View syllabus
Academic year2020/21
PeriodSemester 1

Learning outcomes

The course aims to introduce students to the critical knowledge of the main teaching methodologies in the field of History teaching, with reference to the specific role of the teacher, to the conceptual, epistemological and didactic nodes of the teaching and learning of the discipline.

In order to face the difficulties deriving from distance teaching, the role of tutor has been introduced to support teaching activities and to support the teacher in all activities. On the part of attending students, participation in study groups organized by the tutor is mandatory.

The student will be able to acquire the knowledge of:

  1. the basic principles and methodologies useful for the construction of educational projects.
  2. the laboratory activities in the learning of history: organization techniques and method; use of historical sources and subject bibliography.


Assessment criteria of knowledge

For attending students the knowledge acquired will be verified through active participation in the lectures with interventions and discussions, exercises in written progress, the final oral exam.

Written exercises

Under the tutor's supervision, written exercises (in the classroom and / or to be prepared at home) will be carried out on topics covered in class.

Presentation of a lesson

At the end of the institutional lessons held by the teacher, the students will have to carry out an ongoing test, consisting of the presentation in the classroom of a lesson (in pairs / small groups, also in PowerPoint) with a free theme (from antiquity to contemporaneity ) agreed with the teacher. The written version of the lesson (PowerPoint presentation / paper / outline) must be sent to the teacher at least 2 days before the presentation in the classroom.


The course aims to provide students with the tools to learn and develop the didactic capacity of the historical discipline in different areas and historical periods.

Assessment criteria of skills

For attending students the skills acquired will be verified through active participation in the lectures with interventions and discussions, exercises in written progress, the final oral exam.



The student will have to develop the capacity:

  1. to present, explain and explain in a clear and exhaustive way events, phenomena and historical processes (in written and oral form).
  2. to consciously use discipline's lexicon.
  3. of participation in the discussion, arguing coherently with the interlocutors, and of interaction within a work group.


Assessment criteria of behaviors

During the lessons the ability of will be verified and evaluated

  1. to present, explain and explain in a clear and exhaustive way events, phenomena and historical processes (in written and oral form).
  2. to consciously use discipline's lexicon.
  3. of participation in the discussion, arguing coherently with the interlocutors, and of interaction within a work group.

These are prerequisites for passing the exam:

  • the appropriate and correct knowledge of the Italian language, both written and oral.
  • general historical geography (from antiquity to contemporaneity).
  • since the course is mainly addressed to the students of the Master's Degree Course in History and Civilizations, it is considered acquired the knowledge of the main events of history from the Ancient age to the Contemporary period. If these conditions are not present, students must contact the teacher to agree additional readings (not included in the ordinary exam program, but obviously necessary).
Prerequisites for further study

The course is not a prerequisite for taking subsequent exams present in the Master's degree course in "History and Civilization".

The course of Didactics of history (6cfu), scientific-disciplinary sector M-STO/01, is valid examination for the PF24 (it is among the Coherent Courses of the University of Pisa aa.aa. 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21) and can be included in the "Teaching methodologies and technologies" in the Classes A-11, A-12, A-19, A-22

Teaching methods

In view of the Covid-19 pandemic, the course will be conducted using the Meet platform (see Notes). The course will be conducted in the following manner:

  • methodology lessons and laboratory lessons;
  • lectures conducted with slides and other teaching materials;
  • written in itinere exercises;
  • any presentations of lessons / workshops to be held in small groups.
  • use of the Mooddle e-learning platform to load the didactic material commented in class and to allow the teacher to communicate with the whole class (reception information, outcome tests in itinere, etc.); 
  • the reception can also be used by the students as a moment of clarification on the content of the course.

Since the course is dedicated to the analysis and explanation of the basic methods, tools and techniques of teaching History in the school, attendance at lectures is strongly recommended.

Students who attend at least 70% of class time are considered attending students.

At the beginning of each lesson, an appeal will be made to certify the presence/absence of the students and the teacher will draw up a register of attendance/absences.


The course consists of critical reflection on the main methodologies in the field of history teaching, with reference to the theoretical disciplinary elaboration and, above all, to the practical application of this (teaching to teach, teaching to learn, simulating a lesson, etc. etc.).

The course consists of critical reflection on the main methodologies in the field of history teaching, with reference to the theoretical disciplinary elaboration and, above all, to the practical application of this (teaching to learn, simulating a lesson, etc. etc.).

