View syllabus
Academic year2018/19
PeriodSemester 1

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Learning outcomes

The aim of the course is to examine the major decision-making areas of managerial finance and some selected topics in financial theory.

Starting from capital budgeting decisions, the course covers the main company valuation methodologies and examines the effect of corporate decisions on market value through the event study methodology.

The course reviews the theory and empirical evidence related to Mergers & Acquisitions and concludes examining the IPO decision and the effects of corporate governance characteristics of listed companies.

Therefore, the student who successfully completes the course will be able to demonstrate a solid knowledge of issues related to the main corporate financial decisions, i.e. the selection of investment projects, M&A activity and the raising of financial resources. In particular, by the end of the course the students should be able to:

1. Evaluate investment projects;

2. Understand the effect of risk on the cost of capital and the value of investments;

3. Know the main techniques for the valuation of the firm, through DCF and “market” methodologies;

4. Understand the characteristics of the M&A activity and its effect on value creation for bidder and target firms

5. Understand the characteristics of different sources of financing, with particular attention to equity

6. Understand the main corporate governance issues 

Assessment criteria of knowledge

The course presents theoretical foundations on the various issues, mixed with exercises, case studies, and discussions of firms' actual behavior. 

The assessment will consider different tasks: 

1: Exam on capital budgeting (Weight:  20%)

2: Case Study (Group). Objective: work on market data, using Eikon / Datastream (Weight:  30%)

3: Final Exam (Individual). Objective: demonstrate learning & problem-solving skills (Weight:  60%)


The sudent will be able to

  • Access to marked data using the Thomson Reuters databases
  • Analyse data and present the result to the class
  • Discuss a paper published on a top international journal
Assessment criteria of skills

As stated before, the discussion of a case study and of a papaer will be considered for the final assessment of the student.  


An active participation to the lessons is strongly encouraged. 

Assessment criteria of behaviors



- Discounting and compunding cash flows

- Risk and return relationaship on financial markets

- Project evaluation

- Expected value and higher moments of random variables

Teaching methods

Learning activities include:

  • Attending lectures / participation in seminar
  • Working with powerpoint and excel files 
  • Laptop computers are allowed (but not compulsory)

All teaching material will be available on Moodle. Howeverm, attendance is strongly advised.


Topics will include:

  • Project valuation with DCF methodologies
  • Business Valuation: DCF and multiple methods
  • The event study methodology
  • Mergers & Acquisitions
  • IPO and corporate governance issues for listed companies. 

Additional topics could be included, according to students' interests, for example:

- Risk management decisions
- Innovation financing
- "Alternative" sources of financing: business angels, venture capital and corporate venture capital


Teaching Material:

  • Berk J. and De Marzo P. (2017) Corporate Finance, Global Edition (4th), Pearson

  • Principles of Corporate Finance, 11th ed., by Richard Brealey, Stewart C. Myers, Franklin Allen, McGraw-Hill, 2015.

Additional readings and materials will be assigned during the course.

All teaching material will be uploaded on Moodle.

Non-attending students info

It is advisable to contact the teacher.

Assessment methods

As previously stated in the "Assessment criteria of knowledge" section. 



Updated: 30/09/2018 11:14