Code 408EE
Credits 6

Learning outcomes

The purpose of the course is to introduce the student to the logical and methodological principles that underpin the understanding of the processes that affect patterns of distribution, abundance and diversity of assemblages of algae and invertebrates of rocky shores. The focus will be on the experimental and quantitative aspects of marine ecology, with emphasis on issues of sampling and experimental design and the application of intensive numerical procedures for the analysis of complex ecological data.
At the end of the course the student will be able to: explain the influence of abiotic and biotic processes and their
interactions on assemblages of algae and invertebrates of rocky shores; read a scientific article on the ecology of rocky shores, developing skills to understand the logic and the experimental methods of the study and the ability to interpret the main outcomes critically; design, conduct, analyze and interpret a field experiment on the ecology of assemblages of rocky shores; make use of the principles of sampling and experimental design to investigate anthropogenic effects such as ecological impacts and the effects of Marine Protected Areas.