View syllabus
Academic year2022/23
PeriodSemester 2

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Learning outcomes

The student who completes the course successfully will be able to demonstrate a solid knowledge of the main issues related to the composition of food form animals and to the qualitive parameters and on the main factors which affect bioactive substances in food form during the primary production. The student will also acquire knowledge of nutrition physiology in human and on the main diseases related to the nutrition and will be able to analyze and correlate these aspects with food quality traits.

Assessment criteria of knowledge

During the oral exam the student must be able to demonstrate his/her knowledge of the course material and be able to discuss the reading matter thoughtfully and with propriety of expression.


  • Final oral exam

At the end of the course the student will be able to make a critical evalutaion of nutritional quality of fodd from animals

Assessment criteria of skills

The assessment of personal skills will be done by mean a final oral exam 


after the couse the student will acquire following behaviours:

- make a critical evaulutaion of the quality of food from animals;

- maka a critical and have a relationship skills wth technicians about the possibility to include food form animals in a balanced weeckly diet;

Assessment criteria of behaviors

The assessment of personal behaviours will be done both during the lessons and during lab experiences where student will be stimulated to solve specific problems


In order to attend the course may be usefull some preliminary knowledge in organic chemistry and basic elements of anatomy and physiology of domestic animals.

Teaching methods

Delivery: face to face

Learning activities:

  • attending lectures
  • individual study

Attendance: Advised

Teaching methods:

  • Lectures
  • laboratory


1 Anatomy and physiology of gastro-intestinal tract of domestic animals

  • Rumination
  • Cecotrophy
  • Food, dietary and nutritive substances
  • Definition of nutraceutical substances


  1. Food chemical composition
  • Dry matter, organic matter
  • Carbohydrates:
    • chemical structure of glucose
    • simple and complex sugars
    • Nutritional value of carbohydrates
    • Prebiotic role
    • Carbohydrates role in mono-gastric species
    • Carbohydrates role in poly-gastric species
  • Proteins
    • Structure
    • Structure of myoglobin, casein and whey proteins
    • Biological value of the proteins
    • Proteins in the ruminant species
    • Bioactive functions and the proteins
      • Allergenicity
      • Nutraceutical effects
    • Minerals
    • Lipids
      • Fatty acids
      • Triglycerides
      • Phospholipids
      • Cholesterol
      • Lipid digestion and absorption


  1. Milk
  • Chemical composition;
  • Milk synthesis
    • Lactose
    • Oligosaccharides
    • Casein
    • Whey proteins
    • Minerals
    • Lipids
  1. Meat
  • From muscle to meat; meat ageing;
  • Chemical composition
  • Nutritional and nutraceutical properties
  • Role of the iron in the colorectal cancer
  • Meat colour
  • Meat colour preservation
  • Meat oxidation

- Biochemical, Physiological, and Molecular Aspects of Human Nutrition – Stipanuk M.H., Caudill M. A. – Elsevier, St. Louis – Missouri -

- Nutrients in Dairy and their implications for health and disease - Watson R.R., Collier R.J., Preedy V.R. - Academic press, Elsevier.

Non-attending students info

Teachers will provide the teaching material before lessons. the Material will be put on the e-learning web site. Lessons will be recorded with teams platform and make available for worker students.

The non-attending student will be able to have the didactic material according to the modalities provided by e-learning. The teacher is available for clarification, upon request for an appointment by e-mail and during the scheduled reception hours.

Updated: 02/08/2022 11:22