Industrial and Transportation Economics

Code -
Credits 9

Learning outcomes

- Analysis of industry and market structure for the best comprehension of firms behaviour in economic complex systems
- Special focus on “economics of imperfect competition”
- Setting up of an appropriate sensitivity for the comprehension of simple and complex transport systems, notably maritime systems and sustainable transport systems
- Developing the best capability for analyzing transport systems as industries, according to industrial organization analysis

The course consists of two strictly interrelated parts :
- industrial organisation, and
- transport and logistic economics.

The goal of studying industrial organisation is the acquisition of tools fundamental for the analyse of any sort of industries; the goals of studying transportation industries is to knowledge the main aspects of the different transportation modalities and their characteristics from industrial point of view.
The course, therefore, deals with the industrial organisation (in particular central questions of industrial organisation, efficiency, basic microeconomics review, firms performance, monopoly, natural monopoly, leading firm and regulation, perfect competition, almost perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly competition: the Bertrand model and the Cournot model, collusion and anti- trust policy, market structure and market power, price discrimination, vertical integrations and relations, product differentiation, etc) with exemplary references to main types of transportation markets (when this were possible), starting with their descriptions and concluding with industrial analysis (structure, competition, performance, strategic interaction, etc).
During the course, when possible, industrial organisation and transportations themes will enjoy alternate treatment.
Transportation systems are very important in a territory development, therefore, special attention will be given to their sustainability on the basis of European Union regulations as readable in the White Paper 2001 (in themes of Short Sea Shipping and sustainable transport systems enforcement) and following rules.