Academic year 2017/2018


Course structure diagram w/credits

Available tracks

Track CURRICULUM DPT: Diritto e politiche del territorio

Year 1 (2017/2018)
075NNAdministrative law in the european legal area9 ECTS
180PPPublic Economics9 ECTS
453PPPublic ethics and policy for the integrity in the administration9 ECTS
084NNRegional and Local Government in the European Legal Area9 ECTS
180QQSociology of work and organisation9 ECTS
182PPStatistical methods for business decisions9 ECTS
Group Economie applicate e aziendali - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 454PPApplied economics6 ECTS
 169PPBusiness administration6 ECTS
Year 2 (2018/2019)
332ZWEnglish for Law and Economics6 ECTS
333ZWFinal exam18 ECTS
334ZWInternship 6 ECTS
Group Attività consigliate per la libera scelta - Choice of 12 ECTS from:
 462AAApplied Computer Science to the Public Administration6 ECTS
 177PPBusiness organization 6 ECTS
 077NNEconomic and Public Utilities Law 6 ECTS
 318NNEconomic constitution and welfare State6 ECTS
 082NNEnterprise Law6 ECTS
 319NNEnvironmental and energy law6 ECTS
 321NNEU Policies6 ECTS
  Free choice12 ECTS
 102QQHistory of political institutions6 ECTS
 208QQHistory of the Federalist Idea6 ECTS
 183PPIndustrial economics and organization theory6 ECTS
 867PPLaw and economics6 ECTS
 080NNLegislative drafting6 ECTS
 320NNMarket regulation and consumer protection6 ECTS
 074NNPublic accounting law6 ECTS
 078NNPublic employment law6 ECTS
 379NNServices, infrastructures and land government6 ECTS
Group Gruppo:Diritto e politiche del territorio - Choice of 18 ECTS from:
 462AAApplied Computer Science to the Public Administration6 ECTS
 177PPBusiness organization 6 ECTS
 077NNEconomic and Public Utilities Law 6 ECTS
 318NNEconomic constitution and welfare State6 ECTS
 319NNEnvironmental and energy law6 ECTS
 321NNEU Policies6 ECTS
 102QQHistory of political institutions6 ECTS
 208QQHistory of the Federalist Idea6 ECTS
 364NNInformation Law6 ECTS
 867PPLaw and economics6 ECTS
 080NNLegislative drafting6 ECTS
 074NNPublic accounting law6 ECTS
 078NNPublic employment law6 ECTS
 379NNServices, infrastructures and land government6 ECTS

Track CURRICULUM DSPU: Diritto dei servizi di pubblica utilità

Year 1 (2017/2018)
075NNAdministrative law in the european legal area9 ECTS
180PPPublic Economics9 ECTS
453PPPublic ethics and policy for the integrity in the administration9 ECTS
084NNRegional and Local Government in the European Legal Area9 ECTS
180QQSociology of work and organisation9 ECTS
182PPStatistical methods for business decisions9 ECTS
Group Economie applicate e aziendali - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 454PPApplied economics6 ECTS
 169PPBusiness administration6 ECTS
Year 2 (2018/2019)
332ZWEnglish for Law and Economics6 ECTS
333ZWFinal exam18 ECTS
 Free choice12 ECTS
334ZWInternship 6 ECTS
Group Gruppo Diritto dei servizi di pubblica utilità - Choice of 18 ECTS from:
 462AAApplied Computer Science to the Public Administration6 ECTS
 177PPBusiness organization 6 ECTS
 077NNEconomic and Public Utilities Law 6 ECTS
 318NNEconomic constitution and welfare State6 ECTS
 082NNEnterprise Law6 ECTS
 321NNEU Policies6 ECTS
 102QQHistory of political institutions6 ECTS
 364NNInformation Law6 ECTS
 867PPLaw and economics6 ECTS
 320NNMarket regulation and consumer protection6 ECTS
 078NNPublic employment law6 ECTS