View syllabus
Academic year2023/24
PeriodSemester 1

Obiettivi di apprendimento
Learning outcomes

Questo insegnamento è tenuto in lingua Inglese, per cui si prega di far riferimento alla corrispondente versione di ciascun campo descrittivo.


This module aims first to provide the fundamental knowledge and comprehension related to the key charactetistics of the main power seminconductor components, the topologies of the most important power converters, their operation principles and the main modulation techniques and control strategies adopted.
A short overview of their most relevant applications in the fields of industrial drives, sustainable transportation and energy generation from renewables will be provided, highlighting pros and cons of the different solutions.
The approach used will be aimed to electrical engineering students having a limited background in the discipline, mainly focusing on operation principles and semi-ideal analysis rather than on design procedures or detailed description of the semiconductor devices.

Modalità di verifica delle conoscenze

Questo insegnamento è tenuto in lingua Inglese, per cui si prega di far riferimento alla corrispondente versione di ciascun campo descrittivo.

Assessment criteria of knowledge

The assessment will be mainly carried out by means of a single final exam, consisting in a live discussion that will encompass the main topics addressed in the lectures aiming to assess also the level of comprehension and knowledge gained by the student for the different topics presented in the module.


Questo insegnamento è tenuto in lingua Inglese, per cui si prega di far riferimento alla corrispondente versione di ciascun campo descrittivo.


This module aims also to provide the students with effective methods for the conceptual understanding, the theoretical modeling and the semi-ideal analysis of power converters, including using appropriate mathematical tools for speculative investigation and quantitative evaluation.
Moreover, as a free non-compulsory activity the students will be offered the opportunity to learn using suited popular software tools, such as Simulink and PLECS, which are often used also in the industry to numerically model, simulate and analyze the operation of power converters and electrical drives in various applications.

Modalità di verifica delle capacità

Questo insegnamento è tenuto in lingua Inglese, per cui si prega di far riferimento alla corrispondente versione di ciascun campo descrittivo.

Assessment criteria of skills

During the final exam, the capability of the student to use a convincing approach for analysing the topics addressed in the module will be assessed, paying attention both to the effectiveness of the presentation and to the completeness and rigour of the conceptualization and reasoning, including also using appropriately suited mathematical tools for modeling and analysis.


Questo insegnamento è tenuto in lingua Inglese, per cui si prega di far riferimento alla corrispondente versione di ciascun campo descrittivo.


The topics addressed in this module will be presented adopting a systematic rigorous approach in the conceptual elaboration, including modeling using appropriate mathematical tools.
The students will be invited to 

The students will be encouraged to attend the lectures in an attentive and pro-active way, aiming to understand the topics while they are explained by the lecturer, also by eventually taking the opportunity to ask questions on the spot in case of any doubts or when lacking some necessary background.
They will be then stimulated to develop an open-minded, non-dogmatic, scientifically rigorous and positively critical approach, permitting them to better understand the motivations of the conclusions presented in the module and to spot and discuss any debatable point.
The students will be also encouraged to illustrate their own ideas and opinions, properly supporting them also by means of the conceptual and analytical tools presented in the module. 

Modalità di verifica dei comportamenti

Questo insegnamento è tenuto in lingua Inglese, per cui si prega di far riferimento alla corrispondente versione di ciascun campo descrittivo.

Assessment criteria of behaviors

During the final exam, attention will be given to the way the students illustrate the topics addressed, develop their reasoning and respond to the questions asked by the lecturer: a rigorous approach using appopriate mathematical tools and resulting effective for the purpose will be recognized and rewarded.

Prerequisiti (conoscenze iniziali)

Questo insegnamento è tenuto in lingua Inglese, per cui si prega di far riferimento alla corrispondente versione di ciascun campo descrittivo.


General knowledge of mathematical tools for engineering, especially calculus and linear algebra: real and complex fuctions, Fourier series decomposition, Laplace transform, vector and matrix operations.

General knowledge of circuits theory: fundamental laws and related supporting physical hypotheses, basic components, topological analysis, power balance, state variables analysis.

Fundamentals of electronics: main semiconductor components.

When necessary, specific background topics will be recalled during or aside the lectures.


Questo insegnamento è tenuto in lingua Inglese, per cui si prega di far riferimento alla corrispondente versione di ciascun campo descrittivo.



Prerequisiti per studi successivi

Questo insegnamento è tenuto in lingua Inglese, per cui si prega di far riferimento alla corrispondente versione di ciascun campo descrittivo.

Prerequisites for further study

The Power Electronics module provides the necessary background for attending the further optional module "Laboratorio di Convertitori, Macchine e Azionamenti Elettrici" (~ Power Converters, Electric Machines and Drives Lab), which is suggested to any studente interested in specializing in power electronics or electrical drives.

It will also provide an optional additional background permitting to better understand the aspects related to power converters included among the topics addressed in the compulsory module "Meccatronica".

Indicazioni metodologiche

Questo insegnamento è tenuto in lingua Inglese, per cui si prega di far riferimento alla corrispondente versione di ciascun campo descrittivo.

Teaching methods

Lectures will be given in regular classrooms using extensively the black/whiteboard.
Upon request from the students, the lectures may be also made available in live streaming via the MS Teams platform.

The students will be encouraged to attend the lectures in an attentive and pro-active way, aiming to understand the topics while they are explained by the lecturer also by eventually taking the opportunity to ask questions on the spot in case of any doubts or when lacking some necessary background.