The texts / materials / topics of reference on which the course is built are:

  • the teaching material commented in class (models of schemes, sources, maps, etc.).
  • the reference bibliography:
    1. Insegnare storia. Il laboratorio storico e altre pratiche attive, a cura di Francesco Monducci, Torino, Utet Università, 2018 (terza edizione).
    2. Walter Panciera, Andrea Zannini, Didattica della storia. Manuale per la formazione degli insegnanti, Firenze, Le Monnnier Univresità, 2013 (terza edizione).
    3. Storia e geografia. Idee per una didattica congiunta, a cura di Cristina Minelle, Lorena Rocca, Francesco Bussi, Roma, Carocci editore, 2016.

The bibliographic texts and the materials on which to prepare the exam are:

  1. the teaching material commented in class (models of schemes, sources, maps, etc.).
  2. Insegnare storia. Il laboratorio storico e altre pratiche attive, a cura di Francesco Monducci, Torino, Utet Università, 2018 (terza edizione).
  3. Walter Panciera, Andrea Zannini, Didattica della storia. Manuale per la formazione degli insegnanti, Firenze, Le Monnier Università, 2013 (terza edizione).

Constant consultation is recommended for the preparation of the classroom presentation of the lesson, the written exercises with the tutor and the final exam:

  • of Vocabolario and  Enciclopedia  Treccani (on line).
  • of an historical atlas (Atlante storico, Zanichelli 2014 or Grande atlante storico mondiale, De Agostini 2019)

Since written exercises and a final written test are planned, the following texts are strongly recommended (not included in the ordinary exam program):

  • Limina. Lingua italiana minima di accesso, a cura di Roberta Cella, Pisa University Press, Pisa 2012;
  • B. Mortara Garavelli, Prontuario di punteggiatura, Bologna, Laterza, 2003 (or other punctuation manual).
Non-attending students info

The exam consists of an oral test.

Non-attending students must bring the following program:

  1. Walter Panciera, Andrea Zannini, Didattica della storia. Manuale per la formazione degli insegnanti, Firenze, Le Monnnier Univresità, 2013 (terza edizione).
  2. Insegnare storia. Il laboratorio storico e altre pratiche attive, a cura di Francesco Monducci, Torino, Utet Università, 2018 (terza edizione).
Assessment methods

For attending students, the exam consists of compulsory activities and tests:

For attending students, the exam consists of compulsory activities and tests:

Participation in the study group coordinated by the tutor.
Written exercises (to be carried out in the classroom and / or at home) assigned by the tutor.
Presentation of a classroom lesson (in pairs / small groups) with a free theme (from antiquity to contemporaneity) agreed with the teacher. The text of the lesson must be delivered to the teacher and the tutor-exerciser.
Final oral exam, consisting of a general discussion on the course, on the planned bibliography, on the activities carried out in the study group and on the exercises produced, on the presentation of the lesson in the classroom.

The exams will be held electronically, using Meet (see Notes)

Additional web pages

Students are encouraged to register for the course on the Moodle platform to download the didactic material and to be updated on any movements / suspensions / changes in class schedule and reception.

Other information related to teaching (changes in hours of lesson and / or reception, etc.) will be indicated in the personal page of the teacher on Unimap> Didactic activity

We also suggest the Unimap consultation> Didactic activity> Lecture register


The course will take place in the first semester (start date, times and classroom to be defined).

For the Covid-19 pandemic, the course will be conducted electronically (Meet platform) in the following ways:

  • download Meet by connecting to the link (web access has a discontinuous link).
  • access Meet from the Google Chrome browser, with the institutional account @ (other accounts are rejected).
  • once you have entered your university credentials and shown on the Meet start page, select the "Use a meeting code" option and enter the code 558MM (code of the Didactics of History course).
  • turn off the microphone (to avoid creating sound overlaps) and leave the camera activated.
  • at the beginning of the lesson an appeal will be made, which must be answered verbally (by activating the microphone).
  • during the lesson you can take part by asking to speak through the chat (not with the raised hand symbol).

If there are DSA conditions (certified or not certified) or any other situations that could affect the outcome of the exam (written and / or oral), the interested parties are requested to inform the teacher before the course starts.

Exam Commission:

President: Cecilia Iannella (alternate president Simone Maria Collavini)
Members: Alberto Cotza, Simone Maria Collavini (alternate members Mauro Ronzani, Giuseppe Petralia)

Updated: 11/01/2021 09:54