View syllabus
Academic year2022/23
PeriodSemester 1

SARA POLI unimap
Obiettivi di apprendimento
Learning outcomes

THIS COURSE WILL BE HELD IN ENGLISH (IN THE FIRST SEMESTER). The course will be held by Professor Ottavio Quirico and Prof. Sara Poli. The course is open to students of the LM 52 'International Studies' and to all students who are interested in EU law.

The course is designed for students who have never studied EU law and have a B2 level of English.

The aim of the course is to enable students who have never studied EU law to have a basic understanding of the EU integration process, the EU Institutions, the EU legal order and judicial remedies available under the EU Treaties, as well as the external relations of the Union, with specific regard to the economic relations, environmental policy, human rights, security and conflict situations.

This basic course on EU law will help LM 52 students to better follow the module on EU external relations of the course “International and European law”.

The Syllabus will be made available to the students through the teaching platform (Moodle) on the first class.



THIS COURSE WILL BE HELD IN ENGLISH (IN THE FIRST SEMESTER). The course will be held by Professor Ottavio Quirico and Prof. Sara Poli. The course is open to students of the LM 52 'International Studies' and to all students who are interested in EU law.

The course is designed for students who have never studied EU law and have a B2 level of English.

The aim of the course is to enable students who have never studied EU law to have a basic understanding of the EU integration process, the EU Institutions, the EU legal order and judicial remedies available under the EU Treaties, as well as the external relations of the Union, with specific regard to the economic relations, environmental policy, human rights, security and conflict situations.

This basic course on EU law will help LM 52 students to better follow the module on EU external relations of the course “International and European law”.

The Syllabus will be made available to the students through the teaching platform (Moodle) on the first class.


Modalità di verifica delle conoscenze

The assessment criteria of knowledge is based on the oral exam and the students' partecipation to the classes.

Assessment criteria of knowledge

The assessment criteria of knowledge is based on the oral exam and the students' partecipation to the classes.


The students who successfully complete the course will be able to know:

1. what the sources of EU law are; what the qualities of EU secondary acts are and what their effects in the domestic legal order are

2. how the EU is different from other International organizations (i.e. Council of Europe); what the legal nature of the EU is and what its competences are

3. what the EU political institutions are, what their composition is and what their powers are

4. what the remedies that the Treaties make available to Member States are, the EU institutions or private parties in order to ensure that EU law is respected

5. the kind of international agreements that may be concluded by the EU; and

6. the way the EU exercises its powers in the areas of economics, environmental policy, fundamental rights, security and conflict situations and how the EU is represented in external relations.


The students who successfully complete the course will be able to know:

1. what the sources of EU law are; what the qualities of EU secondary acts are and what their effects in the domestic legal order are

2. how the EU is different from other International organizations (i.e. Council of Europe); what the legal nature of the EU is and what its competences are

3. what the EU political institutions are, what their composition is and what their powers are

4. what the remedies that the Treaties make available to Member States are, the EU institutions or private parties in order to ensure that EU law is respected

5. the kind of international agreements that may be concluded by the EU; and

6. the way the EU exercises its powers in the areas of economics, environmental policy, fundamental rights, security and conflict situations and how the EU is represented in external relations.

Modalità di verifica delle capacità

Students should partecipate to 90% of the classes in order to be able to take the exam and read in advance the reading material. Participation to the in-class discussion, which is possible only if students read material in advance, is highly appreciated and is part of the student’s assessment.




Students should partecipate to 90% of the classes in order to be able to take the exam and read in advance the reading material. Participation to the in-class discussion, which is possible only if students read material in advance, is highly appreciated and is part of the student’s assessment.

Modalità di verifica dei comportamenti


1. 10% participation to class discussion;

2. 90% oral exam.

Assessment criteria of behaviors


1. 10% participation to class discussion;

2. 90% oral exam.

Prerequisiti (conoscenze iniziali)

It is preferable that students have a basic understanding of international law.


It is preferable that students have a basic understanding of international law

Programma (contenuti dell'insegnamento)

List of topics

Topic 1: Lisbon Treaty and sources of EU law 

Topic 2: Division of competences between the EU and its Member States, political institutions and Court of Justice 

Topic 3: EU international agreements (with a special focus on EU investment agreements) 

Topic 4: Human rights protection and EU accession to the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms

Topic 5: EU environmental action 

Topic 6:  The EU and climate change 

Topic 7: EU and international energy governance 

Topic 8: The EU and international security 



List of topics

Topic 1: Lisbon Treaty and sources of EU law 

Topic 2: Division of competences between the EU and its Member States, political institutions and Court of Justice 

Topic 3: EU international agreements (with a special focus on EU investment agreements) 

Topic 4: Human rights protection and EU accession to the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms

Topic 5: EU environmental action 

Topic 6:  The EU and climate change 

Topic 7: EU and international energy governance 

Topic 8: The EU and international security 


Bibliografia e materiale didattico

The reading material of the course (i.e. book chapters or Journal articles commentaries, COM documents, judgements of the Court of Justice, European Council conclusions) is indicated in the handout of the course who will be made available online to the students on the class.



The reading material of the course (i.e. book chapters or Journal articles commentaries, COM documents, judgements of the Court of Justice, European Council conclusions) is indicated in the handout of the course who will be made available online to the students on the class.


Indicazioni per non frequentanti

Only students regularly attending this course will be able to take the exam. 

Non-attending students info

Only students regularly attending this course will be able to take the oral exam. 

Modalità d'esame

Oral exam

Assessment methods

Oral exam

Altri riferimenti web 


Additional web pages 


Updated: 21/08/2022 13:22