Modules | Area | Type | Hours | Teacher(s) | |
Al termine del corso gli studenti avranno acquisito conoscenza di teorie e i metodi dell’archeologia ambientale, con particolare attenzione alla definizione della materia come punto di incontro di diverse discipline scientifiche e umanistiche. L’esame di casi studio fornirà agli studenti gli strumenti per una comprensione diacronica dei contesti ambientali e del ruolo dell’archeologia nello studio degli stessi.
At the end of the course, students will have acquired knowledge of theories and methods of environmental archeology, with particular attention to the definition of the subject as a meeting point for different scientific and humanistic disciplines. The analysis of case studies will provide students with the tools for a diachronic understanding of environmental contexts and the role of archeology in their study.
Prova in itinere di carattere seminariale; esame finale, con prova pratica (redazione di un progetto di ricerca) e orale.
Ongoing test seminars; final exam, with practical test (drafting of a research project) and oral.
Al termine del corso, gli studenti avranno acquisto conoscenze di livello avanzato su:
At the end of the course, students will acquire advanced knowledge of:
Lavoro di gruppo, prova pratica.
Group work; practical test
Lo studente potrà acquisire e sviluppare sensibilità alle problematiche inerenti la metodologia della ricerca archeologica ambientale, tali da consentirgli di formarsi opinioni critiche riguardo la progettazione della ricerca ambientale e gli strumenti per realizzarla.
The student will be able to acquire and develop awareness to the problems inherent in the methodology of environmental archaeological research, in order to give him/her the tools to critically assess the design of environmental research and the methods to carry it out.
Lavori di gruppo, discussione partecipata, prova orale.
Group work, participation to seminar discussions, oral exam
Prerequisiti sono:
Prerequisites are:
- a basic knowledge of English language (for reading and understanding scientific texts);
- knowledge of the methods of archaeological research;
Le lezioni comprenderanno didattica frontale (con l'uso di slides, materiali dalla rete, ecc.), esercitazioni pratiche (learning by doing, lavori di gruppo), peer education (presentazioni degli studenti) e discussioni partecipate.
The lessons will include frontal teaching (with the use of slides, online materials, etc.), practical exercises (learning by doing, group work), peer education (student presentations) and participatory discussions.
Il programma toccherà i vari metodi dell’archeologia ambientale attraverso lezioni teoriche e attività seminariali. In particolare:
The program will touch on the various methods of environmental archeology through theoretical lessons and seminar activities. In particular:
- Theory and history of environmental archeology.
How do scientific knowledge and humanities intersect and contaminate? We will retrace the history of the scientific thought as well as the development of protocols for the study of past and contemporary environments.
- Archeology and climate change: the Anthropocene.
According to the reports of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), the current degree of global warming is largely the result of human actions. We now know, based on paleo-environmental studies, that the climate can change very quickly, with potentially dramatic consequences for the environment and human communities. We will examine evidence of past and present climate change, as well as explore the political and archaeological issues related to a current problem.
- Bioproxies: zooarchaeology.
Introduction to the study of faunal remains as indicators of the environmental context. The module will focus on the principles of the zooarchaeological study of animal remains and their contextualization for environmental reconstructions.
- Bioproxies: archeobotanics.
Introduction to the study of botanical remains as indicators of the environmental context. In particular, the implications of the study of palynological, anthracological and macro-remains for the reconstruction of environmental transformations will be discussed.
- The geological record: soils and rocks.
Much information on the transformation of past and present environments is obtained from the analysis of the geological record, intended as a study of sediments and analysis of the transformations of the bedrock. The quick review of geoarchaeological investigation methods will be correlated by the analysis of the interaction between human societies and geo-resources.
- Human societies and environmental transformations: adaptation and resilience.
We will explore how a transdisciplinary and multiproxy approach can be aimed at understanding the adaptation and resilience of human communities to environmental change. In particular, we will analyze case studies in which archaeological and ethnographic research, associated with environmental investigations, has allowed the study of sustainable territorial management strategies by indigenous communities.
- Environmental archeology and digital archeology.
