Modules | Area | Type | Hours | Teacher(s) | |
La verifica delle conoscenze è svolta attraverso:
- La verifica delle conoscenze sarà oggetto della valutazione dell'elaborato scritto previsto all'inizio di ogni sessione d'esame (da A.A. 18/19)
- lo svolgimento di casi di studio assieme al docente;
- la presentazione di un caso di analisi strategica a scelta dello studente
Knowledge verification is carried out through:
- analysing case studies together with the teacher;
- the presentation of a case study of strategic analysis at the end of the course
Al termine del corso, lo studente dovrà possedere le competenze di base per saper progettare, implementare, modificare ed utilizzare sistemi di controllo manageriali.
Dovrà quindi conoscere e saper applicare:
At the end of the course, the student will have basic skills to know how to design, implement, modify and use management control systems. It will then have to know and know how to apply:
La verifica delle capacità è svolta attraverso:
- la valutazione di un elaborato scritto previsto all'inizio di ogni sessione d'esame
- la discussione di un caso di studio
Capacity verification is carried out through:
- the evaluation of a written work, planned at the beginning of each exam session
Students will be able to acquire and / or develop sensitivity to the competitive dynamics of different industrial sectors and the different ways of creating economic value by businesses.
Students will be able to analyse the coherence between competitive strategy, performance measurement and incentive system.
Following the presentation of the case study and during the examination, the possible acquisition of the indicated behaviors is evaluated.
Argomenti la cui conoscenza è ritenuta importante per poter seguire in modo proficuo sono:
- elementi di base sulla gestione di impresa
- conoscenze sul bilancio di esercizio e la sua analisi
- tecniche di valutazione degli investimenti
Topics whose knowledge is important to be able to follow suitably are:
- Basic Business Management Elements - knowledge of the financial statements and their analysis - investment valuation techniques
The course takes place through frontal lessons, with slide help.
Business managers may be expected to partecipate.
Case studies and case studies are conducted in groups.
The eLearning site is used for downloading teaching materials, teaching-student communications, and publishing home exercises.
Student-teacher interactions take place through receptions at a predetermined time, the use of e-mail or the e-learning portal. A didactic project (case of individual study or groups) may be presented at the end of the course (optional)
Managerial control systems. Scope, features, decision support goals, motivation, learning and related requirements. Linking to business strategies, ROI, ROE and their analysis, the Du Pont model. Enterprise Value, Profitability and Growth: Conceptual Definition and Economic and Financial Interpretation. Incentive systems.
Business strategies. Fundamentals of industry, market, macro-segmentation; Competitive ability and industry attractiveness (and their proxies). Strategic options at corporate level, development, concentration and contraction. Portfolio analysis. Sector analysis, Porter's 5 forces model and competitive strategies. The Blue Ocean strategy approach with case studies analysis.
Management accounting and Responsibility Centers. Nature and Characteristics of Cost, Revenue, Profit and Investment Centers. Parametric and discretionary costs, cost variance analysis. Cost and variance of unused capacity. The specificities of the control of the staff units. Economic and control reports, profitability of a Profit Center. Transfer pricing mechanism: cost-based and negotiated transfer prices : goals, features, and choice of the right technique. Analysis of case studies.
Measurement and control of assets. Investment Centers, performance measurement through ROI and EVA. Definition of COIN and WACC, the Capital Asset Pricing Model. EVA and resource allocation decisions, asset base enhancement, and possible information distortion. Link between Enterprise Value, Market Value Added and EVA.
Strategic planning. Nature, evolution, macro-phases of the process. Budget links, operating budgets. Sales Budget, Inventory, Production, and Conformity Verification, Cost-of-Sale Budget. Investment, financial, cash budget.
The Business Plan. Features and application of the Business Plan, the strategic plan, marketing, operational and financial. Analysis of a BP from an investor's point of view.
New paradigms and techniques of costing methodologies. New paradigms and management methodologies. Target Costing, Life Cycle Costing, Activity Based Costing.
Libri di testo:
Capitoli:1 Leggere; 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 Studiare.
Strategia oceano blu. Vincere senza competere, W. Chan Kim, Renée Mauborgne, Editore: Rizzoli Etas, Edizione: 2, Anno edizione: 2015
Management Control Systems - Techniques and Processes for Implementing Strategies, Robert N. Anthony, Vijay Govindarajan, Diego M. Macrì, McgrawHill, 2006.
Also available online:
Chapters: 1 (To read); 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 (to study).
Slides and other material on Teams: 1020I 22/23 - STRATEGIE DI BUSINESS E MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING [WIG-LM]
It is also recommended to read the book: Blue ocean strategy. Winning Without Competing, W. Chan Kim, Renée Mauborgne, Publisher: Rizzoli Etas, Edition: 2, Year of Publication: 2015
Non ci sono variazioni per studenti non frequentanti in merito a: programma, modalità d'esame, bibliografia, possibile presentazione del caso studio
L’esame, a partire dall'A.A 19/20 è in forma SCRITTO + ORALE . La capacità di risolvere in modo sufficiente l’esercizio proposto nello scritto è ritenuta necessaria per superare l’esame in quanto legato a tematiche e competenze basilari.
La prova orale verte su 2/3 argomenti trattati e consiste in un colloquio tra il candidato e il docente ed il codocente, sulle rispettive parti di competenza; per superare la prova lo studente deve dimostrare di non avere vuoti di preparazione ed utilizzare una corretta terminologia.
La valutazione finale terrà conto della modalità di esecuzione dell'esercizio scritto e delle risposte date alle domande orali.
Coloro che hanno presentato il caso di studio potranno ottenere un bonus pari ad 1 o 2 punti a discrezione del docente, secondo la numerosità del gruppo e la qualità del lavoro.
Starting from A.A. 18/19 the examination shall consist of a written test which may be supplemented by an oral examination
The ability to adequately resolve the proposed exercise is deemed necessary to overcome the examination as it relates to basic issues and competencies.
The oral examination is based on 2/3 of the topics covered and consists of an interview between the candidate and the teacher and the tutor, on their respective areas of expertise.
To overcome the test, the student must demonstrate that he has no preparation gaps and use proper terminology. The final evaluation will take into account how the written exercise is executed and the answers given to the oral questions. Those who have submitted the case study will receive a bonus of 1 or 2 points at the discretion of the teacher, depending on the number of the group and the quality of the work.
Accedere al team (Microsoft Teams) 1020I 23/24 - STRATEGIE DI BUSINESS E MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING [WIG-LM]
Access to Microsoft Teams platform: 1020I 23/24 - STRATEGIE DI BUSINESS E MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING [WIG-LM]
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