View syllabus
Academic year2020/21
PeriodSemester 1

Obiettivi di apprendimento
Learning outcomes

Il programma è disponibile solamente in inglese. Cliccare sulla bandierina per selezionare la lingua.


By the end of the course, the students should be able to:
- understand the importance of the economic and political framework conditions on tourism growth and development;
- analyze strategic problems of tourism policy from a local, national and international perspective;
- master problems related with politics in order to be able to negotiate with the authorities.

Assessment criteria of knowledge

The digital presence at the course is crucial for passing the exam. The discussion of specific questions and cases needs active participation by the students.


At the end of the course students will be able to demonstrate a solid knowledge of the fundamentals of tourism related policies in advanced economies

Students should have an overview on the nature of the market and the besic principles of politics in liberal democracies.

They will be able to understand and deal with the most actual, urgent and important issues of tourism growth and development.



The student will be able to gain and/or develop a sensitivity towards the various issues of tourism.

Assessment criteria of behaviors

Lecturing and discussions will be carried out in an interactive manner, in order to encourage group reflection.

Teaching methods

Delivery: remote teaching via Microsoft TEAMS.

The teaching will be enriched by cases and by discussions.


1. Macro-economic constraints and positive externalities in market economies
Market order and state interventions
Macro-economic framework conditions
Positive tourism related externalities

2. Political and institutional context in liberal democracies
Basic principles of politics
Freedom and limits of the state’s sovereignty
Search for the optimal political system

3. Strategic tourism policy
History of tourism policy
Promotional and horizontal tourism policy 

Strategic importance of horizontal tourism policy
Search for lean institutions

4. Instruments of promotional tourism policy
Destination promotion
Promotion of the accommodation sector as leading tourism industry
Stimulation of innovation & cooperation

5. Tourism as a strategic sector of the world economy
Globalisation as a process of integration
Analysis of exponential growth of tourism
Potential of world tourism
Emergence of an International tourism industry

6. Principles of international relations affecting tourism
World Order
National states and intergovernmental organisations
Ways to survive for states with advanced economies
Free trade and protectionism

7. Free trade, level of development and poverty alleviation
International exchange and wealth
Level of development and international tourism growth
Poverty alleviation
Development strategies

8. Growth and shortages on the labour market
Characteristics of the labour market
Tourism employment in digital times
Labour market paradox
Labour market regulations

9. Uncertainty and risks of international tourism
Global crises that impacted on international tourism
Vulnerability and resilience of tourism in case of crises
Tourism as a co-creator and victim of the pandemic

10.Space ship earth and sustainability
Limited capacity of the biosphere to absorb pollution
Waste and pollution in the field of tourism
Management of tourism related resources
Application of economic instrument to solve ecological problems



The students will get all the slides of the power point presentations at least one week before the courses. The slide presentations include exhaustive texts and an important number of graphs.
The professor will provide at the mid-term of the course a glossary which summarizes the most important notions of the course. It is the tool for a good preparation of the exam.

Assessment methods

Oral exam

Updated: 06/10/2020 14:54