Palaeoenvironmental reconstructions are the result of the joint analysis of several proxies that record physical changes influenced by climatic variables (such as temperature, humidity, storms, rainfalls etc.). The management, preservation and dissemination of the many data produced is a fundamental node of a transdisciplinary research. We will analyse how the digital turn influenced environmental archeology and what are the theoretical implications of a digital approach to the study of paleoenvironments.
- Sampling methods.
An accurate paleoenvironmental analysis is based on a reasoned sampling system, adapted to the context of study. The basic principles of archaeological statistics will be reviewed with particular attention to sampling strategies and the representativeness of the materials analyzed for understanding the archaeological and environmental contexts.
- Case studies.
The analysis of a series of case studies will allow to articulate the theoretical-methodological discourse by highlighting the contribution of environmental data to the interpretation of multi-layered archaeological contexts.
Manuali di riferimento ( da considerarsi come supporto allo studio e non come testi obbligatori):
Dincauze, Dena F. 2000. Environmental Archaeology: Principles and Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Reitz, Elizabeth, e Myra Shackley. 2012. Environmental Archaeology. Manuals in Archaeological Method, Theory and Technique. Springer US.
Pollard, A. Mark, e Peter Bray. 2007. A bicycle made for two? The integration of scientific techniques into archaeological interpretation. Annu. Rev. Anthropol. 36: 245–59.
Leonardi E. e Barbero A. Il sintomo Antropocene in Moore J.W. 2017 Antropocene o capitalocene? Scenari di ecologia-mondo nella crisi planetaria, pp. 7-25 (volume in biblioteca)
Cremaschi, Mauro, 2000, Manuale di geoarcheologia, Laterza, pp.291-318 (volume in biblioteca)
Guttmann-Bond, Erika. 2010. Sustainability out of the Past: How Archaeology Can Save the Planet, World Archaeology, agosto.
Orton, Clive, 2000, Sampling in archaeology, pp. 1-13 (volume in biblioteca)
Montanari, Carlo Alessandro, e Anna Maria Stagno. 2015. Archeologia Delle Risorse: Tra Archeologia Ambientale, Ecologia Storica e Archeologia Rurale / Archaeology of Resources: Between Environmental Archaeology, Historical Ecology and Rural Archaeology. Il Capitale Culturale: Studies on the Value of Cultural Heritage 0 (12): 503–36.
De Grossi Mazzorin, J., and C. Minniti. Studi sul sacrificio animale nel Mediterraneo antico: alcuni contesti a confronto. A. Russo e F. Guarneri (a cura di), Santuari mediterranei tra oriente e occidente. Interazioni e contatti culturali, Roma (2016): 329-339. (scaricabile da
Di Pasquale, G., Buonincontri, M. P., Allevato, E., Saracino, A., 2014, Human-derived landscape changes on the northern Etruria coast (western Italy) between Roman times and the late Middle Ages, The Holocene, 24 (11), 1491–1502.
Bini, M., M. Pappalardo, V. Rossi, V. Noti, A. Amorosi, and G. Sarti. 2018. ‘Deciphering the Effects of Human Activity on Urban Areas through Morphostratigraphic Analysis: The Case of Pisa, Northwest Italy’. Geoarchaeology 33 (1): 43–51.
Parte del materiale didattico sarà fornito dai docenti durante il corso (slides, link, ecc.) e pubblicato su Teams.
Manuals of reference ( not mandatory, can be considered as a support for studying the subject):
Dincauze, Dena F. 2000. Environmental Archaeology: Principles and Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Reitz, Elizabeth, e Myra Shackley. 2012. Environmental Archaeology. Manuals in Archaeological Method, Theory and Technique. Springer US.
Mandatory readings:
Pollard, A. Mark, e Peter Bray. 2007. A bicycle made for two? The integration of scientific techniques into archaeological interpretation. Annu. Rev. Anthropol. 36: 245–59.
Leonardi E. e Barbero A. Il sintomo Antropocene in Moore J.W. 2017 Antropocene o capitalocene? Scenari di ecologia-mondo nella crisi planetaria, pp. 7-25 (available in the library)
Cremaschi, Mauro, 2000, Manuale di geoarcheologia, Laterza, pp.291-318 (available in the library)
Guttmann-Bond, Erika. 2010. Sustainability out of the Past: How Archaeology Can Save the Planet, World Archaeology, agosto.
