View syllabus
Academic year2019/20
PeriodSemester 1

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The course aims to provide a basic knowledge of management and marketing in an international domain. Several topics are examined, which are articulated in four different modules as described below.


  1. International Business – Federica Nieri

This first module draws upon international business theory and practice for understanding the international business context. It begins with an introduction to the conceptual foundations of international business strategy, the role of multinational corporations and the extent of foreign direct investments in the globalized economy. Then, particular attention is paid to the functional issues of international operations as well as the different strategies to enter new markets. Finally, the social responsibilities of international business are discussed.

In more detail, the module covers the following topics:

  1. Core concepts of international business
  2. International innovation, sourcing, and production
  3. Entry and expansion strategy for multinational corporations
  4. The rising role of emerging economies
  5. Social responsibility issues in international context

Materials for exam preparation

  1. Alain Verbeke – International Business Strategy, second edition – Chapters 1, 4-7
  2. Paul N. Gooderham, Brigitte Grogaard, Kirsten Foss, second edition – Chapter 4
  3. Archie Carrol, 2008 – A history of Corporate Social Responsibility: Concepts and Practice – In Andrew Crane, Abigail McWilliams, Dirk Matten, Jeremy Moon & Donald Siegel (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Corporate Social Responsibility. Oxford University Press, pp. 19-46.

References 2 and 3 will be available on the e-learning platform.


  1. Services Marketing – Antonella Angelini

The second module considers the theoretical and practical aspects of services marketing. Topics include the nature of services, marketing framework and the marketing mix for services, service encounter, human factor, and service quality. This module focuses on the key elements (culture, communications, strategy, operations, people and technology) that marketers must integrate to establish and sustain service excellence and provide customer value.

In more detail, the module covers the following topics:

  1. Foundations for services marketing
  2. Understanding customer requirements
  3. Aligning service design and standards
  4. Delivering and performing service
  5. Managing service promises

 Materials for exam preparation

  1. Wilson A., Zeithaml V.A., Bitner M.J., Gremler D.D., 2016, Third European Edition, Services Marketing, McGraw-Hill, Milano – Chapters 1-5, 7, 10-12, 14, 16.


  1. Consumer culture in international markets – Daniele Dalli

The third module deals with culture. Many scholars acknowledged the cultural dimension of consumption as the most important factor to properly describe and interpret consumer behavior and this is the truer in the context of international markets in which multiple cultural layers interact and – sometimes – clash with each other. In this module marketing management will be briefly introduced and then core concepts from international management, international marketing and export marketing will be discussed with special reference to the role of culture in international management processes. Within these topics, special attention will be devoted to consumers’ culture.

In more detail, the module covers the following topics: 

  1. International marketing and export management
  2. Culture pervasiveness in international marketing
  3. Definition of culture in a global scenario
  4. Country of origin effects
  5. Meaning, culture, and symbolism in consumer behavior 

Materials for exam preparation 

  1. Albaum, Duerr, Josiassen (2016) International Marketing and Export Management, Pearson – Chapters 1 (International marketing and exporting), 3 (The international environment: culture, economic forces, and competition)
  2. Solomon (2017) Consumer Behavior. Buying, Having, and Being, Pearson – Chapters 13 (Subcultures), 14 (Culture).

 Texts available from the e-learning platform


  1. Marketing Communications – Matteo Corciolani

The fourth module opens by introducing the topic of Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) and by discussing its importance in the marketing process. Then, the communication process is illustrated in detail. Particular attention is paid to the source, message, and channel factors. Moreover, media planning and strategy are examined, with a particular attention to the digital environment. Finally, international advertising and promotion are explored.

 In more detail, the module covers the following topics:

  1. An introduction to Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC)
  2. The communication process
  3. Source, message, and channel factors
  4. Media planning and strategy
  5. The Internet: Digital and social media
  6. International advertising and promotion

Materials for exam preparation

  1. Belch G.E., Belch M.A. (2018) Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective, McGraw Hill – Chapters 1, 5, 6, 10, 15, 19
  2. Bengtsson A., Bardhi F., Venkatraman M. (2010) “How global brands travel with consumers: An examination of the relationship between brand consistency and meaning across national boundaries”, International Marketing Review, Vol. 27 Issue: 5, pp. 519-540.
Updated: 16/09/2019 14:15