Scheda programma d'esame
Academic year2023/24
PeriodSemester 1 & 2

Obiettivi di apprendimento
Learning outcomes
  • In-depth knowledge of the process and the plants for the production of paper; technical and regulatory constraints
  • Knowledge of the operating principles and the components of the machines involved in the production process of tissue paper and cardboard.

Knowledge of the design and sizing principles of a plant for the production of paper and the packaging materials;

  • In-depth knowledge of the process and the plants for the production of paper; technical and regulatory constraints
  • Knowledge of the operating principles and the components of the machines involved in the production process of tissue paper and cardboard.

Knowledge of the design and sizing principles of a plant for the production of paper and the packaging materials;

Modalità di verifica delle conoscenze

Lo studente sarà valutato sulla sua capacità di discutere i contenuti del corso utilizzando la terminologia appropriata. - Durante la prova orale lo studente deve essere in grado di dimostrare la sua conoscenza del materiale del corso ed essere in grado di discutere il lavoro del progetto eseguito alla fine del corso


Assessment criteria of knowledge

The student will be assessed on his/her demonstrated ability to discuss the main course contents using the appropriate terminology. - During the oral exam the student must be able to demonstrate his/her knowledge of the course material and be able to discuss the project work executed at the end of the course - The student's ability to explain correctly the main topics presented during the course at the board will be assessed.


Capacità di effettuare valutazioni su impianti di propuzione  e di elaborare un progetto finale su un caso studio di interesse per il settore pulp&paper



Ability to carry out evaluations on paper production plants  and to develop a final project on a case study of interest to the pulp & paper sector

Modalità di verifica delle capacità

Sviluppo di un progetto con discussione dell'elaborato progettuale nell’esame orale


Assessment criteria of skills

Development of a project with discussion of the project work in the oral exam


Durante il lavoro di gruppo gli studenti potranno maturare la sensibilità alla integrazione delle competenze caratterizzanti la tematica degli impianti di produzione di carta e cartone


During group work, students will be able to develop awareness of the integration of skills characterizing the issue of paper and cardboard production plants

Modalità di verifica dei comportamenti

Durante il lavoro di gruppo saranno verificate le modalità di analisi e integrazione dei dati e delle nozioni

Assessment criteria of behaviors

During the group work, the methods of analysis and integration of data and concepts will be verified

Prerequisiti (conoscenze iniziali)

First level degree in industrial engineering


First level degree in industrial engineering

Indicazioni metodologiche

Il corso, in lingua inglese,  si svolge in modo frontale tradizionale, talvolta con l'ausilio di slide/filmati/connessioni web. Possono essere inseriti seminari tenuti da esperti. Il materiale didattico a supporto del corso è postato sul portale e-learnng.  Quando possibile vengono organizzate visite presso stabilimenti industriali. L'interazione con lo studente avviene anche al di fuori della lezione mediante ricevimenti settimanali e posta elettronica. Il ricevimento settimanale del docente è concordato all'inizio del corso in base all'orario delle lezioni.

Teaching methods

The course takes place in a traditional frontal way, sometimes with the help of slides / videos / web connections. Seminars held by experts can be included. The teaching material supporting the course is posted on the e-learnng portal. Whenever possible, visits to industrial plants are organized. The interaction with the student also takes place outside the lesson through weekly receptions and e-mails. The weekly reception of the teacher is agreed at the beginning of the course according to the timetable of the lessons.

Programma (contenuti dell'insegnamento)
  • Fundamentals of process engineering:
    • material balances and process/plant representations (Flow sheets, P&I, technical specifications, etc.)
    • unit operations in paper production: fluidynamics, heat transfer and drying, chemical reaction engineering
  • Regulatory and other requirements
    • Permitting issues
    • Industrial emission directive and BAT
    • The pulp and paper BREF
  • Raw materials for paper production: characteristics and regulation.
  • Preliminary operations in paper production:
    • Disintegration of the fibre:
      • Refining the fibre;
      • Pulp purging plants;
      • Deinking plants;
    • Paper for recycling:
      • Mechanical processes;
      • Chemical processes;
      • Intake by the pulper;
      • Purification and sterilisation;
  • The paper production - Paper machine:
    • Wet end: feeding the headbox and headbox;
    • Wire section;
    • Felts
    • Presses section
    • Dry end: (Drying section; calendaring;coating;etc.)
    • Auxiliary systems:
      • Vacuum plants
  • Water management in paper mills: water recycle, wastewater treatment
  • Waste management in paper mills: rejects, sludges, other wastes recovery/disposal
  • Fundamentals of process engineering:
    • material balances and process/plant representations (Flow sheets, P&I, technical specifications, etc.)
    • unit operations in paper production:  fluidynamics, heat transfer and drying, chemical reaction engineering
  • Regulatory and other requirements
    • Permitting issues
    • Industrial emission directive and BAT
    • The pulp and paper BREF
  • Raw materials for paper production: characteristics and regulation.
  • Preliminary operations in paper production:
    • Disintegration of the fibre:
      • Refining the fibre;
      • Pulp purging plants;
      • Deinking plants;
  • Paper for recycling:
    • Mechanical processes;
    • Chemical processes;
    • Intake by the pulper;
    • Purification and sterilisation;
  • The paper production - Paper machine:
    • Wet end: feeding the headbox and headbox;
    • Wire section;
    • Felts
    • Presses section
    • Dry end: (Drying section; calendaring;coating;etc.)
    • Auxiliary systems:
      • Vacuum plants
  • Water management in paper mills: water recycle, wastewater treatment
  • Waste management in paper mills: rejects, sludges, other wastes recovery/disposal
Bibliografia e materiale didattico

Materiale didattico (slides, schemi, documenti, normativa) su piattaforma e-learning


Educational material (slides, diagrams, documents, regulations) on the e-learning platform

Indicazioni per non frequentanti


Non-attending students info


Modalità d'esame

L'esame consiste in una prova orale tra il candidato e il docente della durata media di 45 minuti.
La prova orale non è superata se il candidato mostra di non essere in grado di descrivere e giusticficare le scelte progettuali e le metodologie utilizzate per la redazione del progetto finale, esprimendosi in modo chiaro e di usando la terminologia corretta

Assessment methods

The exam consists of an oral test between the candidate and the teacher lasting an average of 45 minutes. The oral test is not passed if the candidate proves unable to describe and justify the design choices and the methodologies used for the drafting of the final project, expressing himself clearly and using the correct terminology

Updated: 02/08/2023 08:51