View syllabus
Academic year2022/23
PeriodSemester 1

Learning outcomes

The student who completes the course successfully will be able to exhibit solid knowledge in the life cycle of the main pathogenic agents of humans and their interaction with their host, along with the ability to recognize and handle infectious diseases and understand the principles of diagnostic microbiology. The student will also acquire knowledge of hygiene principles and the main physical, chemical, and biological risk factors present in work environment and human life. Lastly, students will be aware of methods to minimize and prevent the risks above , and of preventive and therapeutic approaches against infectious diseases.

Assessment criteria of knowledge

The student will be assessed on: 1. His/her knowledge in general and clinical microbiology; 2. His/her knowledge in hygiene, pre- and post-exposure strategies, epidemiology of diseases and risk factors; 3. Ability to discuss the main course contents using the appropriate terminology; 4. Ability to approach a simple clinical problem, generally a widespread and well-known infectious disease, and describe transmission of infection, clinical symptoms, preventative and therapeutic measures; 5. Patient management; 6. Sanitary economy and appropriateness of intervention measures.


  • Final written exam

Further information:
The knowledge of the student will be assessed by specific questions of general and clinical microbiology and hygiene. There is no specific weighting.

Teaching methods

Delivery: face to face

Learning activities:

  • attending lectures
  • participation in discussions

Attendance: Mandatory

Teaching methods:

  • Lectures
Programma (contenuti dell'insegnamento)

Programma di esame

Presentazione del corso. Il concetto di salute.

I determinanti di salute La Medicina Preventiva seminario (educazione alimentare)

Epidemiologia Generale 

Demografia ed Indicatori sanitari

Epidemiologia Malattie infettive 

Epidemiologia patologie cronico-degenerative 

Vaccinazione e Vaccini. Comunicazione sanitaria


Inquinamento atmosferico e cambiamento climatici

Cenni di primo soccorso

Bibliografia e materiale didattico

Saranno conegnati agli studenti slides e matriale cartaceo utile al fine di preparare l'esame

Modalità d'esame

Esame scritto


The course provides notions on the world of microbes and their ways to interact with their host, as well as their ability to persist, survive, and cause disease to their natural or acquired hosts, with a special focus on how bacteria, viruses, mycetes, and parasites replicate and regulate their metabolism. The course also approaches the mechanisms exploited by pathogenic agents to enter and travel in the host and cause disease. Strategies adopted by the host to fight infection and the main vaccination approaches exploitable for the most important pathogenic agents will be also described. The second part of the course focuses on the definition of healthy condition, hygiene objectives and strategies suitable to define and plan preventive measures. Particular emphasis is also given to the methods to study epidemiology, sanitary conditions of population, analysis, definition of the risk factors


Roberto Cevenini. Microbiologia Clinica per i corsi di laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia e in Professioni Sanitarie. Seconda Edizione. Piccin Nuova Libraria, Padova, 2010. Igiene e Medicina Preventiva. S. Barbuti, E. Bellelli, G.M. Fara, G. Giammanco. Monduzzi Editore Bologna. Igiene. C. Meloni. Casa Editrice Ambrosiana. Slides and other learning material provided by teachers


Data inizio: 21-09-22

Updated: 14/09/2022 13:42