Modules | Area | Type | Hours | Teacher(s) | |
Il corso si prefigge lo scopo di introdurre lo studente ai concetti base della chimica nucleare, alla chimica e proprietà degli elementi radioattivi e ad argomenti di importanza pratica strettamente legati.
The course covers the basic principles of nuclear chemistry and some related fields of practical importance, and consists of the following sections: radioactive decay, ionizing radiation (properties, measurement), nuclear reactions, radioactive tracers, nuclear fission and fusion, principles of nuclear power generation. Chemical properties of transuranic and transactinide elements. Part of the lectures will examine some practical applications of radioisotopes (archeological and geological dating and nuclear medicine. The problem of radioactive waste management will be discussed.
La verifica delle conoscenze costituisce l’oggetto della valutazione della prova di esame prevista alla fine del corso
Valutation of the final text
Al termine del corso:
The student who completes the course successfully will be able to discuss with competence the principal properties of the atomic nucleus and its reactivity. Moreover, the student will be able to discuss the most important problems involving nuclear energy based on solid concepts.
Durante le lezioni sarà spronata la discussione sugli argomenti trattati
Discussion on the main topic of the lectures
Lo studente potrà acquisire e/o sviluppare sensibilità alle problematiche ambientali
The student may increase his/her understanding of environmental problems.
Durante le lezioni sarà spronata la discussione sugli argomenti trattati
Discussion is highly encouraged
Conoscenza dei concetti fondamentali della Chimica Generale e della Chimica Inorganica
Knowledge of the fundamentals of General and Inorganic Chemistry
The course covers the basic principles of nuclear chemistry and some related fields of practical importance, and consists of the following sections: radioactive decay, ionizing radiation (properties, measurement), nuclear reactions, radioactive tracers, nuclear fission and fusion, principles of nuclear power generation. Chemical properties of transuranic and transactinide elements. Part of the lectures will examine some practical applications of radioisotopes (archeological and geological dating and nuclear medicine. The problem of radioactive waste management will be discussed.
W. D. Loveland, D. J. Morrissey, G. T. Seaborg, Modern Nuclear Chemistry, Wiley, 2005. J. Magill, J. Galy, Radioactivity, Radionuclides, Radiation, Springer, 2005 G. Friedlander, J. W. Kennedy, E. S. Macias, J. M. Miller, Nuclear and Radiochemistry, 3°. Edizione, 1981. Recommended reading includes the following books: A.Vertes, S. Nagy, Z. Klencsar, R. G. Lovas, F. Rösch, Handbook of Nuclear Chemistry, Springer, 2011. • G. Bendiscioli, Fenomeni Radioattivi, Springer, 2008 (solo alcuni capitoli all’inizio). . • Martin, S. Harbison, K. Beach, P. Cole, An Introduction to Radiation Protection, Taylor-Francis, 2012 • C. Pascali, A. Bogni, F. Crippa, E. Bombardieri, Concetti generali sulla produzione di radiofarmaci emettitori di positroni, Aretrè Srl, 1999 • D. Volterrani, P.A. Erba, G. Mariani (a cura di), Fondamenti di Medicina Nucleare, Springer, 2010.
Non esistono variazioni per studenti non frequentanti. La frequenza al corso è comunque consigliata.
No variations for students not attending the lessons. The presence to the lessons is highly recommended.
L'esame è composto da una prova orale.
La prova si ritiene superata se il candidato mostra di avere capito i concetti fondamentali del corso e di essere in grado di sostenere una discussione sugli argomenti visti a lezione.
The examination consists of an oral text.
During the oral exam, the student must demonstrate his/her knowledge of the course material and be able to discuss the reading matter thoughtfully and with propriety of expression. The student's ability to explain correctly the main topics presented during the course will be assessed.