Modules | Area | Type | Hours | Teacher(s) | |
L’ attività di tirocinio è finalizzata all’applicazione della dietoterapia nelle diverse patologie
The internship is aimed at the application of diet therapy in different disease
esame finale orale
oral examination
Lo studente deve essere in grado di:
The student must be able to:
evaluate the patient's biochemical data of nutritional interest in different disease
develop and administer personalized diet plans in patients with acute, chronic, degenerative and metabolic diseases
recommend dietary supplements and their most appropriate use in case of: Celiac disease, Chronic Renal Failure, Malnutrition, Enteral Nutrition, Intestinal problems
implement the intervention of therapeutic education in different diseases
develop an enteral nutritional therapy plan in the hospital and at home
give information and / or explanations on enteral nutrition to the patient / caregiver relate and integrate with other health professionals monitor,
evaluate and implement changes in the nutritional therapeutic plan
do research through the library and the internet
identify the role of the dietitian in the treatment of certain diseases
critically use software for processing diets
esame orale
oral examination
programma completo del primo anno e del secondo anno
knoledge of firt and second year
applicazione di dietoterapia negli ambulatori specialistici
application of dietetics and nutrition in specialist dietitian's clinics
Linee guida delle diverse patologie
Krause's Food and Nutrition care Model
current guidelines of different disease
esame orale con caso clinico da discutere
oral examination of case studie
tirocinio in ambulatori di dietisti specialist
internership with dietitian in hospital: ward and clinic