View syllabus
Academic year2018/19
PeriodSemester 1 & 2

Obiettivi di apprendimento
Learning outcomes

The student who successfully completes the course will be familiar with the basic concepts and methods of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics which are at the base of the modern theory of atoms, molecules and condensed matter systems. He/she will also be able to peruse the literature on the quantum microscopic theory of matter that might be useful for his/her studies/research/work.


The student who successfully completes the course will be familiar with the basic concepts and methods of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics which are at the base of the modern theory of atoms, molecules and condensed matter systems. He/she will also be able to peruse the literature on the quantum microscopic theory of matter that might be useful for his/her studies/research/work.

Modalità di verifica delle conoscenze

Both the conceptual and practical knowledge on quantum mechanics will be assessed, as well as its relation to the behaviour of atoms, molecules and solids.

Assessment criteria of knowledge

Both the conceptual and practical knowledge on quantum mechanics will be assessed, as well as its relation to the behaviour of atoms, molecules and solids.


Logically organize the notions taught in the course, translate them in suitable mathematical models, carry out elementary quantum mechanical calculations and discuss their relevance to atomic, molecular and solid state phenomena.


Logically organize the notions taught in the course, translate them in suitable mathematical models, carry out elementary quantum mechanical calculations and discuss their relevance to atomic, molecular and solid state phenomena.

Modalità di verifica delle capacità

During the final exam, the studenrt will be asked to discuss a theoretical and/or experimental issue related to the contents of the couse: non only his/her factual knowledge will be assesed, but also his/her logical and mathematical capabilities.

Assessment criteria of skills

During the final exam, the studenrt will be asked to discuss a theoretical and/or experimental issue related to the contents of the couse: non only his/her factual knowledge will be assesed, but also his/her logical and mathematical capabilities.


The student will acquire a critical attitude towards our understanding of the microscopic structure of matter and will realize how the quantum behaviour might be at variance with expectations based on classical physics.


The student will acquire a critical attitude towards our understanding of the microscopic structure of matter and will realize how the quantum behaviour might be at variance with expectations based on classical physics.

Modalità di verifica dei comportamenti

During the lectures, the students will be constantly stimulated to ask questions and raise doubts. The best students will be challanged to think about intriguing problems.

Assessment criteria of behaviors

During the lectures, the students will be constantly stimulated to ask questions and raise doubts. The best students will be challanged to think about intriguing problems.

Prerequisiti (conoscenze iniziali)

A sound background in classical physics (mechanics, thermodynamics, electromagnetism), basic inorganic chemistry and mathematics (calculus and linear algebra) is required. Part of the mathematical background needed will be covered during optional recitation classes (about 10 hours). 


A sound background in classical physics (mechanics, thermodynamics, electromagnetism), basic inorganic chemistry and mathematics (calculus and linear algebra) is required. Part of the mathematical background needed will be covered during optional recitation classes (about 10 hours). 

Indicazioni metodologiche

Face to face lectures will be delivered using the traditional blackboard, occasionally also slides will be projected (especially concerning figures and/or experimental data).

Teaching methods

Face to face lectures will be delivered using the traditional blackboard, occasionally also slides will be projected (especially concerning figures and/or experimental data).

Programma (contenuti dell'insegnamento)

1. Introduction to quantum mechanics

Waves and particles. Wave-particle duality and uncertainty principle. Wave function. Schroedinger equation and stationary states. Expectation values. Examples: potential well and harmonic oscillator. Operators. Commutators. Measurement process. Transition probability and selection rules.

2. Atomic physics

First atomic models and their shortcomings. Hydrogen atom: energy spectrum, angular momentum and eigenfunctions. Electron spin. Pauli exclusion principle. Helium atom, singlet and triplet states. Many-electron atoms, periodic system of  elements. Atomic spectroscopy.

