Modules | Area | Type | Hours | Teacher(s) | |
al termine del corso:
The student will have understood the field of application of the software in the agronomic context.
The student will have acquired the knowledge of the fundamentals of software necessary to understand the elements and functionalities of the AutoCAD program and its applications in the practical field.
The student will have the basics for managing the design process of developing CAD projects, from the survey of the state of affairs, to graphic representation and printing.
The student will understand the reading of the project and a flexible working methodology adaptable to various work contexts, in particular to the agricultural sector.
Per l’accertamento delle conoscenze saranno svolte delle prove in itinere utilizzando test pratici, ma anche incontri tra docente e studenti che si svolgeranno con laboratori finalizzati alla valutazione delle conoscenze acquisite. Nello specifico:
In order to ascertain knowledge, ongoing tests will be carried out using practical tests, but also meetings between the teacher and students which will take place with laboratories aimed at assessing the knowledge acquired. In particular:
Knowledge of the survey methodologies of the state of affairs and its graphic representation.
Knowledge of the main functions of the program and their application.
Al termine del corso:
At the end of the course:
The student will have acquired not only adequate knowledge and skills to take the exam, but above all stimuli, skills and learning methods for updating and raising their skills in using the AutoCAD program.
The student will have acquired the ability to use the basic functions of the AutoCAD program and its applications in the design field.
Durante lo svolgimento del corso saranno effettuati laboratori pratici di accertamento, durante in quali lo studente dovrà dimostrare di:
During the course, practical assessment laboratories will be carried out, during which the student will have to demonstrate:
Having acquired the ability to use and manage the basic functions of the software, such as production, modification and printing of the two-dimensional drawing.
Having acquired the ability to understand and develop basic projects applied to the agricultural sector
Alla fine del corso lo studente potrà acquisire e/o sviluppare:
At the end of the course the student will be able to acquire and / or develop:
The ability to use basic CAD software tools.
The production capacity of the two-dimensional drawing, in the modification of the same, the printing and organization of the file.
Address issues related to two-dimensional design.
La verifica dei comportamenti sarà effettuata:
durante i laboratori e le esercitazioni in cui si valuterà il grado di accuratezza e precisione delle attività oltre al comportamento dello studente di fronte alle problematiche poste dal docente.
The behavior check will be carried out:
during the workshops and exercises in which the degree of accuracy and precision of the activities will be assessed as well as the student's behavior in the face of the problems posed by the teacher.
Prerequisiti(conoscenze iniziali)
Prerequisites (initial knowledge)
There are no prerequisites for the course as it is designed for those approaching the program for the first time at the CAD program.
The lectures will take place with the aid of slides while the practical ones in the computer room set up to carry out the lessons.
The exercises carried out in the IT classroom are carried out in groups of students.
The Cds Elearning site is used where didactic material used in frontal lessons but also for communications of any kind with students is provided.
The iteration between teacher and students also takes place through receptions, e-mails and through student advisers.
There is ongoing evidence.
Memorizzazione dell’Interfaccia: lo strumento Aree di Lavoro. Creazione di un’ area dedicata al 2D.
La gestione dei file: la finestra di avvio di Autocad, comando nuovo, comando salva, salva con nome. I modelli di Autocad, loro creazione e modifica. Salvataggio dei file . Unità e Limiti del disegno. I file Bak e il salvataggio automatico. Protezione di un file disegno.
Concetti base del disegno cad: il sistema cartesiano wcs, coordinate assolute, relative e polari.
Disegnare con gli strumenti di precisione: osnap e autotracciamento. Osnap permanenti e Osnap temporanei. Il pulsante TAB e il tasto funzione F3. Puntamento (Autotrack) e l’impiego con gli Snap a Oggetto. L’autotracciamento e la modalità parallela. Punto medio tra due punti.
I principali comandi di disegno : linea, polilinea, multilinea, spline, rettangolo, poligono, cerchio, arco, ellisse, punto (dividi e misura). I contorni.
