View syllabus
Academic year2020/21
PeriodSemester 1

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Learning outcomes

The general aim of the course is to develop policy analysis skills in relation to food and food systems.

Assessment criteria of knowledge

Oral presentations in class and report writing

  • Presentations of the articles in 1 slide, to be handed in and discussed in class
  • Presentations of relevant topics from the news, linked to the topics of the papers studied, possibly from the perspective of students’ countries of origin
  • Reports/policy briefs to be handed 

Developing analysys capacities for food policy: Policy problematization, Agenda setting,Policy design, Policy implementation, Policy assessment.

Assessment criteria of skills

Assessment of a written essay in which the students will discuss a specific food policy issue from a news article. The students will need to highlight potential insights for policy making building on the methodological approach leant during the course. 


Active participation in working groups and discussion.

Assessment criteria of behaviors

Quality of discussion and presentation building on the methods proposed during the course.

  1. Food system thinking
  • Food system structure and processes
  • Food and nutrition security outcomes
  • Food system dynamics
  1. Policy analysis
  • The structure of the policy problem and framings
  • The policy cycle: Agenda setting, Policy design and instrument mix, Implementation, Monitoring and evaluation
  1. Food system policies and governance
  • Policies for Food security
  • Policies for Food safety
  • Food systems and circular economy
  • Urban food policies
  • Diets, sustainability, food environments
  • Food and rural development
  • Food systems and technological innovation

Materials are available on the e-learning

  • Nutrition and food systems. A report by the High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition of the Committee on World Food Security. September 2017. HLPE Report 12.
  • Searchinger, T., Hanson, C., Ranganathan, J., Lipinski, B., Waite, R., Winterbottom, R., ... & Dumas, P. (2019). Creating a sustainable food future. A menu of solutions to sustainably feed more than 9 billion people by 2050. World resources report 2013-14: interim findings. Creating a sustainable food future. A menu of solutions to sustainably feed more than 9 billion people by 2050. World resources report 2013-14: interim findings, World Resources Institute (2014).
  • Béné, C., Oosterveer, P., Lamotte, L., Brouwer, I. D., de Haan, S., Prager, S. D., ... & Khoury, C. K. (2019). When food systems meet sustainability–Current narratives and implications for actions. World Development, 113, 116-130.
  • Capacci, S., Mazzocchi, M., Shankar, B., Brambila Macias, J., Verbeke, W., Pérez-Cueto, F. J., ... & Saba, A. (2012). Policies to promote healthy eating in Europe: a structured review of policies and their effectiveness. Nutrition reviews, 70(3), 188-200.
  • Clapp, J., Newell, P., & Brent, Z. W. (2018). The global political economy of climate change, agriculture and food systems. The Journal of Peasant Studies, 45(1), 80-88.
  • Ericksen, P., Stewart, B., Dixon, J., Barling, D., Loring, P., Anderson, M., & Ingram, J. (2010). The value of a food system approach. Food security and global environmental change, 25
  • Freidberg, S. (2014). Footprint technopolitics. Geoforum, 55, 178-189.
  • Godfray, H. C. J., Beddington, J. R., Crute, I. R., Haddad, L., Lawrence, D., Muir, J. F., ... & Toulmin, C. (2010). Food security: the challenge of feeding 9 billion people. science, 327(5967), 812-818.
  • Gómez, M. I., & Ricketts, K. D. (2013). Food value chain transformations in developing countries: Selected hypotheses on nutritional implications. Food Policy, 42, 139-150.
  • Gharajedaghi, J. (2011). Systems thinking: Managing chaos and complexity: A platform for designing business architecture. Elsevier.
  • Friel, S., & Ford, L. (2015). Systems, food security and human health. Food security, 7(2), 437-451.
  • Henson, S., & Caswell, J. (1999). Food safety regulation: an overview of contemporary issues. Food policy, 24(6), 589-603.
  • Howlett, M., Ramesh, M., & Perl, A. (2009). Studying public policy: Policy cycles and policy subsystems (Vol. 3). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Ingram, J. (2011). A food systems approach to researching food security and its interactions with global environmental change. Food Security, 3(4), 417-431.
  • Muller, M., Tagtow, A., Roberts, S. L., & MacDougall, E. (2009). Aligning food systems policies to advance public health. Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition, 4(3-4), 225-240.
  • Reardon, T., & Timmer, C. P. (2012). The economics of the food system revolution. Annu. Rev. Resour. Econ., 4(1), 225-264.
  • Sonnino, R., Tegoni, C. L., & De Cunto, A. (2018). The challenge of systemic food change: Insights from cities. Cities.
  • Tilman, D., & Clark, M. (2014). Global diets link environmental sustainability and human health. Nature, 515(7528), 518-522.
Assessment methods

In itinere policy brief reports and oral presentations. Final essay. 

Updated: 28/08/2020 11:04