Il corso offre conoscenze di microcontrollori per il controllo di robot, di dispositivi di acquisizione dati e di driving dei motori, affrontando il problema del controllo con due soluzioni tipo (DC motor e STEP motor). Nella seconda parte del corso verranno affrontate tematiche inerenti sensori avanzati di percezione e computer vision. Verranno sviluppati i seguenti percorsi: elementi di meccanica e meccatronica orientate a conoscere i principali dispositivi di acquisizione dati e controllo motori; configurazione e sviluppo codice su microcontrollori per il controllo di sistemi complessi. Acquisizione di immagini ed elementi di geometria proiettiva per l'analisi delle immagini.
Il corso affronta le parti di modellazione, sviluppo controllo, e configurazione dispositivi utilizzando la toolchain Matlab/Simulink e ambienti di sviluppo di tipo Open (eclipse, stmcubeide). Le piattaforme sono disponibili su Windows/Linux/OSX. Mentre la parte di computer vision verrà sviluppata tramite librerie OpenCV e ambienti di sviluppo basato su Python.
Il corso parte dalla modellazione fisica di sistemi tramite l'uso del toolbox Matlab/Simulink per poi embeddare sistemi e controllori su piattaforme target di tipo STM32. Per affrontare la parte di modellazione risulta utile una buona conoscenza di matlab simulink, nozioni più approfondite per la configurazione e l'analisi verranno invece offerte a inizio corso. La programmazione embedded avverrà invece in codice C/C++
The course is dedicated to students who have already a background in programming (C/Matlab), electronics (basic of digital and Analog circuits), and signal theory.
The class provides fundamental competences to design, control and implement automatic systems driven by digital controllers. The class offers to its students competences to design control architecture based on a functional description of the system behavior. Major outcomes: Analyze Robotics and Industrial Automation problems Define operation and control cycles/algorithms Identify appropriate sensors, actuators and control electronics, Model the system and the controller through electronics and/or digital simulations. Test the overall performance Integrate and Implement control specification on embedded systems.
La verifica delle conoscenze avviene in un unico colloquio in cui il candidato dovrà dimostrare le proprie competenze di laboratorio (pratiche) e teoriche. L'esame avrà pertanto due fasi consistenti nella produzione di un elaborato al calcolatore in cui viene richiesto di dimostrare le proprie capacità di design, analisi, programmazione, ottimizzazione e/o modellazione, e una verifica orale in cui il candidato deve rispondere ad argomenti teorici trattati a lezione.
Facoltativamente il candidato può chiedere di sostituire la prima parte di verifica con un progetto indipendente da condurre in autonomia nelle settimane precedenti l'appello. In tal caso la verifica delle capacità di laboratorio avverrà tramite dimostrazione dei risultati ottenuti e discussione di una breve relazione progettuale.
The student has to demonstrate (Expected outcome): Good knowledge of theory concepts (as for the program above). Problem analysis and modeling Hardware/software Design The student has to demonstrate (Validation criteria): - During the oral exam the student must be able to demonstrate his/her knowledge of the course material and be able to discuss the reading matter thoughtfully and with propriety of expression. - The student must demonstrate the ability to put into practice and to execute, with critical awareness, the activities illustrated or carried out under the guidance of the teacher during the course.
Further information:
Final exam consist of a design test held within the oral session, plus questions on the theory delivered during lessons. Students who requested a project work may discuss their work content as part of the design activities.
Most of the previous year test will be provided to student using the shared cloud resources that are created yearly for each course. These resources include practical tests the students could use to check their level of preparation before coming to the exam.
Ci si aspetta che al termine corso lo studente acquisisca le seguenti capacità:
Modellazione di sistemi meccanici/elettronici/motorizzati semplici e risoluzioni integrata di problemi di ottimizzazione multifisica;
Implementazione in Matlab/Simulink e Microcontrollore di processi di controllo per sistemi meccatronici;
Buon uso delle potenzialità simulink per eseguire Physical Based Modeling e relativo sviluppo di codice;
Conoscenza interna della architettura dei microcontrollori ARM e delle informazioni necessarie per implementare un codice di controllo e comunicazione di tipo embedded
Buona conoscenza dei tipi di motori, driver e delle periferiche necessarie per il controllo
The student who completes the course successfully will be able to demonstrate a solid knowledge of the basic control theories for digital systems and will be able to understand electronic circuits and design the related control software for the control of mechanical systems. He/she will acquire knowledge of physical modeling problems and of the typical architectures for the control of electro-mechanical systems.