3.Molecular physics

Adiabatic approximation. The ionized hydrogen molecule. The hydrogen molecule. Homonuclear and heteronuclear diatomic molecules. Polyatomic molecules. Molecular vibrations. Molecular Spectroscopy.

4. Condensed matter physics

Structure of liquids, amorphous solids and crystals. X-ray diffraction. Types of crystals: molecular, ionic, covalent and metallic. Boltzmann distribution, equipartition of energy. Quantum statistics: bosons and fermions. Phonons and specific heat of solids. Free electron model of metals: electrical conductivity and specific heat. Bloch functions and electronic bands. Optical transitions and band spectra.


1. Introduction to quantum mechanics

Waves and particles. Wave-particle duality and uncertainty principle. Wave function. Schroedinger equation and stationary states. Expectation values. Examples: potential well and harmonic oscillator. Operators. Commutators. Measurement process. Transition probability and selection rules.

2. Atomic physics

First atomic models and their shortcomings. Hydrogen atom: energy spectrum, angular momentum and eigenfunctions. Electron spin. Pauli exclusion principle. Helium atom, singlet and triplet states. Many-electron atoms, periodic system of  elements. Atomic spectroscopy.

3.Molecular physics

Adiabatic approximation. The ionized hydrogen molecule. The hydrogen molecule. Homonuclear and heteronuclear diatomic molecules. Polyatomic molecules. Molecular vibrations. Molecular Spectroscopy.

4. Condensed matter physics

Structure of liquids, amorphous solids and crystals. X-ray diffraction. Types of crystals: molecular, ionic, covalent and metallic. Boltzmann distribution, equipartition of energy. Quantum statistics: bosons and fermions. Phonons and specific heat of solids. Free electron model of metals: electrical conductivity and specific heat. Bloch functions and electronic bands. Optical transitions and band spectra.

Bibliografia e materiale didattico

Alonso-Finn: “Fundamental university physics, vol. 3: quantum and statistical physics", Addison Wesley

Landshoff-Metherell-Rees: "Essential quantum physics", Cambridge University Press

Kittel: "Introduction to Solid State Physics", Wiley

Notes of the lectures and sets of self-testing questions will be handed out


Alonso-Finn: “Fundamental university physics, vol. 3: quantum and statistical physics", Addison Wesley

Landshoff-Metherell-Rees: "Essential quantum physics", Cambridge University Press

Kittel: "Introduction to Solid State Physics", Wiley

Notes of the lectures and sets of self-testing questions will be handed out

Indicazioni per non frequentanti

Attendance is strongly recommended, otherwise students should preliminary contact the professor to have all relevant handouts and notes.

Non-attending students info

Attendance is strongly recommended, otherwise students should preliminary contact the professor to have all relevant handouts and notes.

Modalità d'esame

Final oral exam on the entire course.  The students will be invited to individually contact the professor to agree upon a suitable exam date and sets of self-testing questions covering the program will be distributed them in advance.

Assessment methods

Final oral exam on the entire course.  The students will be invited to individually contact the professor to agree upon a suitable exam date and sets of self-testing questions covering the program will be distributed them in advance.

Altri riferimenti web (everything) (only optional preliminary tutorial introduction)

Additional web pages (everything) (only optional preliminary tutorial introduction)


The course will be taught in English.

To contact the teacher E-mail:

The course will be given at Scuola Normale Superiore (SNS), the detailed schedule will be agreed upon with the students. It will comprise courses offered to the SNS studens, in particular the entire course “Introductory quantum physics” ( and the introductory section of the course “Condensed matter physics” (

The course is unchanged with respect to 2017-18 and 2016-17


The course will be taught in English.

To contact the teacher E-mail:

The course will be given at Scuola Normale Superiore (SNS), the detailed schedule will be agreed upon with the students. It will comprise courses offered to the SNS studens, in particular the entire course “Introductory quantum physics” ( and the introductory section of the course “Condensed matter physics” (

The course is unchanged with respect to 2017-18 and 2016-17

Updated: 11/07/2018 20:02