Astrophysical black holes

Code 359BB
Credits 6

Learning outcomes


- observables properties of black holes
- black hole perturbation theory
- review of current observations


The course aims at reviewing the astrophysical properties of black holes observed until now to bring
students up to date with the field. We will describe both electro-magnetic and gravitational observations as well
as the methods employed in both fields. The course will briefly recap the Schwarzschild and Kerr solutions and
will then proceed into perturbation theory on Schwarzschild metric. The latter will be used to introduce the concept of
quasi-normal modes of a black hole and to understand their usefulness as observational tool.
For the electro-magnetic observations, we will introduce accretion disks and review some of their observational properties.
Because of its interdisciplinary nature, the course will coordinate with
the experimental gravity and the astrophysical processes courses.