View syllabus
Academic year2023/24
PeriodSemester 1

Obiettivi di apprendimento
Learning outcomes

The aims of the course are:

  1. to illustrate the molecular basis of fundamental processes in plant physiology
  2. to present the state-of-the-art techniques for plant gene editing 
  3. to examine advances and open questions in plant physiology and biotechnology

By the end of the course, students will:

  • possess sound knowledge of the techniques and approaches useful to address issues of molecular plant physiology and biotechnology
  • enhance their critical thinking capacity towards the current methodologies applied in the matter  
  • develop the ability to identify essential aspects of research articles and scientific reviews focussing on relevant topics in the field, analyze them critically and infer the necessary information to tackle specific problems
  • acquire the ability to define research projects to experimentally validate hypothesis and correctly interpret results to draft coherent conclusions
  • illustrate their own research strategy to address a selected issue in plant molecular physiology or biotechnology to an audience
Modalità di verifica delle conoscenze



Assessment criteria of knowledge

The student will be evaluated on their ability to discuss the main course contents using the appropriate terminology. Individual knowledge of the topics of the course, according to the material provided by the lecturers, will be probed during final exams or ongoing assessments.

Ongoing assessment to monitor academic progress of the enrolled students will take place (i) during organised group activities (teamworks), through meetings between the lecturers and the group of students developing the project, and a following individual presentation, (ii) by submission of a short individual research proposal in written form. The academic progress of non enrolled students will be assessed through a final oral exam. 



The students will acquire the following skills:

  • critically analyse the literature concerning molecular plant physiology
  • propose and optimize strategies to solve problems of plant physiology using molecular approaches
  • summarize information about molecular aspects of plant biology in a synthetic and original way


Assessment criteria of skills

Acquisition of the expected skills will be assessed as follows:

  • For attending students: in-class assessment with group activities (teamworks 1 and 2), oral communication of the activity outcomes with individual presentations, autonomous drafting of an original assay in the form of a short research paper;
  • For non-attending students: final exam covering all topics addressed during the course, including face-to-face lessons by the lecturers and topics discussed during teamwork 1. Part of the exam will be also devoted to the discussion of an experimental strategy to address a question of plant molecular physiology.
  • Students will develop an awareness of plant biotechnology issues
  • Students will develop an awareness of cutting-edge aspects of plant physiology
  • Students will be able to take part to team projects
Assessment criteria of behaviors

Students behaviour will be checked through their:

  • participation in problem solving during teamworks
  • participation in the general discussion through questions

Plant Physiology

Molecular biology




Teaching methods

The course is fully held in English.

Delivery: face-to-face.

Teaching activities:

  • lectures
  • laboratories: group activities with full tutoring
  • general discussion during presentation sessions

Learning activities:

  • attending lectures
  • participation to teamworks

Attendance: Not mandatory but strongly advised.




  • Methods of plant transformation and state of the art gene editing in plants
  • Genetically modified crops
  • Plant signal transduction mechanisms, with examples
  • Hormone signaling
  • Perception of environmental cues (temperature, photoperiod, oxygen...) and adaptative responses
  • Elements of plant-microbe molecular interactions
  • Plant-microbe beneficial interaction
  • Plant-to-plant communication

Reference textbook: Taiz L., Zeiger E., Plant Physiology, Fifth Edition, Sinauer Associate Inc.

Slides of the course, analyzed papers and additional literature will be made available on the e-learning platform by the lecturers.

Non-attending students info

The course is expecially planned for interactive learning, although participation is not mandatory. 

Non-attending students are invited to prepare on the textbook, the slides of the classes and the integrative material made available on the e-learning platform.

Final assessment: oral exam on the whole programme of the course.




Assessment methods

For attending students:

  • ongoing assessment of the outcome of group activities (teamworks 1 and 2) will take place through short individual presentations, where every student will be in charge of presenting part of the group activities. The activities will consist in the illustration of a research paper from the literature (teamwork 1) and of an original project proposal for one of the topics identified by the lecturers among open questions in plant biotechnology (teamwork 2);
  • drafting of a short original assay in the form of a research paper, describing a set of experimental data provided by the lecturers.

For non attending students:

  • Oral exam with questions related to the topics discussed in class and to the manuscripts chosen by the students' groups during teamwork 1. Proposal and discussion by the candidate of a suitable experimental strategy to address an issue selected by the committee and related to the topics of the course.

Students are invited to verify the existence of any preparatory requirements by consulting the Regulations of the Study Program relating to their year of enrollment. Exams taken in violation of the propaedeutic rules are invalid (Regolamento didattico d’Ateneo, art. 24, comma 3).


Additional web pages

Up-to-date record of lessons and subject matters will be available on the lecturer's web pages on Unimap (University of Pisa web site). 



President: Chiara Pucciariello

Members: Beatrice Giuntoli, Riccardo Di Mambro

Deputy President: Beatrice Giuntoli

Deputy Members: Matteo Dell'Acqua, Simona Di Gregorio

Updated: 18/08/2023 10:31