View syllabus
Academic year2020/21
PeriodSemester 1

Learning outcomes

The course intends to offer to the student an overview of the basic political events and socio-cultural developments of the greek history, from the 2nd millennium to the beginning of the Hellenistic period (36 hours) and at the same time to provide an example of the methodological approach to the study of Greek History.  The main aspects and developments of Greek history will be addressed through a source-based approach.This year we will explore the institutional history of Athens by a thorough analysis of the ancient sources.

Students who attend the course are also warmly invited to a series of web seminars ("Lezioni di Storia Antica online") which the lecturer organizes in collaboration with other members of the Department and which aim at introducing the students to the field of the academic research.

Assessment criteria of knowledge

During the oral exam the student must be able to demonstrate his/her knowledge of the course material and to explain correctly the main topics presented during the course. The oral report aims at showing the capacity of the student to conduct basic bibliographical research and to expone the results to the class.


  • Final oral exam
  • Oral presentations (optional; on a passage or a subject related to the course and to be approved by the lecturer )

Further information:
80% final oral exam 20% oral report


At the end of the course the students will be able to know the basic facts of Greek political history. Beside this, the students will improve their skill in interpreting texts and more generally dealing with ancient sources which refer to this period.

Assessment criteria of skills

The assessment will be done in two phases:

  • Final oral exam
  • Oral presentation (optional: interim's check)

At the end of the course and of his readings, the student will be able to acquire a basic knowldge of the political and socio-cultural history of the Greeks until the age of Alexander the Great and to improve his competence in interpreting ancient texts. The option of an oral presentation in front of the rest of the class will allow the student to develop his teaching ability and to face a proper scientific discussion.

Assessment criteria of behaviors

Students are warmly invited by the lecturer to take an active parte in the course with questions, observations and oral presentations. An active participation to the course and to the seminars ("Lezioni di Storia Antica") is considered very important for the evaluation of the students.


A basic knowledge of ancient Greek and Latin is very welcome. It is possibile to attend the course even if the student has no knowledge of these languages, but in this case the student should attend the course and contact the lecturer, who will suggest additional assignments.

Teaching methods

The lectures will be in Italian.

Delivery: online in the I semester, with the help of PowerPoint Presentations and PDF documents. The texts analised during the lectures are part of the Readings which students must have done before the final exam.

Attendance: Not mandatory for those who know Greek and Latin (mandatory for the rest).

Teaching methods:

  • Lectures
  • Seminars

For furter information please contact the lecturer by e-mail ( or by phone (050-2215570) during his speaking times:  Tuesday: 10.00-11.00, Thursday:.15.00-16.00  (via dei Mille 19, II piano)

In the out of semester period please contact the lecturer by phone to fix a meeting.


The course will be held in the I semester (online) and the duration of the course amounts to 72 hours (36 of general character and 36 dedicated to a special topic, which this year is the Athenian Institutions. 



1. Handbook of Greek History (see below for the various options)

2. Texts and topics explored during the course

3. Reading and translation  of Aristotle, Constitution of the Athenians (the lecturer will follow the edition of P.J. Rhodes)

4. Basic knowledge of the life and works of some of the main Greek historiographers (Hecataeus of Miletus, Herodotus, Thucydides, Xenophon, Ephorus and Theopompus, Timaeus, Polybius, Diodorus Siculus, Strabo, Plutarch). For basic notions of Greek Historiography the student can use Greek Historiography, ed. by S. Hornblower (Clarendon Press).

Students who do not know Greek and Latin are also requested :

5. to give an oral presentation (25-30 minutes) on a topic concerning Athenian institution; the subject will be chosen with the help of the lecturer.

6. to read carefully one book, which they can choose within the following list:

1) E. Dodds, I Greci e l’irrazionale,  (BUR, Biblioteca Universale Rizzoli, varie ristampe; original in English)

2)  G. Cambiano, Polis. Un modello per la cultura europea (Laterza, varie ristampe)

3) B. Constant, La libertà degli antichi, paragonata a quella dei moderni, Traduzione e cura di Giovanni Paoletti (con un profilo del liberalismo di Pier Paolo Portinaro), Einaudi Torino, 2001; in englishThe Liberty of Ancients Compared with that of Moderns (ask the lecturer for PDF)

4) B. Virgilio, Atene . Le radici della democrazia, CLUEB Bologna 1994.


a) Handbook of Greek history (to be choosen among the followings): - H. Bengston, L'antica Grecia, Bologna , Il Mulino, rist. 2000 - C. Mossé - A. Schnapp Gourbeillon, Storia dei Greci, Roma, Carocci, rist. 2001 - M. Corsaro - L. Gallo, Storia greca, Firenze, Le Monnier Università, 2009; D .Musti, Storia greca. Linee di sviluppo dall'età micenea all'età romana, Laterza, Roma-Bari 1990 2nd ed.)

Students who want to have a deeper knowledge of the Hellenistic period may read: M. Mari (ed.), L’età ellenistica (Carocci) or F. Muccioli, Storia dell’Ellenismo (Il Mulino).



Non-attending students info


a) Handbook of Greek history (to be choosen among the followings): - H. Bengston, L'antica Grecia, Bologna , Il Mulino, rist. 2000 - C. Mossé - A. Schnapp Gourbeillon, Storia dei Greci, Roma, Carocci, rist. 2001 - M. Corsaro - L. Gallo, Storia greca, Firenze, Le Monnier Università, 2009; D .Musti, Storia greca. Linee di sviluppo dall'età micenea all'età romana, Laterza, Roma-Bari 1990 2nd ed.). If necessary, the lecturer can suggest a selection of handbooks in English.

b) Written essay on a subject related to the course (see above)

2) Reading, translation and commentary of Aristotle, Constitution of the Athenians (thelecturer will follow the edition of P.J. Rhodes).

3) Reading, translation and commentary of Herodotus, The Histories, book V.

4) For basic notions of Greek Historiography the student can use Greek Historiography, ed. by S. Hornblower (Clarendon Press).

5) P. Funke, Atene nell’epoca classica, il Mulino, 2001 (original in German, Athen in klassischer Zeit).




Assessment methods

-Oral exam

-inscription online

Exam Committee:

President : M. Facella

Members:   D. Campanile; C. Tommasi-

Deputy President :F. Battistoni

Deputy Members : A. Raggi; G. Giglioni Bodei.



 Tutorial hours:  Tuesday: 12.00-13.00,   Thursday: 15.00-16.00  (via dei Mille 19, II piano)

For more technical information, please contact the COORDINATORE DIDATTICO of your course.

Exam Committee:

President : M. Facella

Members:   D. Campanile; C. Tommasi-

Deputy President :F. Battistoni

Deputy Members : A. Raggi; G. Giglioni Bodei.


Updated: 15/09/2020 12:29