Vedasi verifica delle conoscenze. La verifica viene fatta in maniera integrata
Project work, exam test, design questions during the oral.
Lo studente apprenderà nelle lezioni pratiche le metodologie ed i percorsi di sviluppo SAFE per l'analisi ed il test dei primi sistemi di controllo e la diagnostica dei fault.
Verranno esaminati i seguenti tipi di fault:
Elettrici (analisi delle tensioni e polarità), Elettronici (analisi dei segnali di driving), di Comunicazione periferiche (logic analyzer e analisi di basso livello dei protocolli), comunicazione centrale (comunicazione seriale ed interfacciamento tra sistemi), di prestazione in tempo reale (diagnostica e debug tramite toolchain di sviluppo) e di anelli di controllo base (visualizzazione delle risposte e confronto con i modelli, analisi delle risposte ad anello aperto e progettazione di condizioni di test semplificati)
We consider the course being able to help the user solving practival, multidisciplinary, multi-physics problems, by coupling background theory, with models, control and related implementation software. The problems will be described from several perspectives from background theory, to implementation, to estimation and problem solving.
If the student will choose the verification modality that includes the final project, he will also face issues such as use of practical instruments, team working, assembling and manufacturing of prototypes, writing quality technical reports.
Non previsto
Tutor will follow up design and team working phases
The quality of results and the written relationship will be checked just before the exam
The competences acquired (in case of multiple users) will be verified during the exam
Risultano utili conoscenze pregresse di:
Fondamenti di automatica
Uso di Matlab Simulink
Conoscenza di linguaggi di programmazione
Mathematics, Programming, Control, Signal Theory, System Theory, Basic of Electronics
For project work: Manual skills, Precision, cooperation skills, problem solving
Nel corso del periodo COVID le lezioni avverranno in teledidattica
La parte sperimentale sarà trasmessa in streaming
Qualora fosse possibile si cercherà di mettere in opera un sistema embedded di test per gli studenti
The class will include a wide amount of laboratory experiment. For a best learning the student is invited to follow the laboratory lessons which also include design methodologies, problem solving, and discussion of non core theory topics.
Delivery: face to face
Learning activities:
Attendance: Mandatory
Teaching methods:
Introduction to Mechatronics systems
Mechatronics in Industrial Automation
Components of Mechatronic system
PART I: Mechanics and Physical Modeling
Introduction to Mechanics
System Modelling and equivalences
Mechanisms and reduced equations for constrained motions
PART II: Motors & Actuation
Electric actuation principles
Operation of PM-DC motor
Motor drivers
Introduction to step motors
Notes on AC Motors
Notes on BLDC and Induction motors
PART III: Simulation and Controller implementation
Matlab USE for Physical Based Modelling
Batch simulation and optimization
Realization and Digital Filter implementation
Finite state machines
PART IV: Analog Electronics
Electronic realization
The operational amplifier
Relevant configurations
Basic active filters
The instrumentation amplifier
Other relevant circuits
PART V: Sensing & Communication
Sensors and Transducers
Communication interfaces
PART VI: Digital Controllers
Basic review of digital electronic for uC
Introduction to Microcontrollers
Microcontroller peripherals
STM32 Primer
Getting started with the Nucleo F7 board Compiling and startup
Reset and Clock control
The course provides notion of the mathematical theories of modelling and control both in the case of continuous time control systems and of digital control. Theoretical lessons are complemented with test cases, and laboratory practices using computer-aided design software. For what regards the Mechatronics approach, modelling techniques for elementary physical systems are described; moreover, input-output interfaces (sensors, drivers and actuators) are shown and a set of common electronics standards for data communication and signal conversion. Practical lessons will use a DSP processor platform and commercial electronics. Laboratory lessons also introduce to the use of instruments for diagnosis and debug.
