Modules | Area | Type | Hours | Teacher(s) | |
Assicurare allo studente adeguate conoscenze, abilità e competenze di base su metodi e didattiche delle discipline riferibili agli sport tecnico-combinatori (obbligatorie: ginnastiche artistica e ritmica; opzionali: ginnastica aerobico-sportiva e trampolino).
Lo studente dovrà:
I nuclei contenutistici indicati nel programma specifico si svilupperanno anche grazie all’analisi, scelta metodologica e simulazione di interventi didattici riguardanti le capacità/qualità/abilità motorie specifiche delle ginnastiche.
Provide the student with adequate knowledge, skills and basic competences on methods and didactics of the disciplines related to technical-combinatorial sports (compulsory: artistic and rhythmic gymnastics; optional: aerobic-sports gymnastics and trampoline).
The student must:
knowing how to recognize and describe the general technical contents that characterize the movement;
knowing how to technically design and didactically manage the basic activities in particular of the educational and sports specialties of rhythmic gymnastics and artistic gymnastics
The content nuclei indicated in the specific program will also develop thanks to the analysis, methodological choice and simulation of didactic interventions concerning the specific motor skills / qualities / skills of gymnastics.
Al termine delle UdA sulle pre-conoscenze e conoscenze lo studente conseguirà l’idoneità mediante comparazione tra i seguenti ordini di valutazione: frequenza delle lezioni in modalità DDI, e-tivity e debates.
At the end of the UdA on pre-knowledge and knowledge, the student will achieve eligibility by comparing the following evaluation orders: attendance of lessons in DDI mode, e-tivity and debates.
Obiettivi generali_1
Obiettivi generali_2
Obiettivi generali_3
General objectives_1
Provide the student with knowledge and skills related to the methodology and teaching of rhythmic gymnastics.
Enhance the coordinative aspect of rhythmic gymnastics (and therefore educational) to the extent that it is considered a basic activity.
The working methodology, based on the application of the concept of variety, enriches the baggage of motor experiences by structuring and improving motor patterns and motor skills.
Current state of rhythmic gymnastics, evolution and historical references, relationship between physical education and gymnastics.
General objectives_2
Provide the student with knowledge and skills related to the methodology and teaching of Artistic and Acrobatic Gymnastics.
To acquire working methods designed to enrich the baggage of motor experiences (know-how) through the use of specific techniques and equipment of Artistic Gymnastics.
Learn the minimum knowledge and skills necessary and useful for teaching the discipline.
General objectives_3
Promote gymnastics through its most engaging and accessible forms to the school world, as an indispensable factor for a balanced development of the individual.
Strengthen the teachers' awareness of the importance that the search for maintaining and / or restoring the state of personal fitness has in the context of a "healthy" life setting.
Al termine delle UdA sulle capacità e qualità lo studente conseguirà l’idoneità mediante comparazione tra i seguenti ordini di valutazione: frequenza delle lezioni in modalità DDI, e-tivity e debates.
At the end of the UdA on skills and quality, the student will achieve eligibility by comparing the following evaluation orders: attendance of lessons in DDI mode, e-tivity and debates.
Finalità e valori fondanti atteggiamenti comportamentali nei comandi/azioni
Purposes and founding values behavioral attitudes in commands / actions
Contribute to the professional and cultural training process of teachers, by updating the basic preparatory techniques and methodologies of Aerobic Gymnastics, providing them with a detailed theoretical framework of the importance of individual fitness.
Provide teachers with suitable tools for teaching more suited to our time
Emotionally involve teachers in a practical activity accessible to all, in order to more easily organize a didactic path in their schools.
Create the opportunity to compare the experiences of teachers who work in different contexts and realities.
Encourage the possibility of organizing extra-curricular activities through the collaboration of the Gymnastics Federation which provides in its organization local technical figures, to support the world of schools.
Al termine delle UdA sull'integrazione tra preabilità e abilità lo studente conseguirà l’idoneità mediante comparazione tra i seguenti ordini di valutazione: frequenza delle lezioni in modalità DDI, e-tivity e debates.
At the end of the UdA on the integration between preability and ability, the student will achieve eligibility by comparing the following evaluation orders: attendance of lessons in DDI mode, e-tivity and debates.
Prerequisiti funzionali e strutturali
Fornire le conoscenze di base e gli strumenti didattici per educare al ritmo.
Esercizi a corpo libero.
I piccoli attrezzi
L’attività di squadra: avviamento al lavoro collettivo.
Functional and structural prerequisites
Provide the basic knowledge and teaching tools to educate at the pace.
Simple rhythm
Compound rhythm
Work phases (rhythm education)
Musical notation
Bodyweight exercises.
