View syllabus
Academic year2023/24
PeriodSemester 1 & 2

Learning outcomes

The course aims to provide students with the tools to tackle the design of an architectural artefact with conservation problems. Therefore, the path is aimed at the drafting of a restoration project based on the 'knowledge site' of the artefact, on restoration work and adaptation to new functions. The main objective of the course is the acquisition of a project methodology that develops in three phases (knowledge, interpretation, definition of the intervention) developed through lectures and a project exercise.

A first theoretical part will be illustrated through lectures, covering the History of Restoration in chronological order, addressing:

- The relationship between past and present from antiquity to the 18th century

- The history of restoration during the 19th century

- Restoration between theories and interventions in the 20th century

 Subsequently, the methodological and operational directions of the restoration project will be explored through:

- Some fundamental concepts

- International Charters and Standards for Restoration Design

- Restoration Architectural Design Methodology and Techniques

- Some Restoration Interventions

During the design exercises, students will be guided to develop technical, interpretative and design skills in the field of historical building heritage aimed at the project of restoration and compatible reuse, which starts with the knowledge of the geometric and material consistency of the artefacts, proceeds with the interpretation of the deterioration and structural disruption and the transformations that have occurred over time and concludes with the proposal of the most appropriate interventions for their conservation: a proposal consistent with the disciplinary principles acquired.

Meetings/seminars/conferences/workshops on topics related to the course are planned to supplement the theoretical lectures and laboratory classes.

Assessment criteria of knowledge

The verification of knowledge will be carried out during the year with inter-course presentations by the students presenting the progress of their work and with the examination at the end of the course.


Students who complete the entire course will be able to recognise and apply the theoretical-methodological principles of restoration illustrated during the lessons.

Assessment criteria of skills

The examination in the form of an oral interview will focus on the topics developed in the lectures and verification of the laboratory work carried out in order to ascertain the student's acquisition of the set objectives.


The ambition of the course is to initiate the student into a critical reading of heritage and to be able to consciously participate in design activities on historical artefacts.

Assessment criteria of behaviors

The examination in the form of an oral interview will focus on the topics developed in the lectures and will ascertain the student's acquisition of the set objectives.


Basic knowledge: history of architecture, historical building technologies, static behaviour of buildings.


The content Architectural Restoration Course will be developed in cycles of lectures and meetings in which the following topics will be covered:

- Theories and History of Restoration from Antiquity to the Present Day

- The conservation and restoration project: theoretical and methodical issues.

- The traditional building site: materials, techniques, construction elements.

- The study of the building: survey, historical research, texture analysis and diagnostics;

- The restoration project also structural and conservation of materials, surfaces and construction elements.


The lecturer will provide teaching materials during the lessons.

Non-attending students info

Teaching materials will be provided on the course e-learning site (Moodle).

Assessment methods

The examination consists of an oral test, during which the graphics of the restoration project developed during the workshop will be illustrated and the theoretical-methodological and design knowledge acquired will be verified.


Lessons start: 27 September 2023

Wednesday: 14:00 19:00 Classroom PN 9

Examination Commission_President: prof. arch. Claudia Aveta

Members: dott. ing. Stefania Landi, dott. ing. Gianluca Bacci

Updated: 05/10/2023 14:06