ADE - Disability and gymnastics
Code 700ZW
Credits 1
Learning outcomes
Si acquisiscono le nozioni teoriche sulle principali disabilità psicofisiche e le competenze di base per poter gestire protocolli di attività motoria adattata. Le potenzialità della ginnastica nelle disabilità fisiche (disturbo dell'area motoria, goffaggine, disturbi di lateralità e schema corporeo, paramorfismi e dismorfismi) e psichiche (autismo, sindrome di Down) e sensoriali.
You will acquire the theoretical notions on the main psychophysical disabilities and the basic skills to handle protocols adapted physical activity. The potential of gymnastics in physical disability (disorder of the motor, clumsiness, laterality and disorders of the body schema, and dysmorphic paramorphisms) and psychological (autism, Down syndrome) and sensory.
You will acquire the theoretical notions on the main psychophysical disabilities and the basic skills to handle protocols adapted physical activity. The potential of gymnastics in physical disability (disorder of the motor, clumsiness, laterality and disorders of the body schema, and dysmorphic paramorphisms) and psychological (autism, Down syndrome) and sensory.