View syllabus
Academic year2020/21
PeriodSemester 2

Obiettivi di apprendimento
Learning outcomes

Check the program in English. There is no Italian version.


Module I - Pompeo Della Posta (3 CFU)

The I Module of the course aims to enable students to understand and critically analyse the essential aspects of economic development and the current phase of globalization both in its real and monetary aspects, that is related to trade and trade policies, labour markets and to the role of exchange rates and capital markets respectively.

Module II - Davide Fiaschi (3 CFU)

Module II will introduce to the concept of economic development and its relationship with other concepts generally associated in economic literature as economic growth, well-being, socio.economic mobility and happiness. A part of the course will be also used to discuss the main empirical evidence related to economic development and its uneven spread over time and across countries/regions. We finally focus on two issues, sustainable development and conflict, to the root of economic development.

Assessment criteria of knowledge

Module I - Pompeo Della Posta (3 CFU)

Students’ active participation is strongly encouraged (20%). A final test with multiple choice questions will provide a relevant piece of student’s evaluation (80%).

Module II - Davide Fiaschi (3 CFU)

Students’ active participation is strongly encourage. Written essay to be presented (50% overall mark) and oral examination (50% overall mark) are used to assess students' knowledge.


Students should be able to discuss of main issues related to globalization and economic development and to write critical papers on these issues.

Assessment criteria of skills

Module I - Pompeo Della Posta (3 CFU)

I am willing to consider also the possibility of students’ presentations on some of the topics that will not be covered in the lectures, in which case the evaluation will be adjusted accordingly: participation (15%), class presentation (15%), final test (70%).

Module II - Davide Fiaschi (3 CFU)

Students should be able to write a short essay (6/10 pages) on a specific issue and to discuss all issues discussed in the lectures in an oral examination.


Students will acquire an awareness of issues related to globalization and economic development, and the maturity to critically discuss them.

Assessment criteria of behaviors

Oral presentation, discussion, and written examination.


Students should be familiar with standard intermediate textbook of Macroeconomics and Microeconomics

Teaching methods

Module I - Pompeo Della Posta (3 CFU)

Online lectures. Active students's participation.

Module II - Davide Fiaschi (3 CFU)

Online lectures. Active students's participation.



Module I - Pompeo Della Posta (3 CFU)

The course aims to enable students to understand and analyse critically the essential aspects
of the current phase of globalisation both in its real and monetary aspects, that is related to
trade, labour and capital markets.


Definitions of economic globalization and wide and narrow meaning of the term.

 History of economic globalization: the Victorian age, the American age, the neo-liberal age (and a new post-crises neo-protectionist age?).

 Globalization of goods markets: theoretical reasons (absolute and comparative advantages, limits of labor value theory, the recasting of trade theory within the marginalist approach and the role of factor endowments and factor intensity of production). Critical aspects of the globalization of the goods markets and protectionism.

 Globalization of labor markets: theory and critical aspects, demographic trends and migrations.

 Globalization of capital markets: balance of payments, exchange rate markets, capital mobility (foreign direct investments and portfolio investments).

Some topics may be added, including:

 - the current phase of globalization slowdown (deglobalization?) before and after the pandemic;

 - Multinational companies and the global value chain before and after the pandemic;

 - regional integration and future geopolitical perspectives (TPP, TTIP and their failure, RCEP).

 -  the role of the new global players, particularly China (the Belt and Road Initiative), India and Russia.

 - the effects on the global economy of the fourth industrial revolution, artificial intelligence and the internet of things.


Module II - Davide Fiaschi (3 CFU)

The module is a general introduction to economic development, with a focus on sustainable development and conflict.


  • Introduction to economic development (definition; relationship with economic growth, well-being, socio-economic mobility and happiness)
  • Facts on economic development (long-run trends, inequalities among countries and regions; gender inequality; equality of opportunity)
  • Theories of economic development (Classical, Marxian, Keynesian, Neoclassical, Modern and New Growth Theories)
  • Sustainable development (concept, theoretical models, empirical evidence)
  • Conflicts and development (concept, theoretical models, empirical evidence)



Module I - Pompeo Della Posta (3 CFU)

Pompeo Della Posta, The Economics of Globalization: an Introduction, ETS, 2018 (e-book available at the website of the publisher The Economics of Globalization - Bookrepublic) and some additional material to be communicated during the course, depending on the topics that will be covered.

Module II - Davide Fiaschi (3 CFU)

  • Ray (1998). Development Economics
  • Roland (2016). Development Economics
  • Papers  and book's chapters discussed in the lectures
  • Recorded videos of lectures
Assessment methods

Module I - Pompeo Della Posta (3 CFU)

Students’ active participation is strongly encouraged (20%). A final test with multiple choice questions will provide a relevant piece of student’s evaluation (80%). I am willing to consider also the possibility of students’ presentations on some of the topics that will be covered in the lectures, in which case the evaluation will be adjusted accordingly: participation (15%), class presentation (15%), final test (70%).

Module II - Davide Fiaschi (3 CFU)

Students’ active participation is strongly encourage. Written essay to be presented (50% overall mark) and oral examination on the whole program (50% overall mark) are used to assess students' knowledge.



Additional web pages

Online Teaching during the schedule of the course

Updated: 22/02/2021 13:11