Al termine del corso:
The student who successfully completes the course will be able to demonstrate an institutional knowledge of the EU legal system, will be able to understand and analyze the case-law of the Court of Justice and critically understand the main process of European Union integration with particular reference to the inter-relations among institutions, the relationship between national and EU legal orders and the main features of the ESDP.
The student will be assessed on his/her demonstrated ability to discuss the main course contents using the appropriate terminology.
Al termine del corso:
After attenting to this course students will be able to conduct research and analysis of sources of EU law and to solve practical EU law cases.
The student’s ability to apply notions learnt during the course will be assessed in the final exam.
The student will be able to acquire and develop specific sensibility to legal issues taught during the course
During the course, students will be asked to discuss the most problematic aspects of the notions which will be explained. Oral reports about matters explained might be arranged during the course.
Nozioni giuridiche di base
Students must have a good knowledge of the functioning of the international and national legal order. Students are asked to pay attention to current developments in european affairs.
The course aims to provide an in-depth knowledge of institutional aspects of EU integration process and a general picture of the main aspects of selected EU policies. The general part of the course covers the following topics: the evolutions of the European process of integration; division of competences between the European Union and Member States; the functioning of the institutions; the EU sources of law; primacy of EU law; direct effect, responsibility of States, human rights protection; the relationship between the European Union and the Italian legal order; the competences of the European Court of Justice.
CALAMIA, DI FILIPPO, MARINAI, Diritto dell’Unione europea. Manuale breve, Giuffrè, ult. ed.
EBOLI V., Difesa comune e uropea e Sovranità Nazionale, CeMiSS, Roma, 2021
CALAMIA, DI FILIPPO, MARINAI, Diritto dell’Unione europea. Manuale breve, Giuffrè, ult. ed.
EBOLI V., Difesa comune e uropea e Sovranità Nazionale, CeMiSS, Roma, 2021
Testi consigliati :
CALAMIA, DI FILIPPO, MARINAI, Diritto dell’Unione europea. Manuale breve, Giuffrè, ult. ed.
EBOLI V., Difesa comune e uropea e Sovranità Nazionale, CeMiSS, Roma, 2021
Non-attending students should follow the suggestions about recommended readings specified above, in "Bibliography".
L’esame si svolgerà in forma orale
Final exam: oral. The oral test consists of an interview between the candidate and the Commission. During the final exam the student shall demonstrate his/her knowledge of the most important notions taught during the course and express them in the correct way.