Quantum Liquids

Code 382BB
Credits 9

Learning outcomes

Learning goals. At the end of the course, the student/student will have developed conceptual, procedural and factual knowledge in the physics of quantum liquids at equilibrium (6 CFU module) and of open driven-dissipative quantum systems (3 CFU module) and their engineering as quantum simulators in current quantum technology platforms. In particular:
(a) Advanced theoretical methods to predict and characterize the physics of quantum liquids at equilibrium, their relationship to quantum simulation methods, and their classification by functionality and problem types. Among the methods: linear response, quantum hydrodynamics, functional density and current, Green functions and non-perturbative methods, bosonization.
(b) Theoretical elements and simulation methods for quantum systems and networks open out of equilibrium and driven-dissipative: Markovian and non-Markovian systems, dissipation engineering, simulation methods, applications for quantum technologies and biology.
(c) Principles of operation of the main platforms of quantum technologies: atoms, dipolar and Rydberg atoms, ultracold ions, atoms in QED cavities; superconducting circuits; light fluids in optical cavities; low dimensional systems. Their use as quantum simulators for condensed matter, fundamental physics, quantum metrology, analogous gravity, and cosmology.
Recognize in the complexity of equilibrium and driven-dissipative quantum liquids the simplicity of their macroscopic properties. Formalize concepts and know how to deal with them with the methods and procedures developed. Connect conceptual knowledge and formalization with phenomenology and applications. Organize disciplinary knowledge in a conceptual map with thermodynamics, statistical mechanics and phase transitions, field theories. Critically evaluate specialistic research articles. Design explanations on the functioning of quantum liquids in different experimental platforms. Communicate effectively and efficiently. Work with autonomy, awareness, and self-assessment skills. Work in team.