Modules | Area | Type | Hours | Teacher(s) | |
Topics in Macroeconometrics si rivolge agli studenti che desiderano acquisire una conoscenza pratica dei metodi moderni utilizzati in macroeconomia e in finanza.
Topics in Macroeconometrics aim is to endow students with a working knowledge of the modern econometric methods used in macroeconomics and, to some extent, in finance.
Topics range from classic time series concepts such as linear univariate and multivariate processes (ARMA, VAR) to techniques that have only recently entered the applied macroeconomist' toolbox (Bayesian VAR and Factor Models).
Students need to be familiar with econometric theory at the level of Advanced Econometrics (246PP).
Per l'accertamento delle conoscenze saranno svolte delle prove in itinere.
Ongoing assessment to monitor academic progress will be carried out.
Gli studenti acquisiranno una conoscenza dell'econometria delle serie temporali che va dagli strumenti classici come i processi stazionari lineari (ARMA, VAR) alle tecniche che sono recentemente entrate nella cassetta degli attrezzi macroeconomista (econometria bayesiana, kalman filter, factor models)
By the end of the course, students should be able to:
1. apply the techniques introduced in class to real data using Julia
2. Have a clear picture of the challenges of identification in macroeconomics
3. Be able to construct state-of-the-art forecasting models
Alcune lezioni saranno dedicate alle appliazioni empiriche per le quali sarà usato il software statistico Julia.
Some lectures will be devoted to empirical applications and will require the use of the
statistical software Julia
Attendance It is expected that all students attend the lectures, be up to date with their readings and be prepared to participate fully in class. If you have problems mastering the material covered in class, please ask questions in class or during office hours. Cheating and other forms of dishonesty I have no tolerance for cheating. I regard academic dishonesty as a very serious offense. Students caught cheating during exams will fail the class and will be reported to the appropriate officer of the college.
La frequenza alle lezioni è consigliata, così come una preparazione per una piena partecipazione alla lezione. Gli studenti che hanno problemi possono fare domande durante la lezione o durante l'orario di ricevimento.
Imbrogli o altre forme di disonestà
Non ci saranno tolleranze nei confronti di qualsiasi tipo di imbroglio. Gli studenti che saranno trovati a copiare non supereranno l'esame e il loro comportamento sarà riportato agli uffici competenti.
Advanced Econometrics (246PP)
Students need to be familiar with econometric theory at the level of Advanced Econometrics (246PP).
Lectures and interactive sessions
The main reference for this courses is:
The main reference for this courses is:
The instructor will provide handouts and other reading material to highlight challenging aspects of a topic or present material not covered by the main references.
The class has is own Teams channel. I will use it extensively for important communication.
The class has also a website I will use it to host the course material.
La valutazione e' basata interamente su homework assignments.
The final grade depends on several homework assignments.