How to move
Spine setting
Postural patterns, positions, elementary exercises, axes and work plans
Combinations of elements
Practical exercises and dedicated studies
The small tools
Tutorials for introducing small tools.
Didactics: different ways of approaching small tools
Technical elements of the tools
Dexterity and body / apparatus skills
Team activity: introduction to collective work.
Evolutions for the sense of space
Practical applications of individual exercises to couples, to the terziglia, to small groups
Ability to work in a team
Body - space - companions - tools
Indicatori e descrittori orientativi
Indicative indicators and descriptors
History and current state of the discipline
Specific terminology
Rhythm study - an organizing element of motor and sports skills - with and without the use of small or large tools
Motor skills developed in gymnastics
Motor skills in relation to in gymnastics
Initiation to collective work
Proposte progettuali integrative
Integrative project proposals
GYMNASTICS: basic motor activity; its educational and formative value.
Hints of history and organization C.I.O., F.I.G., U.E.G., F.G.I. (Olympic and non-Olympic sections).
Gymnastic terminology: Definition of axes and work planes, Attitudes and Attitudes of the body, Units and Basic Motor Patterns (Static / three-dimensional: elementary exercises of the limbs and torso and dynamic / four-dimensional: walking, running, throwing, rolling, climbing, etc.), Coordination skills and abilities (study of rhythm, balance, etc.).
Equipment and safety rules in the gym. The technological and structural characteristics of the tools of artistic gymnastics. Assistance. The arrangement of the carpets. The facilitating equipment.
General and Specific Heating. The General and Specific Physical Preparation. Muscle conditioning: notes on how to train / condition joint mobility and muscle elasticity, fast strength, static strength and resistance to fatigue.
Classification and technical definition of the basic gymnastic elements of the free body proper to artistic gymnastics, didactic teaching methods, specific physical and technical preparation, errors and assistance.
The principles of statics.
Summary of the G.A.M and G.A.F. - General Part and Composition Requirements.
General and Specific Heating.
Working methods for improving flexibility, General and Special coordination.
Hints of training planning.
Basic elements of the free body of pre-acrobatics and acrobatics: rolling of the different directions, R.A.R., lateral overturning (wheel), lateral overturning (rounding), examples of support evolutions (pre-reels).
Introduction to Choreography: artistic jumps, pivot turns, connections. Free collective composition at the Free Body: couple and group collaborations, alignments, use of space, study of rhythm and use of music.
Basic exercises and first contact with all the tools of artistic and acrobatic gymnastics.
Elastic trampoline: jumps in extension with different body postures, also with A.L. rotations, study of the overturning of the body forward and backward, study of the jump forward turn, hints of backward body rotations
Vaulting at the Horse (technique and didactics of the Frammezzo jumps in two stages, between them spread apart, gathered and stretched together).
Beam: gaits, balance positions, overturned, rolled forward or backward, gymnastic leaps, jumps, hops, pike jump out and rotate. Free progression to the apparatus with imposed elements (women's program).
Parallel symmetrical: square in upright support, impulses in upright support, overturned forward in humeral support, inverted vertical in suspension and in humeral support, exit in lateral velication). Free progression with elements imposed on the apparatus (men's program).
Metodologie di lavoro
Working methods
Lectures, held by experts, on various topics related to the theme of the course.
Practical frontal lessons.
Practical activities organized in groups and sub-groups.
Analysis and comment on the teaching methodologies set up practically.
Proposed lesson plans differentiated by type of school.
Video projection.
Workshop: moments of shared reflection.
Ginnastica Ritmica (GR) - Programma specifico e bibliografia
Obiettivi generali
Obiettivi specifici
Fornire le conoscenze di base e gli strumenti didattici per educare al ritmo.
Esercizi a corpo libero.
I piccoli attrezzi
L’attività di squadra: avviamento al lavoro collettivo.
Sinossi del compendio teorico
Sono previsti, concordati con gli studenti, tre e-tivity, per permettere agli studenti di dedicarsi allo studio delle parti teoriche in maniera più approfondita.