I layer e le proprietà degli oggetti :la tavolozza dei Layer, logiche e modalità di gestione dei layer. Proprietà oggetto e da layer. La tavolozza delle proprietà e la modifica delle proprietà degli oggetti.
Lo strumento Testo : Testo riga singola e Testo multilinea, creazione e modifica degli stili di testo. Esercitazione La Quotatura del disegno: i vari tipi di quotatura. Creazione e modifica degli stili di quota.
Approach to software and fields of application in the agronomic field.
User interface: the ribbon, the application menu and the new 'file tabs' bar. Quick access bar and menu bar. Autocad palettes and common properties. The new navigation bar. The command line and the Status Bar. The window, view and visual styles controls.
Memorizing the Interface: the Work Areas tool. Creation of an area dedicated to 2D.
File management: Autocad start window, new command, save command, save as. Autocad models, their creation and modification. Saving files. Units and limits of the drawing. Bak files and autosave. Protecting a design file.
Basic concepts of cad drawing: the wcs Cartesian system, absolute, relative and polar coordinates.
Draw with precision tools: osnap and self-tracking. Permanent Osnaps and Temporary Osnaps. The TAB button and the F3 function key. Pointing (Autotrack) and use with Object Snaps. Self-tracking and parallel mode. Midpoint between two points.
The view control: the view, zoom, pan and navigation bar tools. The selection methods: explicit methods and implicit methods, quick selection and similar selection. The grips and the associated dynamic menu.
The main drawing commands: line, polyline, multiline, spline, rectangle, polygon, circle, arc, ellipse, point (divide and measure). The side dishes.
The main editing commands Move, cut, copy, offset, mirror, stretch command. The measuring tools. Exercise The commands Join, Edit Polyline, Edit Spline, Explode. Trim and Extend, Rotate with Reference. The Series command: the Rectangular Series, the Polar Series. The commands Stretch, Fillet, Top. Exercise
The hatching and filling of the areas: creation of hatches, associative characteristic of the hatch, uniqueness and snap.
The layers and the properties of the objects: the palette of Layers, logic and methods of managing the layers. Object and layer properties. The properties palette and the modification of the properties of objects.
Blocks: logic and use of internal blocks, creation and insertion of a block. Blocks and Layer properties. Modification of a block: local redefinition. The Block Editor. Explosion of a block. The use of the DesignCenter. The Grip of the block.
The Text tool: Single Line Text and Multiline Text, creating and editing text styles. The drawing dimensioning tutorial: the various types of dimensioning. Create and edit dimension styles.
Layouts and printing: model space and paper space, creation and definition of mobile windows, creation and working methods within the layouts. Configuration of the printing devices and plotter for Autocad, the tables of the printing styles, ctb and stb. Print from model and print from layout.
Didactic material provided by the teacher during the lessons.
Any program manual.
Gli studenti non frequentanti possono seguire lo svolgimento delle lezioni utilizzando il materiale didattico messo a disposizione dal docente prima dell’inizio del corso sul sito Elearning del CDS e seguendo il registro delle lezioni del docente.
L’esame è composto da una prova pratica sull’utilizzo del programma.
L'esame consiste in una prova pratica della durata di circa 75 minuti durante la quale lo studente dovrà riprodurre al cad un disegno che gli verrà fornito in formato cartaceo e riprodurre una stampa in pdf. Durante la prova il docente valuterà il grado di conoscenza nell’utilizzo dei comandi di AutoCAD. La valutazione sarà espressa con giudizio sintetico da un minimo di Scadente/Nullo a un massimo di Ottimo e la prova risulta superata se si acquisisce una votazione pari a sufficiente
The exam consists of a practical test on the use of the program.
The exam consists of a practical test lasting about an hour during which the student will have to reproduce a drawing in the cad that will be provided in paper format and reproduce a printout in pdf. During the test, the teacher will evaluate the degree of knowledge in the use of AutoCAD commands. The evaluation will be expressed with a synthetic judgment from a minimum of Poor / Nil to a maximum of Excellent and the test is passed if a score equal to sufficient is acquired.