The aim of this course is to introduce students to the main topics of economic methodology, linking
philosophical issues with practical problems that economists face in the confrontation of models with
data. The course focuses on forms of explanation in economics; foundational issues of probability,
statistical and causal inference; the role of models and their appraisal; issues in decision theory and the
methodology of experimental economics.
Attending this course, students will strengthen their ability to critically evaluate the scientific contribution
of diverse economic research and to develop a clear scientific argument in economics. They will also
learn how to better work with economic data and use the diverse empirical methods and modeling
approaches with a clear understanding of their limits and possibilities.
It is assumed that the student has taken a course of Microeconomics, Macroeconomics and Statistics.
Frontal lectures (online on MSTeams).
Further readings (mainly articles) will be provided during the course.
Based on assignments given during the lectures, an open-book written test and a final oral exam.
Information on the course and materials can be found also at
To join lectures please acces the following team:
The Time schedule is
The first lecture will take place on 24th September 2020