Ginnastica Artistica (GAF & GAM) - Programma specifico e bibliografia
Obiettivi generali
Obiettivi specifici (teoria)
Obiettivi specifici (pratica: didattica laboratoriale di teoria, tecnica e didattica)
Trampolino Elastico (TE) – Programma specifico e bibliografia
Programma per obiettivi, finalità e valori tecnico-tattici
Conoscenza della struttura - Norme di sicurezza:
Esercizi di sensibilizzazione:
Struttura dei salti verticali (tecnica, didattica e assistenze diretta/indiretta):
Struttura dei salti con arrivi su pedana di sicurezza (tecnica, didattica e assistenze diretta/indiretta):
Struttura salti con rotazione asse trasverso (tecnica, didattica e assistenze diretta/indiretta):
Trampolino Elastico
Ginnastica Aerobica Sportiva (GAS) – Programma specifico e bibliografia
Il corso “ Ginnastica Aerobica a scuola” si propone di promuovere la ginnastica aerobica nelle scuole secondarie di I e II grado quale fattore determinante nello sviluppo psico-fisico dei ragazzi offrendo agli insegnanti interessati una serie di proposte didattiche che possano favorire il più ampio coinvolgimento possibile degli alunni, attraverso un’attività motoria e sportiva di stampo educativo. Un insegnamento dell’Educazione Fisica e delle Scienze motorie e sportive variegato nelle sue proposte, nella peculiarità delle sue manifestazioni, dei suoi linguaggi e delle sue tecniche, rientra naturalmente nel concerto dell’azione educativa della scuola secondaria, fornendo un particolare contributo alla formazione dell’uomo e del cittadino, attraverso anche il superamento di situazioni difficili legate a possibili stati di disagio giovanile. Con questo corso si vuole offrire ai futuri docenti una serie di proposte diversificate delle attività di ginnastica, adeguate al mondo della scuola e iscrivibili nell’ambito della formazione di una personale cultura legata all’acquisizione di sane regole di vita: educare la mente attraverso le attività ginniche, insegnare a controllare la propria emotività e motricità, istruire a sapersi mettere in relazione con gli altri, acquisire i giusti concetti di correttezza e rispetto, affinché la pratica motoria e sportiva possa diventare un’abitudine ed accompagnare i ragazzi anche nell’età adulta, facendone non solo degli spettatori, ma anche dei protagonisti attivi con sicuri vantaggi per la salute ed il proprio benessere.
Metodologie di lavoro
Strumenti e azioni di validazione
Durante il corso verranno aperte delle fasi di debate per comprendere lo stato reale dell’attività motoria e sportiva nelle scuole.
A conclusione dei lavori verrà somministrato un questionario per verificare il grado di interesse riscontrato da parte dei partecipanti e per individuare le loro esigenze in modo da poter continuare in seguito il processo di formazione.
Programma delle attività
Il programma del Corso di formazione e aggiornamento “Ginnastica Aerobica a scuola”, organizzato su un unico livello si articola in tre incontri, prevede interventi teorici, pratici, teorico-pratici, multimediali.
Contenuti del corso:
Rhythmic Gymnastics (GR) - Specific program and bibliography
General objectives
Provide the student with knowledge and skills related to the methodology and teaching of rhythmic gymnastics.
Enhance the coordinative aspect of rhythmic gymnastics (and therefore educational) to the extent that it is considered a basic activity.
The working methodology, based on the application of the concept of variety, enriches the baggage of motor experiences by structuring and improving motor patterns and motor skills.
Current state of rhythmic gymnastics, evolution and historical references, relationship between physical education and gymnastics.
Specific goals
Provide the basic knowledge and teaching tools to educate at the pace.
Simple rhythm
Compound rhythm
Work phases (rhythm education)
Musical notation
Bodyweight exercises.
How to move
Spine setting
Postural patterns, positions, elementary exercises, axes and work plans
Combinations of elements
Practical exercises and dedicated studies
The small tools
Tutorials for introducing small tools.
Didactics: different ways of approaching small tools
Technical elements of the tools
Dexterity and body / apparatus skills
Team activity: introduction to collective work.
Evolutions for the sense of space
Practical applications of individual exercises to couples, to the terziglia, to small groups
Ability to work as a team
Body - space - companions - tools
Synopsis of the theoretical compendium
History and current state of the discipline
Specific terminology
Rhythm study - an organizing element of motor and sports skills - with and without the use of small or large tools
Motor skills developed in GR
Motor skills in relation to GR
Initiation to collective work
Three e-tivities are planned, agreed with the students, to allow students to devote themselves to the study of the theoretical parts in more depth.
Artistic Gymnastics (GAF & GAM) - Specific program and bibliography
General objectives
Provide the student with knowledge and skills related to the methodology and teaching of Artistic and Acrobatic Gymnastics.
To acquire working methods designed to enrich the baggage of motor experiences (know-how) through the use of specific techniques and equipment of Artistic Gymnastics.
Learn the minimum knowledge and skills necessary and useful for teaching the discipline.
Specific objectives (theory)
GYMNASTICS: basic motor activity; its educational and formative value.
Hints of history and organization C.I.O., F.I.G., U.E.G., F.G.I. (Olympic and non-Olympic sections).
