Scheda programma d'esame
Academic year2019/20
PeriodSemester 2

Programma non disponibile nella lingua selezionata
Learning outcomes


Migration is a key-issue in the institutional agenda of contemporary liberal-democracies. The aim of the course is to provide an advanced understanding of the relevant themes and questions related to migration: the course will focus on the main policy guidelines adopted by EU Member States since the beginning of the Nineties; as well as on the political struggles behind the decision making processes. The research questions that will be addressed are the following: 1) how different States “shape” the problem of migration? 2) which are the main consequences of migration in terms of intra and inter-State politics and policies? 3) does migration need to be studied through new concepts and approaches? Particular attention will be devoted to the multi-level settings that characterize migration policies and to the dynamics of the relations between actors operating at different territorial levels. Drawing on theories and methods of policy studies and administrative science, the course will provide students with a tool-box oriented to the analysis and planning of interventions in the migration domain. At the same time, the course will focus on the political dynamics that characterize the public debate on migration issues: in this respect, the course will also provide students with useful concepts for the comparative study of political and party systems.


Assessment criteria of knowledge


Class participation – 20%

Students are expected to attend all the lectures seminars and participate in class discussions.

In-class test – 60%

Students will be asked to answer to a multiple-choice test during the semester. Date of test class is defined by the Lecturer and communicated to the students during the first class of the course.

In-class issue presentation – 20%.

Such a presentation (up to 15 minutes) is performed by each student once in the term. The presentation will be based on suggested readings and discussion topics. The presenter should briefly introduce the argument, by showing capacities to offer a critical interpretation of the readings, and registering agreements and disagreements. The presenter should also attempt to consider how the given argument could be framed differently. A number of critical questions should further be offered for the class to discuss collectively.




By the end of this course students should be able to:


  • apply terminology, theories, and concepts of Policy Sciences and Comparative politics to current events and specific cases;

  • identify and compare the main guidelines adopted by European governments and the subsequent policy outcomes in the field;

  • assess similarities and differences in policy planning, implementation and evaluation in the field;

  • critically interpret domestic and international political events;

  • assess structural, cultural and institutional factors determining political outcomes;



Assessment criteria of skills

A practical demonstration of how to find both secondary and primary sources will be organizaed during the course;


Students will be able to analyse critically problems related to migration policy making, framed as a complex network of actors, processes, events;

Assessment criteria of behaviors

Following the course, students will be asked to present a brief relation concerning the addressed topics;


Although not compulsory, students should possess at least basic knowledge in the field of Political Science (Political Science, International Relations, Public Policy Analysis, Administrative Sciences).

Teaching methods
  • Lectures;
  • Intermediate test;
  • Use of informatic tools to improve research capacities;
  • Lectures by experts (to be confirmed);
  • Students may contact directly the professor by e-mail and/or Skype;

Topic 1 Policy Science and Political Science (2 Lectures)

Topic 2 Approaches to Public Policy (1 Lecture)

Topic 3 Actors and Institutions - Assessing the Policy Capabilities of States (2 Lectures)

Topic 4 Policy Instruments (1 Lecture)

Topic 5 Agenda Setting - Policy Determinants and Policy Windows (1 Lecture)

Topic 6 Policy Formulation - Policy Communities and Policy Networks (1 Lecture)


Topic 7 Public Policy Decision-Making -Beyond Rationalism, Incrementalism, and Irrationalism (1 Lecture)

Topic 8 Policy Implementation -Policy Design and the Choice of Policy Instrument (1 Lecture)

Topic 9 Policy Evaluation - Policy Analysis and Policy Learning (1 Lecture)

Topic 10 Policy Styles, Policy Paradigms and the Policy Cycle (1 Lecture)

Topic 11 Migration Governance in Europe (1 Lecture)

Topic 12 Dimensions of Immigration Policy (1 Lecture)

Topic 13 Analysing the Politics of Migration and Immigration in Europe (1 Lecture)

Topic 14 The Party Politics of Migration (1 Lecture)

Topic 15 Great Britain (1 Lecture)

Topic 16 France (1 Lecture)

Topic 17 Germany (1 Lecture)

Topic 18 The Netherlands (1 Lecture)

Topic 19 Sweden (1 Lecture)

Topic 20 Southern Europe (1 Lecture)

Topic 21 Migration dynamics in Central and Eastern Europe (1 Lecture)











Studying Public Policy: Policy Cycles and Policy Subsystems (Howlett, Ramesh and Perl, 2009, Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10)

Sartori G (1970), Concept Misformation in Comparative Politics. In ‘American Political Science Review’, 64: 4, 1033-1053;

Collier D (1993), The Comparative Method. In Finifter AW (ed) Political Science: The State of the Discipline II. Washington: APSA Press.

Luedtke A (2019) Migration governance in Europe. In Weinar A et al. (eds), The Routledge Handbook of the Politics of Migration in Europe. London: Routledge, 15-25;

Rosenblum MR and Cornelius WA (2012), Dimension of Immigration Policy. In Rosenblum MR and Tichenor Dj (eds), The Oxford Handbook of International Migration. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 245-273.

Geddens A and Scholten P (2016) The Politics of Migration and Immigration in Europe. London: Sage, Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10.

Odmalm P (2019), The Party Politics of Migration. In Weinar A et al. (eds), The Routledge Handbook of the Politics of Migration in Europe. London: Routledge, 118-123;

Givens TE (2012) Effects of Migration: Political Parties. In Rosenblum MR and Tichenor Dj (eds), The Oxford Handbook of International Migration. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 153-170.





Non-attending students info

Neither the prorgramme nor the final examination differ from those described for the attending students

Assessment methods

The final examination will consist in an oral exam between the student and the commission;

Updated: 03/01/2020 14:27