L'obiettivo del corso è fornire conoscenze di base sulla tradizione giuridica islamica e su alcuni sistemi giuridici contemporanei dei Paesi islamici.
The main goal involves an in-depth knowledge of the Islamic model, with a privileged point of view on the plurality of its voices and institutions. In addition, the historical course of the advent of Islam, of Muhammad's role as Prophet and as Governor of Medina will be analyzed, as well as a "constitutional" perspective on its organization. Moreover, particular attention will be devoted to the issues of a single-voiced Islamic model, the Five Pillars, the roots and sources of law, private and criminal law. Thus, to promote the knowledge of the dynamics between Tradition and Rule of law, the program will investigate some systems and will offer an overview of case studies, chosen to highlight the interactions between different levels and leyers of sources, in order to explain the differences between Muslim law and Muslim Countries (contemporary) law as well.
Le conoscenze saranno verificate attraverso un esame orale.
The students’ knowledge - acquired via the thorough analysis provided during the course - will be assessed through their capability in detecting similarities and differences both within the Islamic model itself and between the different systems. A specific focus will concern lexicon and categories, especially in relation to the mostly debated topics.
Lo/la studente alla fine del Corso svilupperà la capacità di distinguere le matrici culturali e religiose da quelle giuridiche.
Students will develop new points of view as far as mainstream narratives on Islam and the Arab-Islamic world are concerned, fostering a critical analysis. Furthermore, they will be able to create a clear and complete framework of the differences between classical scholarship and contemporary interpretations. In addition, a comparative perspective and approach will be chosen.
La verifica si svolgerà con un esame orale.
The acquired skills will be proved through a final oral examination, whereas group discussions will be provided during the course in order to encourage interactions between students and the mutual exchange of ideas.
Gli e le studenti potranno sviluppare sensibilità critica rispetto alle narrazioni islamofobiche
Students will be suggested to develop a pluralist approach on the topics, along with a non euro-centric perspective.
La verifica sarà effettuata durante l'esame orale.
The behaviors assessment will be carried out constantly, with the support of guest lectures and debates in class.
Il corso sarà svolto attraverso lezioni frontali, discussioni in aula, incontri seminariali.
The course will be carried out through lectures. In addition to the essential knowledge related to the program, thematic lessons on specific topics will be arranged, with the participation of guests. Topics will be selected by the teacher, but requests for further insights are very welcomed by students as well. Attendance is highly recommended.
1. Introduzione ai diritti religiosi
2. Il diritto islamico: le fonti storiche
3.Il diritto islamico: le fonti normative
4. Il pluralismo islamico nell'unità della tradizione
5. Le declinazioni statali del diritto islamico
1. Introduction: methodological approaches, misrepresentations and critical issues.
2. The origins: the Prophet and the Revelation
3. After the Prophet: the creation of a model and "constitutional" issues
4. The five pillars
5. The sources of law: Sharia and the roots of law
6. Legal scholarship: Sharīʿa v. fiqh; interpretation and potential outcomes
7. Private law
8. Criminal law
9. Islamic law today: a comparative perspective
10. Relationship between rule of law and rule of tradition
11. Some (legal) experiences: systems and models
12. Some case studies: interactions between constitutional law and tradition in the perspective of an intercultural state
Testi di riferimento generali (limitatamente alle parti che verranno indicate all'inizio del corso):
Testi e materiali di riferimento saranno indicati durante il Corso.
Le persone che non possono frequentare, possono studiare:
a) Nicola Fiorita, L'islam speigato ai miei studenti. Undici lezioni di diritto islamico, Firenze University Press, 2010
b) Patrck Glenn, Tradizioni giuridiche nel mondo. La sostenibilità della differenza, Il Mulino, 2011 (relativamente alle sole parti relative all'Islam)
Gli/le studenti non frequentanti preparano lo stesso programma previsto sopra, con l'ausilio dei testi indicati, e possono contattare i docenti per ogni necessario chiarimento.
Non-attending students can contact the teacher at any time for information and clarifications, both regarding the program and its content.
Gli esami si svolgeranno in forma orale.
Examinations will take place exclusively in oral form and in compliance with the updates of the pandemic emergency.
Pierluigi Consorti
Luigi M. Guzzo
Giovanna Spano'
Simone Baldetti