Academic year 2019/2020


Course structure diagram w/credits

Available tracks

Track Ingegneria Edile Classe LM 24

Year 1 (2019/2020)
578ZWProfessional Training3 ECTS
053HHStructural Analysis I9 ECTS
208HHStructural Engineering I12 ECTS
097IIThermal Systems in Buildings9 ECTS
Group GR1 - Choice of 12 ECTS from:
 185HHExperimental Methods, Control and Testing of Structures6 ECTS
 205HHGeomatics6 ECTS
 200HHGeotechnical and Structural Design of Foundations6 ECTS
 209HHPlanning and safety of construction sites6 ECTS
 142HHTechnical Architecture II6 ECTS
Group GR2 ED - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 182HHComputational Mechanics6 ECTS
 207HHDesign of Special Structures6 ECTS
 796IIEnergy Analysis and Labelling of Buildings6 ECTS
 199HHGeotechnical Design of Foundation6 ECTS
 798IIMaterials and Techniques for Sustainable Buildings6 ECTS
 203HHTerritorial Modelling6 ECTS
Group GR SC - Choice of 9 ECTS from:
 181HHComputer Aided Laboratory for Building Design and Town Planning9 ECTS
 062HHSanitary-Environmental Engineering9 ECTS
 174HHTechnique and technology of structures6 ECTS
Year 2 (2020/2021)
198HHEarthquake Resistant Structures6 ECTS
202HHLaboratory of Building Architecture and Urban Planning12 ECTS
797IILighting and Applied Acoustics12 ECTS
1636ZMaster Thesis12 ECTS
010HHStructural Engineering II9 ECTS
Group GR3 - Choice of 9 ECTS from:
 196HHArchitectural Composition9 ECTS
 105HHHydraulic Constructions9 ECTS
 178HHStructural Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings9 ECTS
 211HHTheory and Design of Highways9 ECTS

Track Ingegneria Strutturale Classe LM 23

Year 1 (2019/2020)
199HHGeotechnical Design of Foundation6 ECTS
578ZWProfessional Training3 ECTS
053HHStructural Analysis I9 ECTS
208HHStructural Engineering I12 ECTS
Group GR1 - Choice of 12 ECTS from:
 185HHExperimental Methods, Control and Testing of Structures6 ECTS
 205HHGeomatics6 ECTS
 200HHGeotechnical and Structural Design of Foundations6 ECTS
 209HHPlanning and safety of construction sites6 ECTS
 142HHTechnical Architecture II6 ECTS
Group GR2 ST - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 182HHComputational Mechanics6 ECTS
 207HHDesign of Special Structures6 ECTS
 796IIEnergy Analysis and Labelling of Buildings6 ECTS
 798IIMaterials and Techniques for Sustainable Buildings6 ECTS
 204HHRetaining Walls6 ECTS
 203HHTerritorial Modelling6 ECTS
Group GR SC - Choice of 9 ECTS from:
 181HHComputer Aided Laboratory for Building Design and Town Planning9 ECTS
 062HHSanitary-Environmental Engineering9 ECTS
 174HHTechnique and technology of structures6 ECTS
Year 2 (2020/2021)
197HHBridge Design12 ECTS
198HHEarthquake Resistant Structures6 ECTS
201HHLaboratory of Technical Architecture6 ECTS
1636ZMaster Thesis12 ECTS
210HHStructural Analysis II9 ECTS
010HHStructural Engineering II9 ECTS
Group GR3 - Choice of 9 ECTS from:
 196HHArchitectural Composition9 ECTS
 105HHHydraulic Constructions9 ECTS
 178HHStructural Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings9 ECTS
 211HHTheory and Design of Highways9 ECTS