For the optional activities related to modeling and simulation of power converters, the students will be granted free access to the software used and when possible the demonstrations will take place in a classroom equipped with PCs.

English will be used as the main working language, but upon request from the students the Italian language may be also used for questions, answers and clarifications.

The students will be also encouraged to arrange for personal or group meetings with the lecturer to ask for clarifications or discuss any topic of interest.

Programma (contenuti dell'insegnamento)

Questo insegnamento è tenuto in lingua Inglese, per cui si prega di far riferimento alla corrispondente versione di ciascun campo descrittivo.


The main classification of power interface circuits is introduced, outlining the general features of power converters in contrast to dissipative amplifiers and highlighting the pros and cons of switching vs. linear operation.
The implementation of switching cells is addressed, discussing the combination of capabilities deriving from series and paralletl connections.
An overview of the key characteristics of the main power semiconductor devices is presented, discussing the potential and issues related to series and parallel connections.

The general structure of port-structured direct converters is then analyzed, highlighting the constraints in their operation introducing available and permitted states. The relationships between port quantities are deduced introducing the switching functions. 

The concept of modulation as spectral approximation is presented, highlighting differences and potential benefits with respect to time-domain approximation.
The classification of global, local and hybrid methods is presented, envisioning the transition towards non-periodic control.
The effects of main structural properties are then analysed, highlighting the relationship with spectral properties and presenting the structural harmonic families elimination methods.
The classical harmonic elimination and constrained optimization methods are presented, discussing their characteristics.
Sufficient conditions for an effective local spectral approximation are then deduced, highlighting the wide range of techniques that can possibly implement them.
The classical PWM method is then deduced and its spectral characteristics are qualitatively predicted and effectively presented referring to the most common implementations.
Alternative local methods based on different approaches are then presented, highlighting the differences in the spectral performances.

The most significant topologies of direct converters, such as chopper, H-bridge, 3-legs inverter, NPC, are then presented, illustrating their conceptual operation and deducing the capability requirements for their switching cells and thus their possible implementation using real components.
Significant relationships correlating the most relevant quantities are deduced and commented.

The joined spectral approximation of sets of quantities is discussed, introducing the concept of variables transformation. The Clark-Park transformation for 3-phase sets is deduced and the vector application of the local spectral approximation approach is presented, illustrating the most popular SVM techniques. 

The role of reactive elements in indirect converters as energy buffers and voltage/current sources is highlighted.
The most significant topologies of indirect converters, such as buck, boost, buck-boost, flyback, PFC rectifier, are then presented illustrating their operation principles and the capability requirements for their switching cells and for the reactive elements. 

The estimation of losses in power components is addressed and the opportunity to seek for soft swiitching is presented.
The concept of resonant converters is introduced and simple examples are presented.

Throughout the module, basic hints are also provided about implementation aspects such as components packaging, converters layout, cooling, sensors and control systems, electromagnetic interferences. Realistic samples of components and converters will be also shown to the students as demonstrators.

Bibliografia e materiale didattico

Questo insegnamento è tenuto in lingua Inglese, per cui si prega di far riferimento alla corrispondente versione di ciascun campo descrittivo.


The students will be warmly encourged to take their own notes during the lectures, both because this is considered to be the most effective way to stay involved and to facilitate a prompt and gradual learning process, and because several topics will be presented in a rather unconventional way that is scarcely found in common textbooks. 
Anyway, upon request from interested students, suggestions will be provided for suited books or scientific papers to be consulted for a deeper study.

Indicazioni per non frequentanti

Questo insegnamento è tenuto in lingua Inglese, per cui si prega di far riferimento alla corrispondente versione di ciascun campo descrittivo.

Non-attending students info

Upon request from the students registered for this module, the lectures may be broadcasted live via the MS Teams platform and may also eventually be recorded and made accessible via the MS Stream service.

As far as possible, the date of the final exam will be agreed between the student and the lecturer. 

Modalità d'esame

Questo insegnamento è tenuto in lingua Inglese, per cui si prega di far riferimento alla corrispondente versione di ciascun campo descrittivo.

Assessment methods

The assessment will be mainly carried out by means of a single final exam, consisting in a live discussion that will encompass the main topics addressed in the lectures aiming to assess the level of comprehension and knowledge gained by the student for the different topics presented in the module as well as their capability to illustrate the topics and respond the questions in a rigorous and effective way.

Optionally, a project mainly involving the simulation of controlled power converters may be assigned upon request from interested students; in such case, the discussion of the model adopted and of the results obtained will be part of the final exam, possibly providing an extra score.

As far as possible, the date of the final exam will be agreed between the student and the lecturer. 

Stage e tirocini

Questo insegnamento è tenuto in lingua Inglese, per cui si prega di far riferimento alla corrispondente versione di ciascun campo descrittivo.

Work placement

No specific work placement activity is planned for this module.
However, collaborations are open with several companies operating in the field of power electronics, electric machines and electrical drives: therefore, upon request from interested students final thesis projects can be agreed involving collaborations with such companies, which often result in a proposal of employment after graduation.

Additional web pages


Any student interested in developing their M.Sc. thesis on topics related to power converters and their applications is encouraged to get in contact with the lecturer and to eventually attend also the optional module "Laboratorio di Convertitori, Machcine e Azionamenti Elettrici".

Further topics related to electric machines and drives are also available as M.Sc. thesis projects.

The thesis project may be developed either internally or in collaboration with external companies, institutions and universities, also eventually including some periods abroad, for example taking advantage of the support provided by the Erasmus+ program.

Updated: 31/07/2023 22:48