Drug delivery strategies and technologies

Code -
Credits 6

Learning outcomes

Drug delivery is a continuous open challenge aimed at improving drug bioavailability and bringing together patience convenience with drug therapeutic efficacy. The course is intended to complement and complete the information on pharmaceutical polymers provided by the fundamental courses of the group discipline of Pharmaceutical Technology. The roles of polymers in drug pharmacokinetic improvements and drug stabilization, as well as their inherent/adjutant bioactivity and their use in recently available processing technologies (eg., printing, electrospinning, nanoparticle technology, etc.). The course will focus on the integration of chemical-physical features with biopharmaceutical and biological aspects, devoted to the formulation of advanced dosage forms and diagnostics. The course aims at providing the students with insights on nanomedicine and biological therapeutics formulations, for a forward-looking positive attitude on the opportunities for formulators and on the achievement of efficacious/targeted pharmaceutical dosage forms