Gymnastic terminology: Definition of axes and work planes, Attitudes and Attitudes of the body, Units and Basic Motor Patterns (Static / three-dimensional: elementary exercises of the limbs and torso and dynamic / four-dimensional: walking, running, throwing, rolling, climbing, etc.), Coordination skills and abilities (study of rhythm, balance, etc.).
Equipment and safety rules in the gym. The technological and structural characteristics of the tools of artistic gymnastics. Assistance. The arrangement of the carpets. The facilitating equipment.
General and Specific Heating. The General and Specific Physical Preparation. Muscle conditioning: notes on how to train / condition joint mobility and muscle elasticity, fast strength, static strength and resistance to fatigue.
Classification and technical definition of the basic gymnastic elements of the free body proper to artistic gymnastics, didactic teaching methods, specific physical and technical preparation, errors and assistance.
The principles of statics.
Summary of the G.A.M and G.A.F. - General Part and Composition Requirements.
Specific objectives (practice: theoretical, technical and didactic laboratory teaching)
General and Specific Heating.
Working methods for improving flexibility, General and Special coordination.
Hints of training planning.
Basic elements of the free body of pre-acrobatics and acrobatics: rolling of the different directions, R.A.R., lateral overturning (wheel), lateral overturning (rounding), examples of support evolutions (pre-reels).
Introduction to Choreography: artistic jumps, pivot turns, connections. Free collective composition at the Free Body: couple and group collaborations, alignments, use of space, study of rhythm and use of music.
Basic exercises and first contact with all the tools of artistic and acrobatic gymnastics.
Elastic trampoline: jumps in extension with different body postures, also with A.L. rotations, study of the body overturning forward and backward, study of the jump forward turn, hints to the rotations of the body.
Vaulting at the Horse (technique and didactics of the Frammezzo jumps in two stages, between them spread apart, gathered and stretched together).
Beam: gaits, balance positions, overturned, rolled forward or backward, gymnastic leaps, jumps, hops, pike jump out and rotate. Free progression to the apparatus with imposed elements (women's program).
Parallel symmetrical: square in upright support, impulses in upright support, overturned forward in humeral support, inverted vertical in suspension and in humeral support, exit in lateral velication). Free progression with elements imposed on the apparatus (men's program).
Trampoline (TE) - Specific program and bibliography
Program for objectives, aims and technical-tactical values
Knowledge of the structure - Safety rules:
in situation.
Awareness Exercises:
on the towel;
to the ground.
Structure of vertical jumps (technical, didactic and direct / indirect assistance):
candle, grouped, joint pike, split pike;
jumps with longitudinal axis rotation;
vertical jumps at the exit on the platform;
vertical jumps with run up and strike on an elastic platform.
Jumps structure with arrivals on safety platforms (technical, didactic and direct / indirect assistance):
I arrive seated;
all fours;
ditto with turns;
Jump structure with transverse axis rotation (technical, teaching and direct / indirect assistance):
¾ jump forward-back landing;
¾ jump forward-landing supine;
¾ jump forward-arrive seated;
jump lap forward;
jump around behind;
jump forward with ½ turn (Barany & Kaboom);
jump forward and jump back with run and strike;
jumps in succession.
structure, safety, opening and closing, direct and indirect assistance;
methods, didactic and techniques and teaching-learning and error correction strategies;
awareness-raising exercises;
arrive on the cloth; - Vertical jumps;
jumps with forward rotation;
jumps with back rotation;
construction of the basic exercises - movements, elements and coded exercises;
jumps with back and forth twists;
evaluation rules and jury.
Aerobic Sports Gymnastics (GAS) - Specific program and bibliography
The "Aerobic Gymnastics at School" course aims to promote aerobic gymnastics in secondary schools of I and II grade as a determining factor in the psycho-physical development of children by offering interested teachers a series of didactic proposals that can encourage the widest possible involvement of the pupils, through an educational motor and sports activity. A teaching of Physical Education and Exercise and Sports Sciences varied in its proposals, in the peculiarity of its manifestations, its languages and its techniques, naturally falls within the concert of the educational action of the secondary school, providing a particular contribution to the formation of man and the citizen, also by overcoming difficult situations linked to possible states of youth discomfort. With this course we want to offer future teachers a series of diversified proposals for gymnastic activities, suitable for the world of school and enrollable in the context of the formation of a personal culture linked to the acquisition of healthy rules of life: educating the mind through gymnastic activities, teaching to control one's emotions and motility, educating to know how to relate to others, acquiring the right concepts of fairness and respect, so that motor and sports practice can become a habit and accompany children even in age adult, making them not only spectators, but also active protagonists with certain advantages for health and well-being.
