Precision viticulture
Code 498GG
Credits 9
Learning outcomes
Knowledge: digitization and digitalization of the ITC information technology communication chain (sensors, communication, processing, actuation), knowing the factors that influence the vegetative and productive activity of plants, including the interactions, updated knowledge on high technology for grape production and connection with the full agrifood chain
Skills: data processing, data conversion, machine learning, actuation tools, assessing the potential and site-specific limits of a vineyard, approaching at a practical and systemic vision in innovative technology adoption aimed to the actuation of precision sustainable farming
Behaviors: identifying field and territorial and global networks adoption and IoT and embedded communication use on machinery and plants, ability to create a vineyard zoning and to design a crop management accordingly, assessment of appropriate technical introduction in the process and operative set-up procedures
Skills: data processing, data conversion, machine learning, actuation tools, assessing the potential and site-specific limits of a vineyard, approaching at a practical and systemic vision in innovative technology adoption aimed to the actuation of precision sustainable farming
Behaviors: identifying field and territorial and global networks adoption and IoT and embedded communication use on machinery and plants, ability to create a vineyard zoning and to design a crop management accordingly, assessment of appropriate technical introduction in the process and operative set-up procedures