L'obiettivo formativo del modulo di anatomia e fisiologia del perineo viene considerato raggiunto quando lo studente sarà in grado di:
The educational objective of the course is considered achieved when the student will be able to:
-to know, describe and functionally correlate the different parts that make up the perineal region from a muscular, nervous point of view (Module of ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF THE PERINEUM).
-to know, describe and functionally correlate the bone structure of the pelvis (Module of ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF THE PERINEUM)
- know and describe the mechanisms of regulation of male and female reproductive function (Module of REPRODUCTION PHYSIOLOGY)
History of Obstetrics and Gynaecology module:
The aim of the course is to enable the student to know and understand the elements of the history of obstetrics and to allow the student to use the knowledge and understanding acquired as part of an in-depth cultural training. At the end of the course the student will have to demonstrate knowledge and understanding skills about the figure of the midwife inserted in the socio-political and economic context over the centuries.
By applying the knowledge and understanding acquired, the student will be able to place the work of the midwife in a correct socio-cultural context.
The student must be able to know the different stages of development of the embryo, recognize their temporal and functional consequentiality
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Il corso è organizzato in modo da stimolare la partecipazione attiva degli studenti alle lezioni frontali tramite l’interazione diretta tra il docente e gli studenti stessi. Durante le lezioni infatti il docente pone agli studenti domande inerenti l’argomento oggetto della lezione secondo la metodologia del problem based learning, con lo scopo di suscitare in loro interesse e desiderio di approfondimento sulla materia. Durante lo svolgimento della lezione il docente promuove inoltre la formulazione di domande da parte degli studenti stessi. Alla fine del ciclo di lezioni frontali viene fornito agli studenti materiale degli argomenti trattati.
Per il modulo di Storia dell'ostetricia e della ginecologia, l'accertamento del raggiungimento degli obiettivi di apprendimento, prevede la valutazione mediante un esame scritto, rispetto ai contenuti trattati. Mediante domande a risposta multipla e domande aperte su argomenti relativi al contenuto del corso, verrà accertato se lo studente ha raggiunto l'obiettivo della conoscenza e della comprensione dei contenuti, e se sia in grado di applicare le conoscenze acquisite nell'esercizio della professione.
The course is organized in such a way as to stimulate the active participation of students in frontal lessons through direct interaction between the teacher and the students themselves. During the lessons, in fact, the teacher asks students questions concerning the subject matter of the lesson according to the method of problem based learning, with the aim of arousing interest and desire for further study on the subject. During the lesson, the teacher also promotes the formulation of questions by the students themselves. At the end of the cycle of lectures, students are provided with material on the topics covered.
Module of ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF THE PERINEUM: Type of exam - The final knowledge test takes place with an oral exam in which a series of at least four colloquial questions are addressed to the candidate to evaluate the level of knowledge acquired on topics of macroscopic, functional anatomy of pelvis, perineal regions (muscles, nerves and vassels). The evaluation takes into account the candidate's ability to clearly expose and to know how to abstract the essential concepts concerning perinel regions
For the History of Obstetrics and Gynaecology module, the assessment of the achievement of the learning objectives, involves the evaluation by means of a written examination, with respect to the contents treated. By means of multiple-choice questions and open questions on topics related to the content of the course, it will be ascertained whether the student has achieved the objective of knowledge and understanding of the contents, and whether he/she is able to apply the knowledge acquired in the exercise of the profession.
For the Embryology module the student will have to take an oral exam during which he will have to demonstrate his ability to frame the topic under examination
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For the module ofANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF THE PERINEUM, the student must be able: 1) to demonstrate his/her knowledge of the various topics during an oral exam; 2) to discuss each matter in a comprehensive manner, with appropriate command of anatomical nomenclature.
How to verify knowledge for the ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF THE PERINEUM
The cycle of lessons is organized in such a way as to stimulate the active participation of students in frontal lessons through direct interaction between the teacher and the students themselves. During the lessons, students constantly interact to clarify or deepen the notions exposed and the teacher asks students questions concerning the subject matter of the lesson according to the Problem based learning methodology, with the aim of verifying in real time the effectiveness of learning and to arouse in their interest the deepening of the subject.
Modulo di ANATOMIA E FISIOLOGIA DEL PERINEO: conoscenze di base del sistema scheletrico e muscolare e nervoso.
Modulo di FISIOLOGIA DELLA RIPRODUZIONE: conoscenze di base dell'anatomia degli apparati riproduttivi umani
ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF THE PERINEUM: basis knowledge of skeletal, muscolar and nervous system of perineal regions
-seguire le lezioni
-partecipare alle discussioni
-studio individuale
Delivery: face to face
Learning activities:
Attendance: Advised
Teaching methods:
le origini e l'evoluzione della figura dell'ostetrica; le origini del taglio cesareo; La figura dell'ostetrica dopo la rivoluzione francese; La figura dell'ostetrica nell'antica Grecia; La levatrice nel medioevo; il metodo scientifico nella disciplina ostetrica; Teorie e concetti nella disciplina ostetrica: la disciplina ostetrica o midwifery, la midwifery come arte e scienza, definizione attuale di midwifery nel mondo; analisi epistemologica della scienza ostetrica; teorie e modelli nella disciplina ostetrica: i modelli teorici della disciplina ostetrica; le teorie applicate alla disciplina ostetrica; teorie della crescita e dello sviluppo nella disciplina ostetrica: le teorie comportamentiste, cognitiviste, psicodinamiche e umanistiche; status e profilo di competenze dell'ostetrica; il ciclo della vita umana; il ciclo della vita, fasi di sviluppo secondo Erikson; il ciclo della vita umana nella disciplina ostetrica; diagnosi ostetrica, definizione, aspetti legislativi.