Contribute to the professional and cultural training process of teachers, by updating the basic preparatory techniques and methodologies of Aerobic Gymnastics, providing them with a detailed theoretical framework of the importance of individual fitness.
Provide teachers with the appropriate tools for teaching more suited to our time.
Emotionally involve teachers in a practical activity accessible to all, in order to more easily organize a didactic path in their schools.
Create the possibility to compare the experiences of teachers who work in different contexts and realities
Encourage the possibility of organizing extra-curricular activities through the collaboration of the Gymnastics Federation which provides in its organization local technical figures, to support the world of schools.
Promote gymnastics through its most engaging and accessible forms to the school world, as an indispensable factor for a balanced development of the individual.
Strengthen the teachers' awareness of the importance that the search for maintaining and / or restoring the state of personal fitness has in the context of a "healthy" life setting.
Working methods
Lectures, held by experts, on various topics related to the theme of the course.
Practical frontal lessons.
Practical activities organized in groups and sub-groups.
Analysis and comment on the teaching methodologies set up practically.
Proposed lesson plans differentiated by type of school.
Video projection.
Workshop: moments of shared reflection.
Validation tools and actions
During the course, debate phases will be opened to understand the real state of motor and sports activity in schools.
At the end of the work, a questionnaire will be administered to verify the degree of interest found by the participants and to identify their needs in order to continue the training process later.
Activity program
The program of the training and refresher course "Aerobic Gymnastics at school", organized on a single level is divided into three meetings, and includes theoretical, practical, theoretical-practical and multimedia interventions.
Course contents:
Student Sports Games: technical programs;
collaborative relationships between the peripheral structures of the FGI, the regional and provincial committees of CONI, local authorities and the world of education;
projection of educational films and school competitions;
study of the basic steps;
approach to simple combinations;
progressions with music;
analysis of the elements of difficulty;
the Step: multipurpose tool.
Letteratura di riferimento
Reference literature
Rosato, M., R., Tinto, A., Startup to collective work Edi Ermes, Milan, 1996.
Rosato M., R., Rhythmic Gymnastics Ed. Piccin, 1998.
Richard A. Schmidt, Craig, A. Wrisberg Motor learning and SSS performance, Rome, 2000.
T., S., Lisitskaja SSS rhythmic gymnastics, Rome, 1985.
K., Meinel, Theory of SSS movement, Rome, 1984.
Cartoni A.C., Putzu D., “Female artistic gymnastics” - Edi-Ermes, Milan 1990
Gaverdovskji J.K., Smolevskji V.M. "Organization, programming, training theory in artistic gymnastics" - Società Stampa Sportiva, Rome 1984
Grandi B., "Didactics and methodology of artistic gymnastics" - Sports Press Society - Rome 1980
Monticelli M. "The mini elastic trampoline in artistic gymnastics" - Società Stampa Sportiva - Rome 1984
Luppino C. “Female artistic gymnastics - Technique, teaching, methodology, assistance” - Sport Action Editor - Rome 2005
Schiavon D., "Introduction to gymnastics" - Sports Press Society, Rome 1994
Scotton C., Senarega D., "Course of Artistic Gymnastics" - Ed. Libreria Cortina, 4th ed. - Turin 2012
A. Piccotti, “Elements of artistic gymnastics GAM - GAF”; Calzetti & Mariucci.
Vaccari, “The assistance in gymnastics”, SSS Roma.
selection of lecture slides.
Lo studente non frequentante dovrà mettersi in contatto col docente onde provvedere ai debiti accordi sui possibili percorsi didattici istruibili e conpendiati.
The non-attending student must get in touch with the teacher in order to arrange the necessary agreements on the possible educational courses that can be instructed and conpendiati.
Verifica, valutazione ed autovalutazione
Al termine del corso lo studente conseguirà l’idoneità ai CFU mediante comparazione tra i seguenti ordini di valutazione: frequenza delle lezioni in modalità DDI, e-tivity e debates.
Verification, evaluation and self-evaluation
At the end of the course, the student will achieve eligibility for credits by comparing the following assessment orders: attendance of lessons in DDI, e-tivity and debates mode.
Sono previsti eventuali tirocini didattici e/o stages in modlaità sincrona, asincrona e misti, da organizzare in funzione della fattibilità operativa del momento.
Eventual didactic internships and / or stages in synchronous, asynchronous and mixed mode are foreseen, to be organized according to the operational feasibility of the moment.
Lo studente è pregato di richiedere - al docente - il documento originale di quanto sopra.
The student is requested to ask the teacher for the original document of the above.