AAAdvanced software engineering9 ECTS
 646AAComputational mathematics for learning and data analysis9 ECTS
 714AALanguage-based technology for security 9 ECTS
 654AAMachine learning9 ECTS
 655AAMobile and cyber-physical systems9 ECTS
 305AAParallel and Distributed Systems: paradigms and models9 ECTS
 658AASmart applications9 ECTS