Orton, Clive, 2000, Sampling in archaeology, pp. 1-13 (available in the library)
Montanari, Carlo Alessandro, e Anna Maria Stagno. 2015. Archeologia Delle Risorse: Tra Archeologia Ambientale, Ecologia Storica e Archeologia Rurale / Archaeology of Resources: Between Environmental Archaeology, Historical Ecology and Rural Archaeology. Il Capitale Culturale: Studies on the Value of Cultural Heritage 0 (12): 503–36.
De Grossi Mazzorin, J., and C. Minniti. Studi sul sacrificio animale nel Mediterraneo antico: alcuni contesti a confronto. A. Russo e F. Guarneri (a cura di), Santuari mediterranei tra oriente e occidente. Interazioni e contatti culturali, Roma (2016): 329-339. (available on
Di Pasquale, G., Buonincontri, M. P., Allevato, E., Saracino, A., 2014, Human-derived landscape changes on the northern Etruria coast (western Italy) between Roman times and the late Middle Ages, The Holocene, 24 (11), 1491–1502.
Bini, M., M. Pappalardo, V. Rossi, V. Noti, A. Amorosi, and G. Sarti. 2018. ‘Deciphering the Effects of Human Activity on Urban Areas through Morphostratigraphic Analysis: The Case of Pisa, Northwest Italy’. Geoarchaeology 33 (1): 43–51.
Part of the teaching material will be provided by the teachers during the course (slides, links, etc.) and published on Teams.
I non frequentanti sono tenuti a portare lo stesso programma dei frequentanti, compreso il volume opzionale, consultando anche i materiali forniti dai docenti. Inoltre, i non frequentanti sono tenuti a prendere contatto coi docenti per l’integrazione dell prove in itinere previste per il corso.
Non-attending students are required to bring the same program as the attending students, including the optional volume, and consult the materials provided by the teachers. In addition, non-attending students are required to get in touch with the teachers for the integration of the ongoing tests scheduled for the course.
La prova in itinere consiste in una presentazione orale su un argomento a scelta tra quelli trattati durante il corso e la moderazione della discussione inerente.
L'esame finale consiste in una prova pratica e in un colloquio orale.
Chi non supera la prova pratica, è tenuto a ripeterla.
Chi supera la prova pratica deve sostenere la prova orale; il voto finale terrà conto del risultato della prova in itinere, della partecipazione ai dibattiti in aula, della prova pratica e del colloquio orale.
The ongoing test consists of an oral presentation on a topic chosen among those covered during the course and the moderation of the inherent discussion.
The final exam consists of a practical test and an oral interview.
Those who do not pass the practical test, are required to repeat it.
Those who pass the practical test must take the oral test; the final grade will take into account the result of the ongoing test, the participation in class debates, the practical test and the oral exam.
E' possibile effettuare tirocini presso il Laboratorio MAPPA.
Per ulteriori informazioni si prega di contattare il docente.
It is possible to carry out traineeships at the MAPPA laboratory.
For further information, please contact the teacher.
Il corso si terrà nel I semestre, le lezioni iniziano lunedì 19 Settembre.
lunedì 14.15-15.45 aula PAO A1
mercoledì 14.15-15.45 aula PAO A2
La docente è a disposizione degli studenti durante l'orario di ricevimento: martedì 10:00-12:00, presso lo studio in via dei Mille 19, piano III, o per via telematica.
Commissione d'esame:
Claudia Sciuto
Gabriele Gattiglia
Antonio Campus
Commissione supplente:
Simonetta Menchelli
Francesca Anichini
Nevio Dubbini
The course will be held during first semester.
The teacher is available to students during the reception hours: Tuesdays, from 10.00 to 12.00, at her office, via dei Mille 19, floor III.
Examination board:
Claudia Sciuto
Gabriele Gattiglia
Antonio Campus
Substitute examination board:
Simonetta Menchelli
Francesca Anichini
Nevio Dubbini