Academic year 2019/2020

SCIENZE MOTORIE Degree Program Profile

Course structure diagram w/credits

Track Piano di studio unico

Year 1 (2019/2020)
243EEAnatomy, histology and systems biology9 ECTS
245EEChemistry and Biochemistry applied to sports science6 ECTS
236ZWcomputer skills3 ECTS
240ZWEnglish3 ECTS
001EBPhysiology and physical elements9 ECTS
490MMPsicology 6 ECTS
132MMTheory, technique and teaching of physical activity and sport12 ECTS
242ZWTraining Course6 ECTS
Group GR1 - Choice of 5 ECTS from:
 883ZWADE - Aquatic Fitness1 ECTS
 987ZWADE - Cardiovascular life methods1 ECTS
 989ZWADE - Dietistica applicata alle scienze motorie 2 ECTS
 700ZWADE - Disability and gymnastics1 ECTS
 885ZWADE - Education basic motor1 ECTS
 882ZWADE - Functional training in fitness2 ECTS
 1625ZADE - Palla a mano 1 ECTS
 699ZWADE - Sport activity in the handicapped1 ECTS
 702ZWADE - Team sports in childhood1 ECTS
 1027ZADE - Techniques for swimming rescue1 ECTS
 880ZWADE - Technologies for the recovery of the 'integrity of the muscle-tendon1 ECTS
 704ZWADE - Theory and practice of martial arts1 ECTS
 887ZWADE - Theory, techniques and teaching gymnastics1 ECTS
 886ZWADE - Theory, techniques and teaching in athletics1 ECTS
 889ZWADE - Theory, techniques and teaching in basketball1 ECTS
 888ZWADE - Theory, techniques and teaching in rugby1 ECTS
 881ZWADE - Theory, techniques and teaching in water polo1 ECTS
 703ZWADE - Weightlifting and Physical Culture1 ECTS
Year 2 (2020/2021)
244EEAnatomy of the motor system and locomotor system6 ECTS
001IEApplied Physiology and Biomechanics6 ECTS
018FEBiotehic, Pharmacology, Legal Medicine and Toxicology6 ECTS
074FFhygiene6 ECTS
002PNMatters of law and sports organization8 ECTS
131MMTheory and methodology of training16 ECTS
196IITheory and methodology of training6 ECTS
243ZWTraining Course7 ECTS
Year 3 (2021/2022)
241ZWFinal test6 ECTS
075FFNeurology and Neuropsychiatry 6 ECTS
076FFNutrition and clinical medicine9 ECTS
332FFOrthopedics, Traumatology and rehabilitation9 ECTS
001MQPedagogy and Sociology9 ECTS
133MMTheory, technique and teaching of physical activity, preventive and compensatory adapted and directed to fitness6 ECTS
244ZWTraining Course8 ECTS
Group GR3 - Choice of 7 ECTS from:
 883ZWADE - Aquatic Fitness1 ECTS
 987ZWADE - Cardiovascular life methods1 ECTS
 989ZWADE - Dietistica applicata alle scienze motorie 2 ECTS
 700ZWADE - Disability and gymnastics1 ECTS
 885ZWADE - Education basic motor1 ECTS
 882ZWADE - Functional training in fitness2 ECTS
 1625ZADE - Palla a mano 1 ECTS
 699ZWADE - Sport activity in the handicapped1 ECTS
 702ZWADE - Team sports in childhood1 ECTS
 1027ZADE - Techniques for swimming rescue1 ECTS
 880ZWADE - Technologies for the recovery of the 'integrity of the muscle-tendon1 ECTS
 704ZWADE - Theory and practice of martial arts1 ECTS
 887ZWADE - Theory, techniques and teaching gymnastics1 ECTS
 886ZWADE - Theory, techniques and teaching in athletics1 ECTS
 889ZWADE - Theory, techniques and teaching in basketball1 ECTS
 888ZWADE - Theory, techniques and teaching in rugby1 ECTS
 881ZWADE - Theory, techniques and teaching in water polo1 ECTS
 703ZWADE - Weightlifting and Physical Culture1 ECTS