View syllabus
Academic year2018/19
PeriodSemester 2

Obiettivi di apprendimento
Learning outcomes

The course deals in general with the different techniques for the transmission of information in digital form. Starting form the basics of Information Theory about source and channel encoding, it gives a working knowledge of the main narrowband and wideband digital signalling techniques (including multicarrier and spread spectrum) as well as of channel coding. This is also complemented by notions about the main impairments deriving from signal transmission over the physical media (mainly the wireless radio channel), together with the main detection and signal processing techniques that are used to counteract such phenomena.


The student who successfully completes the course will have the ability to understand the main communication standards for the delivery of digital information in the Future Internet. It will master digital signalling and formatting for wireless and wired communications in 3G and 4G cellular networks and in ADSL, and will have a fundamental knowledge about the issues of digital encoding of information and exploitation of communication resources like energy and bandwidth.

The student who successfully completes the course will have the ability to understand the main communication standards for the delivery of digital information in the Future Internet. It will master digital signalling and formatting for wireless and wired communications in 3G and 4G cellular networks and in ADSL, and will have a fundamental knowledge about the issues of digital encoding of information and exploitation of communication resources like energy and bandwidth.

The student who successfully completes the course will have the ability to understand the main communication standards for the delivery of digital information in the Future Internet. It will master digital signalling and formatting for wireless and wired communications in 3G and 4G cellular networks and in ADSL, and will have a fundamental knowledge about the issues of digital encoding of information and exploitation of communication resources like energy and bandwidth.

Modalità di verifica delle conoscenze

Written test and interview


Assessment criteria of knowledge

- Mandatory written exam: 4 problems to be solved in 2 hours on the main topics of the course, mainly regarding numerical/practical applications of the different technologies. Minimum mark 16/30 to be admitted to the subsequent oral exam. - Oral exam (pending admission): 30 min. discussion about two main topics suggested by the examiner, and that the student must be capable to master in detail.


  • Final oral exam
  • Final written exam

- Mandatory written exam: 4 problems to be solved in 2 hours on the main topics of the course, mainly regarding numerical/practical applications of the different technologies. Minimum mark 16/30 to be admitted to the subsequent oral exam. - Oral exam (pending admission): 30 min. discussion about two main topics suggested by the examiner, and that the student must be capable to master in detail.


  • Final oral exam
  • Final written exam


- Mandatory written exam: 4 problems to be solved in 2 hours on the main topics of the course, mainly regarding numerical/practical applications of the different technologies. Minimum mark 16/30 to be admitted to the subsequent oral exam. - Oral exam (pending admission): 30 min. discussion about two main topics suggested by the examiner, and that the student must be capable to master in detail.


  • Final oral exam
  • Final written exam



The student who successfully completes the course will have the ability to understand the main communication standards for the delivery of digital information in the Future Internet. It will master digital signalling and formatting for wireless and wired communications in 3G and 4G cellular networks and in ADSL, and will have a fundamental knowledge about the issues of digital encoding of information and exploitation of communication resources like energy and bandwidth. She/he will also acquire the capability to understanbd the building blocks of a modem for wired or wireless digital links. In some cases, the student will also be able to perform a simple/baisc system design of a moded. 

Modalità di verifica delle capacità

As above

Prerequisiti (conoscenze iniziali)

Basic knowledge of signals, systems, and fundamental of communication technologies.

Teaching methods

Delivery: face to face

Learning activities:

  • attending lectures
  • individual study
  • Bibliography search

Attendance: Not mandatory

Teaching methods:

  • Lectures
  • Seminar
  • laboratory

Delivery: face to face

Attendance: Not mandatory

Learning activities:

  • attending lectures
  • individual study
  • Bibliography search


Teaching methods:

  • Lectures
  • Seminar
  • laboratory


Delivery: face to face

Attendance: Not mandatory

Learning activities:

  • attending lectures
  • individual study
  • Bibliography search


Teaching methods:

  • Lectures
  • Seminar
  • laboratory


Programma (contenuti dell'insegnamento)

WIRELESS CHANNELS MODELING: Multipath Propagation. Frequency-flat and frequency-selective fading. Bit Error Rate and Outage Probability on the Rayleigh fading channel. Diversity techniques. 

