Scheda programma d'esame
Academic year2017/18
PeriodSemester 2

Learning outcomes

The students completing the course will have a basic knowledge about moving and operating in the surgical area. They will be able to understand the structure and the functioning of the operating area and will be able to develop their surgical skills consciously. They will have the basis to understand ther anaesthesiological management of a patient and to assist the anesthetist in the operating room. The course is furthermore aimed at exposing the students to all principal topics regarding the surgical patient, from the hospitalization, to the perioperative period to the complete healing. The main learning outcomes regards then the concept of asepsis and its practical applications, the knowledge of the operative theatre, of the material and of the professional figures involved, the basic clinical monitoring of a surgical patient and the surveillance og the fluid balance, the knowledge and the skill to spot the postoperative complications, as well as the skills to manage successfully the surgical wounds. Each topic has a number of (written) core concepts which represent the minimal level of knowledge required to afford a successfull examination.

Assessment criteria of knowledge

The student minimum learning level is given by the demonstration of an appropriate knowledge of the key point for each lesson / argument. This will be assessed by the oral esamination.


  • Final oral exam
Teaching methods

Delivery: face to face

Learning activities:

  • attending lectures
  • participation in discussions

Attendance: Advised

Teaching methods:

  • Lectures
Programma (contenuti dell'insegnamento)
  • Principi fondamentali della chirurgia- l’asepsi, la tecnica chirurgica, le suture, i sistemi di drenaggio, lo svolgimento dell’intervento chirurgico, la chirurgia laparoscopica, la chirurgia robotica, l’endoscopia e l’ecografia interventistiche.

  • La gestione del paziente prima dell'intervento

  • La gestione postoperatorio del paziente chirurgico. Complicanze postoperatorie. Nutrizione enterale e parenterale.
  • Le ferite chirurgiche.
  • Lo shock: riconoscimento e principi di gestione.
  • Concetti di base in oncologia; metodologia epidemiologica e cancro.
  • La mammella. Gestione del nodulo mammario, screening e gestione del carcinoma.
  • I Tumori Ginecologici: trattamento chirurgico e gestione delle vie urinarie e digestive (stomie).
  • Gestione dell’intestino occluso.


  • Anatomia della colonna vertebrale
  • Le insufficienze respiratorie croniche e acute
  • Anestesia generale
  • Anestesia loco-regionale
  • Analgesia perdiurale
  • Complicanze delle anestesie generali e loco-regionali
  • Farmaci dell' anestesia generale
  • Anestetici locali
  • Shock anafilattico
  • Anafilassi e reazione anafilattoide
  • Il dolore post-operatorio: linee guida 
  • Varie tipologie di terapia del dolore
  • Vari tipi di anestesia nel taglio cesareo
  • Indicazioni alla parto-analgesia
  • I consensi informati
  • Note di rianimazione cardio-polmonare nella donna gravida
  • La gestosi: metodi anestesiologici

The course starts with the exposition of basic surgical principles: asepsis and its practical applications, the surgical technique, the surgical instruments (from stitches to drains to the operative instruments), the concept of laparoscopic and robotic surgery, operative endoscopic and echographic procedures. Then it deals with the preoperative management of the patient: the concept of bodily homeostasis, the fluid and electrolyte exchanges, the consideration of the operative risk, the informed consent, antibiotic prophylaxis, the vascular accesses. Follows the postoperative management of the patient: postoperative complications and their management, artificial feeding, the management of surgical wounds and of acute hemorrhage.


Suggested textbook: Brunner, Suddarth: Nursing medico-chirurgico. Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2 volumi. Written didactic material with key points for each lecture will be available during lessons. Didactic material is available as a presentation on-line (Test-net).

Modalità d'esame

Esame orale

Updated: 23/04/2018 18:44