Descrizione delle ossa, articolazioni e legamenti del bacino.
Descrizione dei muscoli che costituiscono i piani perineali.
Vascolarizzazione del perineo.
Innervazione del perineo, con generalità del sistema nervoso periferico e vegetativo
Generalità del sistema genitale femminile.
Determinazione del sesso;
Differenziamento sessuale;
Modelli di base della riproduzione: gametogenesi maschile e femminile;
Controllo centrale della riproduzione;
Riproduzione maschile e femminile;
La procreazione;
Gravidanza e parto.
the course provides detailed and in-depth information on the anatomical components of the human perineal region, in particular the female one. A detailed anatomical description of the bone, muscle and nerve component of the perineum will be provided with particular emphasis on the region's morphofunctional relationships.
the origins and evolution of the midwife figure; the scientific method in obstetric discipline; Theories and concepts in obstetric discipline: obstetric or midwifery discipline, midwifery as art and science, current definition of midwifery in the world, epistemological analysis of obstetric science; theories and models in obstetric discipline: the theoretical models of obstetric discipline; theories applied to obstetric discipline; growth and development theories in obstetric discipline: behaviorist, cognitivist, psychodynamic and humanistic theories; status and competence profile of the midwife; the cycle of human life; the cycle of human life in obstetric discipline; obstetric diagnosis, definition, legislative aspects, the diagnostic process.
General information on the female genital system. The ovarian cycle: primordial follicles, folliculogenesis. Ovulation. The corpus luteum and its role in maintaining pregnancy. The uterine cycle. Cervical cycle and cyclic changes of the tubes and vagina. Neuroendocrine correlations jointly responsible for the ovarian and uterine cycles. Fertilization. The first week of embryonic development Early stages of human germ development: from gamete to blastocyst. The second week of embryonic development Nesting of the blastocyst, syncytium-trophoblast, lacunar stage, chorionic villi. Formation of the amnios. Amnio-ectodermal junction. Exocelomical membrane of Heuser. Reticulated magma. Primary and secondary calf sack. Attack peduncle and allantoid. Extra-embryonic coeloma. Chorion. The third week of embryonic development The primitive line. The backbone. Germination leaflets formation. somites; intermediate mesoderm; lateral laminae of the mesoderm, somatopleura and splacnopleura. Formation of the nerve tube. Neural crests and their derivatives. The fourth week of embryonic development Delimitation of the external forms of the embryo and internal cavities. Chorion evolution. The deciduous. The umbilical cord. The placenta. Morphofunctional aspects of the placenta. Derivatives of germinative leaflets with reference to the various tissues The derivatives of ectoderm, mesoderm (backbone, somites, peduncles of somites, somatopleura and splacnopleura) and entoderm. Organogenia Development of the face and pharyngeal system.
Introduction: sexual and asexual reproduction, evolutionary aspects. Physiology of the male reproductive system: aspects of endocrine and functional regulation, spermatogenesis, spermiogram. Physiology of the female reproductive system: the menstrual cycle, endocrine regulation of fertility. Procreation, pregnancy and delivery.
Trattato di anatomia umana. Anastasi et al. EDI ERMES
Lavori scientifici originali
Storia dell'ostetricia: La disciplina ostetrica di Guana Miriam
K.L. Moore – T.V.N. Persaud – M.G. Torchia - Lo sviluppo prenatale dell’uomo. Embriologia ad orientamento clinico. X Ed. EDRA
Fisiologia della Riproduzione:
"Fisiologia umana, un approccio integrato", ottava edizione, Silverthorn, Pearson.
Treatise on human anatomy. Anastasi et al. EDI ERMES
Original scientific works
History of obstetrics: The obstetric discipline of Guana Miriam
K.L. Moore - T.V.N. Persaud - M.G. Torchia - The prenatal development of man. Clinically oriented embryology. X Ed. EDRA
Esame finale scritto con domande a scelta multipla per i moduli di FISIOLOGIA DELLA RIPRODUZIONE e STORIA DELL'OSTETRICIA E DELLA GINECOLOGIA. L'esame per il modulo di EMBRIOLOGIA e di ANATOMIA E FISIOLOGIA DEL PERINEO, si svolgerà con modalità orale. Durante la verifica orale i criteri di valutazione terranno conto delle capacità del candidato di dimostrare il livello di padronanza concettuale ed espositiva sulle tematiche proposte dai commissari durante lo svolgimento dell’esame
Final written exam with multiple choice questions for the modules of REPRODUCTION PHYSIOLOGY and HISTORY OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY. The exam for the module of EMBRIOLOGY and ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF THE PERINEUM, will take place with oral procedure. During the oral examination, the evaluation criteria will take into account the candidate's ability to demonstrate the level of conceptual and display mastery on the topics proposed by the commissioners during the examination
Prof.ssa Paola Lenzi
Ricevimento Studenti: previo appuntamento telefonico o via e-mail.
Sede: Dipartimento di ricerca traslazionale e delle nuove tecnologie in medicina e chirurgia, Scuola Medica, Via Roma 55, Pisa.
e-mail: paola.lenzi@unipi.it