WIDEBAND MULTICARRIER SIGNALING: Multicarrier signaling on frequency-selective channels. Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM). Spectral density and optimum receiver for the OFDM signal. Digital implementation of an OFDM modem: virtual carriers, cyclic prefix, frequency-domain equalization, pilot-aided channel estimation.

SPREAD_SPECTRUM COMMUNICATIONS and CDMA: Direct-Sequence vs. Frequency-hop spread spectrum. Spreading factor. Maximal-Length spreading codes. Detection of DS/SS signals on the Gaussian channel. Narrowband and wideband jamming. Rake receiver for frequency-selective channels. Code-Division Multiplexing and Multiple Access (CDMA). Multiple Access Interference. Comparison with TDMA and FDMA. Brief review of UMTS.


INFORMATION THEORY AND CHANNEL CODING: Information Source classification and definition of Shannon entropy. Lossless compression of memoryless sources. Shannon-Fano and Huffman codes. Shannon theorem on lossless compression. Channel coding, parallel-concatenated turbo codes with iterative decoding. LDPC codes and message passing decoding. Noisy information-transfer channels. Mutual information, equivocation, irrelevance. Shannon capacity of the channel. BSC, BEC, AWGN channels and their capacity. Shannon's plane of efficiencies. 

xDSL TECHNOLOGIES: Access network technologies for the last mile. ADLS duplexing and coexistence with PSTN. NEXT and FEXT. Shannon capacity of the Gaussian colored channel. Water filling power/bit allocation.

MIMO COMMUNICATIONS: MIMO channel modeling, MIMO-OFDM. Diversity and multiplexing gain, spatial multiplexing, transmit diversity (Alamouti code). Genereal Space/Time codes. Shannon capacity of the MIMO channel, ergodic capacity.



The course deals in general with the different techniques for the transmission of information in digital form. Starting form the basics of Information Theory about source and channel encoding, it gives a working knowledge of the main narrowband and wideband digital signalling techniques (including multicarrier and spread spectrum) as well as of channel coding. This is also complemented by notions about the main impairments deriving from signal transmission over the physical media (mainly the wireless radio channel), together with the main detection and signal processing techniques that are used to counteract such phenomena.

The course deals in general with the different techniques for the transmission of information in digital form. Starting form the basics of Information Theory about source and channel encoding, it gives a working knowledge of the main narrowband and wideband digital signalling techniques (including multicarrier and spread spectrum) as well as of channel coding. This is also complemented by notions about the main impairments deriving from signal transmission over the physical media (mainly the wireless radio channel), together with the main detection and signal processing techniques that are used to counteract such phenomena.

The course deals in general with the different techniques for the transmission of information in digital form. Starting form the basics of Information Theory about source and channel encoding, it gives a working knowledge of the main narrowband and wideband digital signalling techniques (including multicarrier and spread spectrum) as well as of channel coding. This is also complemented by notions about the main impairments deriving from signal transmission over the physical media (mainly the wireless radio channel), together with the main detection and signal processing techniques that are used to counteract such phenomena.

Bibliografia e materiale didattico

J. Proakis: "Digital Communications", 5th Revised edition, McGraw-Hill, Jan 2008.

Notes and material prepared by the teacher at the course webite: 


J. Proakis: "Digital Communications", 5th Revised edition, McGraw-Hill, Jan 2008. Notes and material prepared by the teacher available at

J. Proakis: "Digital Communications", 5th Revised edition, McGraw-Hill, Jan 2008. Notes and material prepared by the teacher available at

J. Proakis: "Digital Communications", 5th Revised edition, McGraw-Hill, Jan 2008. Notes and material prepared by the teacher available at

Modalità d'esame

Mandatory written exam: 3 problems to be solved in 1.5 hours on the main topics of the course, mainly regarding numerical/practical applications of the different technologies. Minimum mark 16/30 to be admitted to the subsequent oral exam.

Mandatory oral exam (pending admission): 30 min. discussion about two main topics suggested by the examiner, and that the student must be capable to master in detail.


Altri riferimenti web

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Updated: 30/07/2018 11:47