The class will investigate the compoenents involved in the automation system design according to four different perspectives: mechanical characteristics, electronic interface, programming and control. PART I - Physics Review of Mechanics laws for a rigid body (Cinematics and Kinetics) Analysis of relevant mechanisms for motion and force transmission. System equivalence (rotoational, linear, electric, hydraulicc and thermal systems); PART II - Interfaces Review of principal actuators (PM-DC motors, Step motors,...) Review of principal sensors (encoder, resolver, force sensors, LVDT,...) Driving electronics, digital and analog sensing, major data acquisition busses. PART III - Programming and control The class will include theory and laboratory practice to integrate elementary force and position control schemes on a target ARM microcontroller. These perspectives will cross-compared to understand how the choices will interfere each other and concur to the overall system perform
Lecture notes will cover almost all the topics covered during lessons. Other recommended learning may include: 1. Norman, Birkofer, Maschinenelemente und Mechatronik I, 2002, McGraw Hill 2. Irwin, Wilamowski, Control and Mechatronics, CRC Press, 2011 3. Moudgalya, Digital Control, John Wiley, 2007ics, McGraw-Hill, 2007 4. Irwin Wilamowski Eds, Fundamentals of Industrial Electronics, CRC PRess, 20111 5. David & Histand, Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement Systems, McGraw Hill, 4th Ed. 2012 6. McGill, King, An Introduction to Dynamics, 4th Ed, Tichenor Publishing, 2003 7. “Mechatronics by bond graphs”, Springer Verlag 2003, ISBN 3-540-42375-3 A STM32F4 will be employed during practical laboratory experiments. Course Software: 1. GCC-ARM-NONE-EABI with floating point (from launchpad) 2. CooCox / CoIDE (From 3. CircuitLab (Plugin chrome) 4. Matlab/Simulink (form 5. Gnu-utils (various sources, used for MAKE)
Il corso di laboratorio offre buona parte delle conoscenze tramite un approccio non teorico ma di problem solving che viene effettuato durante le lezioni interattive. Risulta difficile apprendere tali conoscenze solo da lezioni registrate quando queste non siano interattive e non diano possibilità allo studente di interagire con il docente per comprendere dove si sia bloccata la fase di implementazione/sviluppo/modellazione/ottimizzazione.
Qualora possibile si suggerisce di seguire in streaming le lezioni sulla piattaforma ed interagire con il docente durante e/o a fine lezione.
Contact teacher ahead the course, do laboratory session at home by yourself, check with teacher the list of laboratory activities you must be able to solve alone. Register to the Yearly shared DB folder. Verify regularly lesson material, laboratory experiments, and up to date didactic material.
Vedasi verifica delle conoscenze
During the exam, the student must demonstrate his/her knowledge of the course material and to organise an effective and correctly written reply. During the oral exam the student must be able to demonstrate his/her knowledge of the course material and be able to discuss the reading matter thoughtfully and with propriety of expression. The student must demonstrate the ability to put into practice and to execute, with critical awareness, the activities illustrated or carried out under the guidance of the teacher during the course.
For the Mechatronics module, the student can choose between two types of final evaluation test.
Type 1: Laboratory practical, Computer assisted, mechatronics design and control test, accompained with a final oral exam. The test session starts with a computer assisted design problem which should be solved and discussed during the oral. The computer assisted design problem can concern any topic covered during the lessons, such as: mechanical modelling, physical based modelling, embedded controller programming, identification of systems, parameter estimation, design issues, validation issues.
Type 2: Final project work involving the design and development of a practical mechatronic system. The project to be completed in autonomy by the student,during the project development activities can be followed by a tutor assigned by the teacher within the experts in the matter. The final project concludes its activities with an associated report to be discussed in an oral test together with the demonstration of the project work results.
Independtly from the type of verification the final oral can include three or more questions on the topics not covered in the practical part.
Each year all material will be shared among students using a Dropbox Folder
Teacher is available for discussion at the end (or before if possible) of each lesson. There is not regular (weekly timetable) so receiving time should be asked by email to the teacher.